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TUI Flight Personal Injury Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For A Accident on a TUI Flight?

TUI flightWhen looking at the major tour operators and flight operators, in the UK TUI is bound to be one of the first ones you think of. A company that has been providing holidaymakers with the routes to some of the most popular holiday destinations on the planet, you would assume that TUI flights would go without much incident. However, if you are one of the people injured in a TUI Airways flight accident, you will likely not have the greatest memories of your flight with the airline. Of course, TUI cannot take back the bad memories associated with a TUI Airways flight accident, but they might be liable to compensate you for any injuries received due to the incident, and on this page, we will explain how that could be possible. If you prefer to chat straight away, then 0800 073 8804 puts you through to our experienced team, but we have provided much of the information you’d need to know in the handy guide to TUI Airways flight accident compensation below.

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A Guide To TUI Package Holiday Flight Accident Claims

One of the leading UK package holiday operators, TUI operate flights from many of the major airports in the UK to far-flung destinations that offer sandy beaches and sunny weather. However, not all flights operated have done so without incident, and there have been people that complain – on online forums, in the news and elsewhere online – about the levels of service they’ve received by the company and the accidents that have befallen them while on board a TUI Airways flight. These people may be eligible to make claims for compensation for these accidents, and they could do so through Legal Expert. Within the below sections, we are going to cover all the information these people will need to be aware of when making a claim, along with some more relevant information about our services, and how we can help facilitate this type of TUI Airways flight accident claim. We’ll cover the personal injury claims time limit, the types of accident we can help secure compensation for, and the types of legislation meant to protect you, such as the Montreal Convention, and how it affects you. We will even give you some guidance on amounts of compensation for various types of injury onboard a TUI Airways flight.

What Are Air Accident Claims?

An air accident claim doesn’t necessarily involve aircraft malfunction or air crashes. There are so many things that can constitute an air accident claim, including:

  • Burns happening due to foods and drinks onboard
  • Being hit by a trolley in flight
  • Slips and falls
  • Items falling from a locker overhead
  • Faulty seats

We will explain these air travel accident claim examples in more detail below, but if you’ve been injured on a flight in any way, and it was someone’s fault – the airline, ground handling crew or another, then you might be able to make a flight accident claim against TUI or the company who was at fault.

Eligibility And Unexpected Circumstances

Just because you’ve been injured aboard a TUI plane, however, it doesn’t mean you’re automatically able to claim. We’ll explain a couple of examples below to help you see how this can be, but do call us for clarification on your exact circumstances and we’ll tell you if we feel a claim is warranted.

Example A: A man is hit by an item when another passenger pulls it out of the overhead locker – TUI would NOT likely be liable, as the other passenger is the person that would have injured the man.

Example B: A man is hit by an item falling from an overhead locker that was not properly closed or checked to be closed by the relevant TUI employee – TUI may well be liable for this as it is the airline’s duty to ensure your safety onboard.

It is also important to know, in terms of DVT as a condition that can be contracted within the flight, the likelihood is that you would not be able to make a claim.

The best thing you can do to help establish liability is call and explain what’s happened to our team and we’ll help work out who could be at fault for you free – and with no obligation to take a case forward.

Your Right To Compensation For Air Accidents In The UK

Legislation exists to protect people, and this is certainly the case when it comes to air travel. Regulations regarding package holidays, which came into force in 1992 ensure that whether TUI owned their own airline or not, if you booked a package including transport, accommodation and tours with them, or any 2 of the three, it would be covered as a package holiday, and you would be able to claim against the tour operator (TUI) for accidents that happened at any of these places.

Air Passenger Rights In The Montreal Convention

You may have heard of the above in terms of flight compensation, and its important you understand what they cover you for. The convention assists people looking to bring an accident claim for things that happen on internationally flying aircraft to do so in a jurisdiction they choose. There are a hundred and twenty countries covered within this convention and more airlines than you can think of, which means no matter where you were travelling to and from, if it was international and something happened, and it was covered by the Montreal Convention list of countries, you can claim.

What Unexpected Accidents Can I Claim Compensation For?

So many different types of accidents can lead to TUI Airways flight accident claims that it would be almost impossible to list them all. However, there are some common aircraft accidents that are seen more often than others, and these include:

  • Turbulence injuries
  • Poisoning by foods and drinks
  • Accidents with trolleys
  • Disabled passengers accidents
  • Lockers (overhead) accidents
  • Chairs that are faulty accidents

We cover many of these in a little more detail below in the sections that follow this one. Do take care to read the information relevant to your case but do also call us whenever you have a query as to your eligibility.

Burned By Hot Foods And Drinks On A Plane

Hot food and drinks come with risks anyway – add an aeroplane into the mix and it is no wonder that accidents can happen. But it is important to know when a hot food or drink burn (tea burn or coffee burn) makes you eligible to claim and when it doesn’t. Basically, if someone working for TUI drops a hot drink or spills hot food on you, then you might be able to claim. Similarly, if they serve you something too hot, then you might be able to claim they are liable for your burn injury. Burn injuries can take some time to recover from and can also lead to scarring which could be permanent, so it is important to seek compensation to cover any pains, suffering or loss of use of the afflicted area (such as for work) when you might have lost out on income because of it.

Injuries To A Passenger With Disabilities

Disabled people should be able to travel as much as they want to, and it is the airline’s responsibility to make sure they are safe on board, just as they would for any able-bodied person. TUI Airways flight accidents claims can be put forward by the disabled person themselves or their responsible party (also known as a litigation friend) should they be injured on board as a result of negligence by TUI or dangerous behaviour. A personal injury lawyer could help you make claims if you were not secured in your seat by staff or if you were not given the medication required on flight, but it is important that you give TUI Airways some notice (Government advises 48 hours at least) of your needs when travelling with them as a disabled passenger.

Service Cart Impacts And Injuries

There’s a running joke about people’s elbows being bumped and banged by airline service carts but when injuries do happen and are caused by poor operation of the cart, then TUI flight accident claims can follow. All TUI staff should receive training as to the safe operation of these carts and if they fail to follow the training or the training was deemed to be inadequate, then their employer can be deemed to be at fault. Service carts can be quite heavy and can potentially cause injuries to feet, hands, shoulders etc, some of which can be quite severe. If you’ve been injured by one, then a personal injury solicitor can set about providing you with legal representation to secure flight injury compensation.

Airplane Slip, Trip Accidents

Often the most common accident type both on and off flights, these can happen and bring about TUI flight accident claims in many ways. You may have tripped on improperly secured flooring, or a seat that was not properly fixed, or you may have fallen when boarding and disembarking the flight. The airbridge may have been the issue if the floor was wet and slippy, or it may have been the aircraft steps. Wherever you slipped and fell, we can help advise on whether you’d have a claim.

TUI Passenger Injuries Caused By Objects Falling From An Overhead Cabin

We mentioned an example of how this could lead to TUI Airways flight accident claims, as it is TUI staff’s duty to ensure that all lockers are closed properly and secured before the flight commences. Even if they have been secured, if they are not maintained properly, lockers can fly open, leading to heavy bags and objects falling on passengers. If it were due to poor maintenance, or TUI staff’s negligence, then you would likely be able to make a personal injury claim for an overhead luggage bin injury.

TUI Compensation Claims For Unexpected Turbulence

Whatever your feelings about turbulence, if you’ve flown a number of times, you’re sure to have experienced it at least once. Obviously turbulence can happen on any flight, so what makes it possible for you to make a claim if turbulence has caused you injury?

The answer lies in the word within this section – unexpected. If the seatbelt light has been switched on, and the pilot or cabin crew had relayed the message that turbulence was expected and given instructions on what to do – then you would likely not be able to claim. If, however, there was no warning, and you were injured, you could look into making TUI Airways flight accident claims for the injuries sustained because of it.

Claim For Food Poisoning On A Tui Airways Flight

There are strict laws that govern food preparation and storage, and these extend to flights on which they are served. Whether you’ve received food poisoning from an improperly stored airline meal, or have suffered an allergy due to TUI giving you foods containing things you have informed them you’re allergic to, then you could claim. Similarly, if your pre-packaged food did not display allergens and you consumed it and fell ill with allergies you might also have cause to claim. This is due to the fact that pre-packaged food should list allergens.

Can I Claim For A Food Allergy Compensation?

lf you have had a allergic reaction due to being served the wrong food they you could be eligible to make a food allergy compensation claim. For more information contact us today for free advice on allergic reaction injury claims.

Faulty, Broken, And Damaged Seats Causing Injury

The airline is responsible for their aircraft, and the safe running and maintenance of all its components. This extends to its seats. If you’ve been injured due to sharp edges on seating that should have been attended to, or a seat has collapsed due to disrepair, then you could suffer a number of different injuries. These could lead to TUI Airways flight accident claims.

Damages You Can Claim For After An Accident On A Tui Flight

You don’t just put forward a claim for the injuries you suffer when your personal injury solicitors put together claim for flight accidents, you also put forth a claim for any costs that directly befall you when you’ve suffered such an incident. Claims are split into 2 types of payment, one for the injury itself (general damages) and one for things like transport to medical appointments, loss of incomes, childminders and such (special damages). To find out what types of cost you can claim for, just let us know what costs you’ve incurred and we’ll give you a straight answer on what you could claim for.

How Much Could I Claim For A Flight Accident?

The simple answer to this question is, without knowing every aspect of the case, we simply can’t tell you. What we can tell you, however, is that there are brackets into which certain injuries can fall. Within these brackets, things like seriousness of injury, prognosis for recovery etc are all taken into account to deliver the final compensation decision. The table below shows some of these brackets. If you’d like to know more about other brackets for other injuries, do get in touch.

Type of injury/ies that you’ve obtained A ballpark payment bracket you could fall into: Additional notes and information about this bracket
Injuries to the hand deemed to be minor £800 up to £3,810 Abrasions and soft tissues injuries could be classed here as well as minor cuts
Injuries to the hand deemed to be moderate £5,110 up to £11,640 Injuries that might need some surgery to put right such as deeper cuts, also known as lacerations.
Injuries to the hand deemed to be less serious £12,670 up to £25,430 Injuries such as crushes that don’t allow use of the hand while they are healing
Injuries to the hand deemed to be serious £25,430 up to £54,280 With permanent loss of function that leave 50% less function
The loss of one of the hands £84,310 up to £96,150 This doesn’t have to be via amputation, it could be total function loss
Damage deemed to be serious to both hands £49,010 up to £74,150 Reduction of function to both hands could come into this bracket
The loss of both of the person’s hands £123,310 up to £176,660 This doesn’t have to be via amputation, it could be total function loss
Injuries to the leg deemed to be minor Up to £10,380 Abrasions and soft tissues injuries could be classed here as well as very minor fracture.
Injuries to the leg deemed to be less serious £15,750 up to £24,340 Injuries such as fractures that don’t allow use of the leg while they are healing
Injuries to the leg deemed to be moderate £24,340 up to £34,370 Dislocations, compound fractures etc
Injuries to the leg deemed to be severe £84,400 up to £119,210 These will likely inhibit mobility.
Injuries to the leg deemed to be very serious £48,080 up to £74,150 These will likely inhibit mobility permanently.
Injuries to the neck deemed to be minor To £2,150 Abrasions and soft tissues injuries could be classed here as well as minor sprains
Injuries to the neck deemed to be moderate £211,150 up to £247,280 May take a while to heal
Injuries to the neck deemed to be moderate £91,910 up to £120,530 With a long-term impact in terms of pain and mobility

No Win No Fee Claims For Accidents On A Plane

Claiming without having to pay legal bills upfront seems too good to be true but it really isn’t. These days, most personal injury claims are done as no win no fee, which involves a pre-arranged portion of the compensation to be given to the lawyer should a claim be successful. If the claim doesn’t end up winning a payout, then you aren’t landed with a bill for legal fees either, which means the solicitor takes the risk when they take your case on. Obviously, this means they’re likely to put a lot of work in to make sure your claim is upheld so that they can get paid, as well as you. It is important that you know that all Legal Expert’s provided lawyers work on this agreement.

Why Claim For An Accident On A Plane With Our Team?

Whether it’s a TUI holiday compensation case involving a hotel accident or a TUI airlines flight accidents claim, we can make the process much easier for you to handle. We have amassed much experience in many different types of aviation accident claim, and also package holiday accident claims, and have the ability to provide you with a personal injury claims solicitor that best matches your needs. If you’re not sure whether we can back up the claims that we offer a fantastic service, we can happily show you what people have said about our service on our website, and if you have any queries before you even consider bringing a claim forward, then we’re happy to oblige with free advice.

Contact Us Today

It’s never been easier to get in touch to begin this type of claim. All you’ll need to do is pick up the phone and push the numbers 0800 073 8804. You’ll be connected to one of our well-trained, friendly and professional advisors. We will ask you about the incident, you’ll provide us with some details and we’ll then tell you if we think your claim would lead to compensation. We’ll offer to connect you with one of our personal injury lawyers, but you are under no obligation to do so. In fact, we won’t put any pressure on you at all. We know you’ve been through something not very nice and we’re understanding of that fact. We don’t wish to add any stress to you. There’s also a chat feature on the site, which you might have already seen pop up, or you can request that we call you by filling in the form. Whichever way you choose to contact us, we’re ready to help with Tui Airways flight accident claims, no matter what the injury.

Additional Resources

We really hope we’ve answered every question you have, but we’re also aware that you might want to find out more about claiming before you go ahead and pick up the phone. With this in mind, we’ve produced some more resources that might be of interest below.

Spain Accidents – Spain is a popular UK tourist destination – find out why you don’t need to use a foreign lawyer for claims that happen there.

Hotel accident claims – Some information about hotel accident claims can be found here.

No Win No Fee Compensation – Find out more FAQ and answers here.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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