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Kid’s Soft Play Centre Accident Claims Guide – How To Claim

Has your child been injured in a soft play centre because of an accident that was not their fault? If the accident was caused by negligence or mismanagement on the part of the soft play centre, then you could make a kid’s soft play centre accident claim for compensation on behalf of your child.

Trust Legal Expert to provide you with an excellent personal injury lawyer to handle your accident claim and win you the compensation your child is entitled to. Claiming compensation on behalf of an injured child means that you could receive funds to help your child get the best medical treatment they need following their accident at a soft play centre. You will also secure funds that your child could have access to after their 18th birthday.

We offer a free personal injury claims consultation for anyone looking to claim compensation for an accident in children soft play area. Call us today, and one of our informed advisors will be able to tell whether or not you have legitimate grounds to claim compensation. If you are, we will estimate how much you could be entitled to claim, and one of our personal injury solicitors will start working on your soft play centre personal injury claim right away.

Call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 for legal advice to see if you are entitled to claim compensation. If you are entitled to claim, we’ll start working on your indoor play centre accident claim right away.

Childs soft play centre injury claim

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What Is A Kids Soft Play Centre Accident?

Children’s play is important for their development. Playgrounds provide children with the chance to exercise, blow off steam, use their imaginations and make friends. Traditionally play areas are outdoor spaces in parks. However, in the last few decades, indoor soft play centres have become popular. What is a soft play area? They are children’s play areas that are indoors, enabling them to be made of soft materials. What is the advantage of taking children to a kid’s soft play centre?

Firstly, they are made of soft materials, whilst outdoor play centres are made of hard materials, so they are thought to have less impact if a child falls or bumps into something. They also have the advantage of being indoors, meaning that they are not affected by the unpredictable British weather. Unlike a park, the only adults in an indoor soft play area are staff and paying patrons, meaning that whilst parents still need to be vigilant, stranger danger is less of a worry.

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Soft play areas have to abide by specific health and safety standards to operate. Like any other business in the UK, soft play areas have a duty of care towards the children that play on their site. If a child becomes injured or ill because of negligence in the soft play area, then their parents or guardians could be entitled to claim compensation on their behalf. So, if your child has been injured because of a soft play accident that was not their fault, call Legal Expert today to see if you have grounds to claim compensation for them. If you have grounds to claim, one of our excellent personal injury solicitors will start working on your personal injury claim against a soft play centre right away. But feel free to contact us any time about your potential soft play centre accident claims.

Soft Play Area Health And Safety

Children’s soft play areas have to abide by health and safety standards. According to ROSPA (Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents), indoor play area requirements are important for keeping soft play areas a safe and fun environment. Indoor play area requirements include conducting regular risk assessments to identify and minimise any health and safety hazards such as broken equipment or trip hazards, annual inspections, proper cleaning procedures being in place including routine cleaning and responses to incidents such as spillages, or a guest vomiting on the equipment.

Soft play area health and safety also require venues to have proper emergency exits and equipment such as fire extinguishers. If a venue fails to take any of these soft play area precautions, this could be defined as negligence. If the negligent action or inaction causes an accident in which a child becomes injured, the soft play area may be held liable for their injuries and have to pay the child’s parent or guardian compensation on the child’s behalf.

Other information

Of course, a modicum of common sense has to be applied here. Children are, by their nature, less physically developed than adults and have poorer judgement skills. Therefore, minor accidents are inevitable. Also, small mistakes could help children learn how to assess risks for themselves, helping them avoid larger mistakes in the future. Both ROSPA and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommend a balanced approach to risk management in children’s play areas. What is meant by a balanced approach to risk management? A balanced approach to risk management means that adults expect that minor accidents during play are part of growing up and a child’s development.

However, it is not acceptable for children to become harmed or injured in a soft play area because of a neglectful health and safety hazard. Why is a balanced approach to risk management important? A balanced approach to risk management enables soft play venues to take steps to protect children using their venues without having to worry that they will be held accountable for an unfortunate incident, which happened because of the child’s lack of agility or judgement.

Litigation Friends – Who Could Act On Behalf Of A Child?

If you are the parent or guardian of a child injured at a soft play centre, then you could claim compensation on your child’s behalf. Children are not able to make their own decisions in a court case. A litigation friend is an adult over the age of 18 who will make decisions on behalf of the child. Many personal injury claims are settled out of court, and this is the preferred option. However, if your claim goes to court, you may act as a litigation friend on behalf of your child.

If your personal injury claim is successful, your child will receive compensation after their 18th birthday. And you could receive special damages to help cover any expenses you experience because of your injuries, such as medical expenses, or to cover the cost of any immediate needs your child has.

If your child was injured at a soft play centre because of negligence on the part of the centre, call Legal Expert today to see if you could be entitled to claim compensation on their behalf.

What Injuries Could Happen At A Soft Play Centre?

We will now look at some of the ways children could become injured in a soft play accident. If your child was injured in a soft play accident that is not listed below, you could still claim compensation if the accident was serious enough.

Here are some injuries that could happen at a soft play centre

  • Bruises
  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Friction burns
  • Food poisoning

Call Legal Expert today to enquire about making a soft play centre personal injury claim. Our personal injury lawyers will start working on your soft play centre accident claims right away.

Slips And Falls At A Children’s Soft Play Centre

If your child was injured because of a slip or fall accident caused by negligence on the part of the venue, you could be entitled to claim compensation for their injuries. Causes of falls at a play centre could include a piece of play equipment being loose, a piece of flooring sticking up, protruding obstacles causing a trip hazard, such as a loose nail sticking out of a floorboard, or a spillage on the floor.

Call Legal Expert today to see if you could claim compensation for your child’s slip, trip or fall injury.

Injuries Caused By Broken Or Damaged Play Equipment

Poorly maintained, broken or damaged equipment could be a cause of injury to children using a playground. This could include:

  • Missing footholds or handgrips on high equipment
  • Exposed metal, wood or nails
  • Damaged soft flooring (either causing a trip hazard or no longer being soft when a child falls)
  • Loose handles or seating on play equipment
  • Exposed sharp edges on damaged play equipment

If your child was injured because of damaged, faulty or poorly maintained soft play equipment, then you could be entitled to claim compensation for their injuries on their behalf. Call Legal Expert today, and if you are entitled to make a kid’s soft play centre accident claim, one of our excellent personal injury solicitors will be assigned to your case and start working on it right away.

How Serious Were Your Child’s Injuries?

Of course, it’s a horrible experience for any parent to see their child badly injured. Of course, if your child were injured, your priority would have been to take them to a doctor or hospital to get the correct medical treatment. As well as this being the right thing to do to ensure your child gets the care that they need, it is also mean that you will receive a medical report. This will define how serious their injuries are, how long it is likely to take for your child to recover from their injuries and what medical care they will need to do so. If the injuries are likely to have a permanent or life-changing effect, then the medical report will also define this.

Your solicitor will use your child’s medical report to determine how much compensation you could be entitled to receive. If you don’t have a medical report, we can arrange one at a time and place convenient to you. This will be crucial for the chances of your soft play centre accident claims to succeed.

What Forms Of Compensation Could I Claim For A Child?

If you win your claim for an indoor play centre accident, your child will receive general damages and special damages. General damages are the primary part of a compensation claim, covering pain, suffering and loss of amenity. Typically, your child will not access these funds until they are over the age of 18.

You will also be able to receive special damages. These are funds that compensate you for any expenses you have experienced due to your child’s accident or are likely to receive in the future.

Below are some examples of the expenses you could claim for your child’s accident at a children’s soft play area:

  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation expenses
  • At home care expenses
  • Home adaptation or mobility equipment expenses

Kids Soft Play Centre Personal Injury Claims Calculator

We have a personal injury claims calculator to help you quickly estimate how much you could claim in personal damages. Alternatively, one of our advisors can accurately estimate how much your personal injury claim is worth.

Injury type How severe Awards Injury notes
Head injury or brain damage Minor to very severe (brain damage) £1,940 – £354,260 Including a very wide and diverse range of head injuries or brain injuries.
Loss of sight One eye £43,200 to £48,080 Among symptoms and effects, the victim will have lost all sight in one eye.
Eye injuries Minor £3,460 to £7,650 Minor eye injuries, could be caused by something being struck in the eye.
Transient Eye Injuries Transient £1,930 to £3,460 The claimant (child) will fully recover in a very short period of time.
Lower arm fracture Simple/ single level £5,810 to £16,830 Fractures affecting the bones of the forearm.
Arm injuries Less severe £13,720 to £28,060 Impaired function but neither a disability or need for surgery.
Wrist injury Uncomplicated Colles’ fracture In the region of £6,510 Uncomplicated Colles’ fracture
Hand injury Moderate £5,110 to £11,640 Penetrating wounds, crush injuries or those caused by other means.
Leg injury Moderate £24,340 to £34,370 Moderate leg injury which the leg or the joints of the leg.
Knee injury Moderate £13,010 to £22,960 Moderate injuries to the knee joint.

My Child Was Injured At A Soft Play Centre, What Should I Do?

If your child suffers an injury in an accident at a children’s soft play area, you could make a claim. To learn how to claim, call us for your free personal injury compensation claims consultation.

No Win No Fee Childrens Soft Play Centre Accident Claims

At Legal Expert, we give all of our clients the option to make a No Win No Fee claim. This means that you will not have to pay an upfront fee. Instead, you only pay your fee if you win your compensation claim, so there’s no financial risk. In the unlikely instance that you don’t win your claim, you will not have to pay us a penny. Of course, we only take on claims that we know we could win. But for many clients, making a No Win No Fee claim provides extra peace of mind. Call Legal Expert today or read our guide to learn more about making a No Win No Fee claim.

Why Claim Compensation With Legal Expert?

If you need to make a kid’s soft play centre accident claim, Legal Expert can help. Our lawyers have up to three decades of experience handling personal injury claims and will always fight to win you the maximum amount of compensation you and your child deserve. So, you are bound to be in good hands. Call us today for your free consultation. And if you can claim, one of our expert personal injury solicitors can handle your case right away. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


How Much Compensation For A Children’s Playground Accident Claim? – What compensation could I claim?

How Much Compensation For A Child Injury Claim? – What your child could be eligible to claim.

Soft Play Centre Accident Claims FAQs

How long after an accident can you claim compensation?

You can claim up to 3 years after the accident happens.

How do I claim after an accident?

You can contact Legal Expert at any time to start a claim.

What are the stages of a compensation claim?

These discuss the claim, stating the intention to claim, building evidence, the medical report, negotiations and accepting a settlement.

Can I claim for anxiety after an accident?

You can do, so long as there’s strong medical evidence to support this.

What happens if I reject a settlement offer?

You can’t try to accept the same offer later on, but you could still accept another offer.

What is a fair settlement for pain and suffering?

This is approximately 80% of what the case is aiming to win.

How do you respond to a low settlement offer?

If you’re turning down the offer, you should keep calm and polite while rejecting the offer in a sensible manner.

When does the compensation payment come to me?

This would be within 28 days of the agreement of the settlement.

Thank you for reading our soft play centre accident claims guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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