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Marriott Hotel Accident Claims Guide – How much compensation can i claim for a personal injury? – how to claim?

Marriot International is the second largest hotel chain in the world. An amalgamation of the former chains, Ritz Carlton and Marriot Hotels. With a revenue of almost 23 billion dollars in 2017, and almost 200,000 employees globally, it operates in multiple niches. From transit and short stay hotels, through mid-range holiday accommodation to luxury 5-star resort hotels. Marriot Hotels are often featured as part of upmarket package holidays.

Marriott hotel accident claimsOn this page, you will find a guide to making Marriott hotel accident claims. Even though Marriot has an excellent health and safety record, accidents can and do still happen to guests. This guide covers everything you need to know about making a claim, if you are injured while staying at any of the Marriot International hotels. If you have been injured in a hotel accident, either at home in the UK or overseas, Legal Expert can help you to make a compensation claim. Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to find out how.

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A Guide To Marriott Hotel Accident Claims

This guide, aims to answer the question, how to sue a hotel for an injury? It should contain all of the information you need to educate yourself about the claims procedure. This guide begins by giving information on why guests at a Marriot hotel may be eligible to make a compensation claim. It then moves on to go into detail about some of the most common types of hotel accidents. Towards the end of the guide, you will find useful information related to the financial aspects of a claim. This includes a table of typical compensation amounts for a wide range of injuries, and also a list of the most common types of damages a compensation settlement may comprise of.

The final sections of this guide, introduce the Legal Expert claims service. This is, we feel, the simplest way for the victim of an accident in a Marriot hotel, to have their claim processed. We also cover how to start your claim. At the very bottom of the page, we have included a number of related links that may give you some useful extra information.

Am I Eligible To Make A Marriott Hotel Accident Claim?

Marriott hotel statistics

Marriott hotel statistics

Take a look at the graph above; you can clearly see the massive growth rate of the Marriot International hotel chain. The more hotel rooms this hotel chain makes available, the more guests it can serve. An increase in the number of guests, logically should result in an increase in the number of accidents that guests and other hotel visitors and also staff, fall victim of.

There are a number of different types of people that may become eligible to claim compensation for a hotel injury, and these include:

  • Hotel guests – either staying on business or on holiday.
  • Hotel visitors – attending a function such as a conference at a hotel.
  • Suppliers – such as delivery people, making deliveries to the hotel.
  • Staff – all of the employees that work for the hotel, in any capacity.

If any of these legal entities is injured in an accident for which the hotel they were staying in or visiting is liable, then they will have a valid reason to make a claim.

There is a further consideration when discussing the eligibility of a person to make a hotel accident claim. This relates to how the accommodation was booked, thus:

  • If you booked your stay at a Marriot hotel as part of a package holiday, the claim would be made against the UK based travel vendor that sold you the holiday.
  • If you booked your stay at a Marriot hotel yourself, then the claim would be made against Marriot International itself.

Legal Expert can act as your personal injury solicitor and process a claim against either Marriot International, or the travel company that sold you your holiday. Call us on the number at the bottom of this page to discuss your claim today.

What Ways Are People Harmed Whilst Staying In A Hotel In The UK?

There are many ways that a person can be injured in a hotel. From simple accidents such as slips, trips and falls causing minor injuries, to major accidents such as a fatal fall from a balcony. In the sections below, we will cover some of the most common types of hotel accidents that people claim for.

Marriot International generally takes its health and safety obligations very seriously. However, this does not mean that hotel accidents never occur, they do. If you are injured in an accident at a Marriot hotel, Legal Expert can act as your personal injury lawyer, and process a claim for you.

Claims For Slips Or Falls At A Marriott Hotel

A slip and fall at a hotel is a very common reason for a person to make a compensation claim. Marriot International is no stranger to slip, trip and fall claims. In 2013, the company paid a significant sum in compensation to a chef, who slipped in the hotel kitchen and burned himself in a deep fat fryer. This is a rather extreme example of a slip, trip and fall accident. More common causes include:

  • Wet or dirty floors that have not been cleaned, and have not been marked with a hazard sign.
  • Damaged or worn floor coverings, such as cracked floor tiles, torn carpets, or warped floorboards.
  • Broken paving slabs, or badly laid curbstones in the customer parking area or hotel garden.

No matter how your slip, trip or fall happened, if a Marriot hotel was to blame for the accident, then Legal Expert should be able to help you make a claim. Call us on the number at the end of this page to find out how we can successfully win hotel slip and fall settlements.

Claims For Food Poisoning In A Marriott Hotel

Food poisoning can be the result of food being incorrectly prepared, or prepared in an unhygienic kitchen. There are a number of different bacteria that can cause food poisoning, and these include:

  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Salmonella
  • E. coli
  • Listeria
  • Norovirus
  • Campylobacter

Food can go bad very easily, even in the cleanest hotel kitchens and restaurants. Typical ways that food can go bad includes:

  • Reheating food.
  • Storing food at the wrong temperature.
  • Undercooking food, especially poultry and eggs.
  • Leaving food on a buffet table for too long.
  • Kitchen and serving staff failing to maintain personal hygiene.

If you are visiting a Marriot hotel, and the food served by the hotel kitchen gives you food poisoning, Legal Expert should be able to process a personal injury claim for you. Call us on the number at the end of this guide to proceed.

Claims For Bed Bug Injuries And Bites

Although not a common Marriott hotel incident, bed bug infestations do occur from time to time. Bed bug bites are uncomfortable and itchy, trying to spend a night in a bed infested with bed bugs is going to result in a night without sleep. Your hotel may offer to move you to another room, but the bites will go on itching regardless.

In extreme cases, this could partially ruin a holiday, or make speaking at an event like a conference at your hotel embarrassing, due to a skin rash. If you have an important meeting to attend, lack of sleep could affect your performance. Legal Expert would be able to help you claim compensation in such situations. Call us on the number at the end of this page, and we will explain how.

Claims For Lift Accidents At A Marriott Hotel

Lift accidents in a hotel are more common than most people presume. Of course, not the kind of lift accidents we see on TV or at the movies, where the lift plummets to the bottom floor of the hotel, and the people riding in it miraculously survive. These kinds of serious lift accidents are very rare. Most usually, lift accidents involve somebody being trapped in the doors of a malfunctioning lift, and being injured while trying to get free. Indeed, early in 2018, the Slough fire brigade was called to a Marriott hotel to free a person that was trapped in a lift door, and could not free himself.

If you were to be injured in a lift in a Marriot hotel, then if it can be proven the hotel was at fault, causing the accident in some way, then you should be able to make a hotel personal injury claim. Call Legal Expert on the number at the bottom of this page to learn more about our claims service.

Claims For Injury By Burning Or Scalding

Another common reason for people to make a hotel accident claim, is due to being burned or scalded. Typical burn or scald hazards differ between hotel visitors or guests, and hotel employees. Scald injuries tend to happen for reasons such as:

  • A faulty electric kettle or coffee machine in a hotel room.
  • A malfunctioning water heater in a hotel room bathroom.
  • Hot liquids or food being spilt on a hotel visitor in the restaurant.

Burn injuries are generally caused by a fire in a hotel. These can be serious injuries, sometimes fatal. The risk of being burned in a hotel fire increases if:

  • Fire and smoke alarms are not checked regularly.
  • Insufficient fire exits are provided for hotel visitors.
  • Emergency exits are not clearly signposted.
  • Visitors to the hotel are allowed to continue using the lift when there is a fire in the hotel.

If you are scalded or burned while visiting a Marriot hotel, Legal Expert should be able to assist you in making a compensation claim for your injuries. If you call us on the number at the end of this guide and tell us how you were burned or scaled, we will advise you on your next move.

Other Ways People Can Be Injured In A Marriott Hotel

Many of the most common types of hotel accidents have been covered in the sections above. However, there are obviously many more ways that an accident at a hotel could happen, and these can include:

  • Being injured by faulty furniture.
  • Falling from a badly maintained balcony.
  • Drowning in a hotel swimming pool.
  • Being electrocuted by faulty room fittings and appliances.
  • Road traffic accidents involving a hotel provided shuttle service.

These causes and more, can lead to a visitor or employee at a Marriot hotel to be injured. Legal Expert can process a claim for almost every type of hotel accident. Give us a call on the number at the end of this guide and explain how your accident happened. We will let you know whether we think we can help you claim for it.

What To Do Before Starting Your Marriott Hotel Accident Claim

If you intend to make a claim for hotel injury compensation, there are a number of steps you can take after your accident, to ensure you have the best chance of winning your claim. These include:

  • Ask witnesses to the accident for their contact details.
  • Take photographs of the cause of the accident and its location.
  • Contact your package holiday vendor and tell them about the accident.
  • Follow the hotel’s procedure for reporting an accident.
  • Receive professional medical treatment form a clinic or hospital.

Taking steps such as these above, leaves a record of your injuries and the accident that caused them. This will assist us here at Legal Expert when we process your hotel accident claim. If you are ready to proceed with your claim, call us on the number at the end of the page.

What Can I Claim Compensation For After An Accident In A Marriott Hotel?

When you make a compensation claim for an accident at a Marriot hotel, the compensation settlement you receive will be made up of a number of different types of damages. However, all damages fit under the two main categories of general damages (physical) and special damages (non-physical). For example, these below:

  • General damages:
    • Pain and suffering (initial).
    • Mental trauma (shock, etc.).
    • Recovery time (long and painful recuperation).
    • Psychological injury (PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc.)
    • Permanent disability (loss of limb, brain damage, paralysis, etc.).
  • Special damages:
    • Travel costs (for treatment or as part of the claim process).
    • Medical fees (for private treatment).
    • Care costs (nursing or home help).
    • Loss of earnings (current).
    • Diminished earnings (future).

These are some of the most typical types of damages we see claimants awarded here at Legal Expert. If you would like to know which types of damages you might receive, call us on the number below to find out.

Marriott Hotel Accident Compensation Calculator

All hotel injury settlements are different, the amount of compensation received by the claimant varies from claim to claim. However, this table below will give you a general idea of how much you might receive in compensation for your Marriot hotel accident:

Injury Type How Severe? Information Compensation
Toe injury Moderate to severe Injuries from cuts and abrasions, through fractures and dislocations, all the way up to losing one or more of the toes. Up to £49,139
Ankle injury Minor to severe Injuries from lacerations and grazes, through fractured bones, torn or pulled muscles, to complete loss of function in one or both of the ankles. Up to £61,139
Foot injury Minor to very severe Injuries from tissue damage such as cuts and abrasions, through fractured bones, muscle sprains and tendon damage, trough to complete loss of one or both of the feet. Up to £96,139
Leg injury Minor to severe Injuries from tissue damage such as lacerations and abrasions, through torn ligaments, fractured bones, to complete loss of one or both of the legs. Up to £119,239
Hand injury Minor to serious Injuries from tissue damage such as cuts and abrasions, through fractured bones, muscle sprains and tendon damage, trough to complete loss of one or both of the hands. Up to £54,299
Wrist injury Minor to severe Injuries from lacerations and grazes, through fractured bones, torn or pulled muscles, to complete loss of function in one or both of the wrists. Up to £4,179
Arm injury Moderate to severe Injuries from tissue damage such as lacerations and abrasions, through torn ligaments, fractured bones, to complete loss of one or both of the arms. Up to £114,829
Finger injury Minor to severe Injuries from cuts and abrasions, through fractures and dislocations, all the way up to losing one or more of the fingers. Up to £21,939
Thumb injury Minor to severe Injuries from cuts and abrasions, through fractures and dislocations, all the way up to losing one or both of the thumbs. Up to £48,039
Neck injury Minor to severe Injuries from sprains, cuts, lacerations and bruises, through never damage and damage to the vertebrae such as breaks, through to some or complete loss of mobility of the neck. Up to £130,079
Back injury Minor to severe Injuries from sprains, cuts, lacerations and bruises, through never damage and damage to the vertebrae such as breaks, through to some or complete loss of mobility of the back. Up to £141,169

To get a much more accurate indication of how much you might be able to claim, call Legal Expert on the number below.

No Win No Fee Marriott Hotel Accident Claims

Legal Expert can act as your No Win No Fee solicitor, to process a compensation claim for an accident at a Marriot hotel. The fee structure of our No Win No Fee offering looks like this:

  • To onboard your claim – no cost.
  • To process your claim – no cost.
  • If we fail at your claim – no cost.

If we do win you a compensation payment, we will take our fee out of the money received on your behalf, and send the rest to you. Call us today so that we can get your claim started as soon as possible.

How Our Team Of Personal Injury Solicitors Could Get You The Best Settlement

When you call Legal Expert to begin a new claim, you are engaging a skilled and experienced legal team. We have a proven track record in winning significant compensation settlements on behalf of our clients. While we always attempt to get you the most compensation possible, we won’t ever do anything to put your claim at risk. We will keep you updated on the status of your claim regularly, using plain English without legal jargon. One of our team is always on hand to answer any questions you might have.

Speak To Legal Expert Today

Are you ready to begin your personal injury claim against Marriott hotels? If so, call Legal Expert right now on 0800 073 8804. When you do, one of our team will be on hand to walk you through the process of starting a new claim with us, and we can begin working on your claim right away.

Helpful Resources

At the link below, you will find information related to Health & Safety on the hospitality sector:

Health & Safety for hospitality companies

You will find general Health & Safety information on fire prevention at this link:

Health & Safety information on fire prevention

At the link below, you will find a guide to claiming compensation If you have been scalded by a hot drink:

How to make a claim if scalded by a hot drink

At the link below, you will find a guide to claiming compensation for injuries sustained in a fire:

A guide to making a claim for a burn injury

At the link below, you will find a guide to claiming if you have become ill working in a Marriot hotel:

A guide to making work-related illness claims

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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