Peanut Allergy Compensation Claim Specialists

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Peanut Allergy Compensation Claims Guide – How Much Can I Claim? – How To Claim For A Allergic Reaction to Nuts?

By Cat Way. Last Updated 1st March 2023. Welcome to our peanut allergy claims guide.

Those who do not have a nut allergy may merely view the condition as a mere annoyance; something that means youโ€™re restricted from a number of chocolate bars in your local newsagents. However, anyone with a nut allergy knows that it is much more serious than this.

In reality, a nut allergy can be extremely dangerous, with symptoms ranging from shortness of breath to severe facial swelling.

peanut allergy claims

Peanut allergy claims guide

With that being said, in this peanut allergy claims guide, we are going to take a look at making a claim for peanut allergy compensation. Here at Legal Expert, we have many years of experience when it comes to making all types of personal injury claims, and we can help you to get the payout you deserve if you have experienced an allergic reaction to nuts and you do not believe it was your fault.

If you would like to make a claim, or if you have any queries, you can give us a call on 0800 073 8804.

Furthermore, you can also contact us through our website or write to us using our Live Chat window. Our experienced advisors can answer questions such as โ€œcan you sue for an allergic reaction from food?โ€ and โ€œcan I sue for a nut allergy?โ€ They can review your circumstances to inform you if youโ€™re eligible to claim.ย 

Please read on to learn more about claiming for a nut allergy. This guide will also highlight the benefits of claiming using a No Win No Fee solicitor which is something we can also provide for you.

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A Guide To Peanut Allergy Exposure Compensation Claims

Nut allergies can be extremely dangerous. While most people experience mild to moderate symptoms, there are people that have been hospitalised and even lost their lives because of a nut allergy. This is why there are stringent regulations in place regarding how food establishments label their products.

If you have eaten something with nuts in, without any knowledge, you could be entitled to a large sum of compensation. In this peanut allergy claims guide, we will reveal everything you need to know about making a claim for nut allergy compensation with the assistance of an experienced personal injury solicitor. We will provide you with some basic and important information regarding peanut allergies, including how to diagnose these allergies and the different types of symptoms people experience. We will then look at what information must be displayed on the labels for food products, as well as help you determine whether you have the basis for a compensation claim and what sort of evidence you are going to require.

If you still have queries by the time you get to the end of the guide, please do not hesitate to give us a call and we will happily provide you with more information on food safety and food allergy claims.

What Is A Peanut Allergy?

If youโ€™re unsure as to whether you have a case for valid peanut allergy claims, you may be interested in knowing what being allergic to peanuts really means. To understand this, we need to look at food allergies in general.

A food allergy occurs when your immune system has an unusual reaction to a specific type of food. In this case, that would be a peanut. Peanut allergies are quite common, and being allergic to peanuts does not make you more susceptible to being allergic to another nut. This is because peanuts are not the same as walnuts, cashews, and almonds, which grow on trees. They are tree nuts, whereas peanuts are grown underground.

This makes them part of the legumes, a different plant family. Other examples include soybeans, lentils, peas, and beans. Nevertheless, just because you are allergic to peanuts does not mean you are likely to be allergic to other legumes.

Can You Sue For An Allergic Reaction From Food?

You may be wondering, โ€œcan you sue for an allergic reaction from food?โ€ This guide will provide instances in which you would be able to claim compensation for an allergic reaction. However, itโ€™s important to remember that you would need to prove that the third party that caused the allergic reaction had a duty of care towards you.ย 

For example, a restaurant has a duty of care to all of its customers. This includes providing information on which of the main allergens can be found in the dishes on the menu. If you ask for allergen information and the guidance you’re given is incorrect, leading to an allergic reaction, you may be able to claim.ย 

How Can You Have Your Peanut Allergy Diagnosed?

In order to be able to make any sort of peanut allergy claims, you’ll need to have your allergy verified first.

But how do you know if you have a peanut allergy? If you are concerned that you could be allergic to peanuts, it is a good idea to get tested so that you can have an official diagnosis. The process of diagnosis begins with a discussion with your doctor regarding your medical history and symptoms. They will then advise you to do a number of tests, which can include the following:

  • Keeping a food diary โ€“ Your doctor may begin by getting you to keep a food diary of your medications, symptoms, and eating habits.
  • Elimination diet โ€“ If it is not clear that peanuts are responsible for the symptoms you are experiencing, or your doctor suspects you may have an allergy to a number of foods, then he or she may advise an elimination diet. This means eliminating certain foods from your diet for a week or two until you get to the bottom of what is causing the problem.
  • Blood test โ€“ Your doctor may also recommend a blood test. This can measure the response of your immune system to peanuts by seeing how many allergy-type antibodies are in your bloodstream.
  • Skin test โ€“ In such tests, a small amount of peanut will be put onto your skin, and then the doctor will use a needle to prick your skin. You will develop a reaction or a raised bump if you are allergic to the food.

What Peanut Allergy Symptoms Could You Suffer?

There are a number of different peanut allergy symptoms, which you can experience. Everyone is different, and we all react in different ways to allergies. However, some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Sneezing and runny nose
  • Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Red raised itchy rash
  • Swelling of the lips
  • Itchy throat, tongue, and mouth

Most of these symptoms will occur within a matter of minutes after consuming a peanut. However, it can take up to an hour for symptoms to show in some cases.

If you suffered an allergic reaction as a result of third-party negligence, you could be able to establish grounds for peanut allergy claims. Please read on to learn more.

How Severe Can Nut Allergies By – Anaphylaxis Reactions

There are some people who are unlucky enough to experience life-threatening reactions to nut allergies. This is known as anaphylaxis, which is the most severe type of reaction. Severe symptoms of anaphylaxis include the following:

  • Pale, floppy, sudden sleepiness in babies
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Collapse
  • Dizziness
  • Noisy or difficulty breathing
  • Persistent cough
  • Wheezing
  • Change in voice (hoarse)
  • Difficulty in speaking or swallowing
  • Swelling of the throat and/or tongue

As mentioned above, if you suffered an allergic reaction as a result of third-party negligence, you could be able to establish grounds for peanut allergy claims. Please read on to learn more.

What Causes a Nut Allergy Reaction?

According to the NHS, when someone has a food allergy reaction, such as to nuts, this means their immune system has handled the harmless proteins in nuts as a threat. The body, therefore, reacts by releasing chemicals such as histamine.

Histamine can cause mild nut allergy symptoms such as sneezing or coughing but may also cause more severe nut allergy symptoms, including diarrhoea and vomiting. In cases of anaphylaxis, the immune system releases large amounts of histamine as it goes into overdrive. Generally, the release of histamine is limited to certain areas of your body, such as your throat, skin and mouth.

In some instances, a nut allergy reaction could occur from simply smelling or breathing in tiny particles of nuts. As such, whenever you feel mild nut allergy symptoms coming on, it may be in your best interest to seek medical attention.

If you have had a severe nut allergy reaction and suffered harm or loss as a result, our personal injury solicitors could help you get the compensation you deserve. Call now for free legal advice.

How Common Are Peanut Allergies?

If you’re thinking about making peanut allergy claims, you may be wondering how common they are. Some recent statistics on how common peanut allergies are themselves could help to illustrate.

According to the Anaphylaxis Campaign, a charity supporting those affected by allergic reactions, 1 in 50 suffer from peanut allergies, affecting around 1-2% of the population. These are the most recent statistics provided in relation to this.

Although 1 in 5 children outgrow this allergy by the age of 5, peanut allergies are one of the more long-lasting conditions of this type according to the NHS.

This condition continues to affect people of all ages and can have detrimental, even life-threatening impacts on their health.

Who Could Develop An Allergy To Peanuts?

There are certain groups of people who are more likely to develop an allergy to peanuts than others. For example, infants with an egg allergy and/or eczema are more likely to develop an allergy to peanuts. As mentioned earlier, peanuts are not from the tree nut family, and being allergic to peanuts does not mean you are then going to be allergic to the likes of walnuts, pistachios, pecan, macadamia, hazelnuts, and cashews. However, there are a lot of individuals who are allergic to both. Moreover, being allergic to peanuts also increases the chances of you being allergic to both lupin and sesame.

What Steps Can Be Taken To Prevent Peanut Allergies?

A lot of people believe that there is nothing that can be done in order to prevent nut allergies and other food allergies. However, there have been some studies into prevention. For example, there has been a study that indicates that by introducing foods containing peanuts into an infantโ€™s diet within the first year of life is a good way to reduce the risk of a peanut allergy developing. The reason for this is that early introduction is believed to assist the immune system in terms of tolerating the proteins within peanuts.

What Information Must Be Placed On Food Labels For Products Which May Contain Peanuts?

Simply put, all food and drink items sold in the UK must state if they contain any known allergens, including peanuts. This is according to the Food Information Regulations 2014. Therefore, it’s important that if you suffered an allergic reaction because a label didn’t alert you that a product contained peanuts, you could have grounds to make peanut allergy claims.

Considering the severity of nut allergies, the UK government have put a number of different regulations in place to ensure that those suffering from nut allergies are safeguarded. No matter whether items are sold loose or they are pre-packaged, full disclosure is a legal requirement. This applies to everything from frozen ready meals to food served in restaurants and takeaways.

Throughout the United Kingdom, all consumer establishments are required to make consumers aware of any potential allergens present in any of the food items they serve or stock. This includes school canteens, mobile catering vans, workplace kitchens, hospital kitchens, restaurants, fast-food outlets, and pre-packaged drinks and foods.

Can I Sue For A Nut Allergy?

You may want to know further information that can help answer questions, such as โ€œcan I sue for a nut allergy?โ€ As mentioned in the former section, all consumer establishments in the United Kingdom need to display any potential allergens on their products. If they fail to do so and you suffer as a result, you could have grounds to make peanut allergy claims.

Generally, to make a claim, your personal injury lawyer will need to prove the following things:

  • You have either consumed any type of food or drink on the Defendantโ€™s premises or purchased any type of food or drink from the Defendant
  • The Defendant did not take the required steps by making you aware that the food had a nut allergen
  • Because of this, you unknowingly ate the nut allergen, and this caused an allergic reaction

If you can prove these three statements to be true, you will have a very strong chance of securing a food allergy lawsuit settlement. Aside from this, it is important to make sure that you claim within the personal injury claims time limit. In most cases, this time limit is going to be three years from the date of the allergic reaction. However, there can be some exceptions to this rule, so the best thing to do is act quickly. If you were a child when you experienced an allergic reaction and your parents did not make a claim, you will have the option to do so once you turn 18-years-old. In these cases, you have three years from the date of your 18th birthday.

What Evidence Do I Need To Make My Peanut Allergy Claim?

As is the case with any type of peanut allergy claims, you are going to need to build as much evidence as you can to make sure your peanut allergy claim is as strong as possible. There are a number of pieces of evidence that can really help to cement your argument when putting your case together. This includes:

  • The packaging of the food
  • A photograph of the menu you used to order the food
  • Details of any of the hospitals you attended or the doctors who treated you
  • The names of anyone who witnessed how you reacted to the food allergen
  • Details of any witnesses who heard you asking about whether the food contained nuts

These are just a few examples of how you can build a strong case. Of course, not all of these will be applicable to your specific case. However, anything you can gather that supports what has happened to you will beneficial moving forward.

What Can My Allergic Reaction Compensation Claim Include Damages For?

When making peanut allergy claims, your case will be assessed on an individual basis and you will be awarded a figure accordingly. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have an understanding of how compensation figures are calculated and what can be included in your claim.

Firstly, you will be able to claim compensation for the injury/illness itself. The payout you are awarded in this regard will be based on the medical report that has been put together by your doctor. This report will outline the allergic reaction you have experienced, stating your symptoms, how severe they were initially, and whether there will be any ongoing effects. The report will also look at your prognosis going forward and any treatment required. The severity of all of this will be used to determine how much money you are going to get.

Allergic Reaction To Peanuts – What Are Special Damages And Am I Eligible?

The table in the section above refers to general damages. This head of your claim compensates you for your allergic reaction to peanuts and the pain and suffering it causes. However, if your claim for a peanut allergic reaction succeeds, you may also be eligible for special damages.

Special damages help you claim back any financial losses you suffer because of your allergic reaction to peanuts. For example, this could include:

  • Medical bills
  • Travel costs to and from appointments
  • Loss of earnings
  • Home adjustments
  • Home care
  • Mobility aids

However, in order to claim under this heading, you may need to provide evidence of your losses. Because of this, keeping proof of any expenses or losses you experience as a result of your reaction can be very helpful.

If you have been harmed because you are allergic to peanuts and had a reaction due to negligence, contact our team of advisors to find out if one of our solicitors could help you.

Peanut Allergic Reaction – Personal Injury Claims Calculator

One thing you will certainly want to know if you are thinking about making peanut allergy claims is how much money you are going to receive. After all, you will want to make sure it is going to be worth your while.

Despite the fact that there a lot of companies that advertise personal injury claims calculator tools online, it is impossible to give you a 100 per cent accurate figure regarding the payout you will receive. This is because every case is assessed on an individual basis, taking into account the extent of your illness, as well as any other factors relating to your case. What we can do, however, is take a look at some of the average food allergy compensation figures for injuries that typically relate to these claims. You can find such information in the table below.

Injury Details Payout
Food Allergy Severe toxicosis resulting in fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, and serious acute pain. ยฃ38,430 to ยฃ52,500
Food Allergy Serious but short-lived food poisoning. ยฃ9,540 to ยฃ19,200
Food Allergy Significant fatigue, alteration of bowel function, stomach cramps, and discomfort. Symptoms lasting for a few weeks. ยฃ3,950 to ยฃ9,540
Less Severe Brain Damage Good recovery with return to work likely but poor concentration, mood and the like remaining. ยฃ14,380 to ยฃ40,410
Moderate Brain Damage Concentration and memory impacted with ability to work reduced. ยฃ43,060 to ยฃ90,720
Moderate Brain Damage Modest intellectual deficit, personality change and the like. ยฃ90,720 to ยฃ150,110
Moderate Brain Damage Severe intellectual deficit, personality change and the like. ยฃ150,110 to ยฃ219,070

Hopefully, the table above has helped to give you a better understanding of the sort of figure you could be looking at. Nevertheless, if you have not found the injury you have sustained above, donโ€™t fret โ€“ you can still claim. Simply give our personal injury claim team a call and we will happily give you a better understanding regarding the sort of payout you may get.

No Win No Fee Claims For An Allergic Reaction To Peanuts

When it comes to making peanut allergy claims, there is no denying that the solicitor you work with is going to play a critical role when making sure you get the full amount of compensation you deserve. When looking for a solicitor, one of the most important ingredients is making sure they work on a No Win, No Fee basis.

This is a phrase that you have probably heard before but you may be unsure regarding what it means. It is pretty simple. A No Win No Fee solicitor is one who will only bill you if they secure compensation for you. This means you only pay for a successful service. If your case is not a success, you wonโ€™t be left out of pocket, and so this should give you good peace of mind. It should also reassure you that the legal firm in question would only take on your case if it is a strong one and they will be doing everything in their power to secure a payout for you.

Here at Legal Expert, all of our team works on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means you will definitely experience all of the benefits that have been mentioned above.

How To Make A Successful Nut Allergy Compensation Claim

As mentioned above, one of the key elements of our service is the fact that we work on a No Win, No Fee basis. However, this is not the only reason why you should choose Legal Expert when making peanut allergy claims.

Aside from this, we are very experienced, and we will provide you with a solicitor that has up to 30 years of specialist experience. We have handled many cases of nut allergies, and other food allergies, before. By benefitting from all of our expertise, you are going to have a great chance of success when making a claim. We concentrate on not only winning compensation for you but also getting the maximum amount and ensuring we do so in the smoothest and least stressful manner.

Peanut Allergy Claims FAQs

What is a peanut allergy?

Food allergies of any kind are a condition where the body reacts specifically to proteins in certain foods as though they are a threat, triggering common allergen symptoms.

How serious are peanut allergies?

Peanut allergies can be detrimental to the sufferer’s health, and in some cases, even life-threatening. This is due to the risk of the body suffering from anaphylaxis, causing a series of symptoms including rashes, low pulse and shock, also known as anaphylactic shock.

How long do I have to make a claim?

Personal injury claims have a time limit of 3 years for typical cases. However, exceptions apply for those who can’t claim for themselves.

Do I have grounds to make a claim?

Providing you suffered as a result of third-party negligence, you could be able to make a claim.

How can I establish liability?

Liability can be established using the following criteria:

  1. A third party owed you a duty of care
  2. That they failed to uphold
  3. Causing you to suffer as a result

What is a No Win No Fee agreement?

No Win No Fee agreements have no upfront fees, no hidden fees and no solicitor’s fees unless they win your case.

How can Legal Expert help me claim?

Legal Expert can provide a claims management service for your case, as well as a personal injury lawyer to handle it. Please see the next section for details on how to get in touch for a free consultation.

Can restaurants refuse to serve people with allergies?

Restaurants must offer information on the 14 main allergens (which include peanuts) but are not required to offer you an alternative meal to suit your need.

Contact Our Experts Today

We hope that you have found this peanut allergy claims guide helpful on your quest to find more information about making a claim for a peanut allergy.

peanut allergy claims

peanut allergy claims

However, we know that you may have some more questions. If you do, you can give us a call on 0800 073 8804. You will speak to one of our friendly advisors, and they will happily answer all of your questions. We can also give you a realistic depiction of the strength of your case, as well as starting the claims process for you. If you would prefer to contact us via another method, you can send an email, use the live chat feature, or you can enter your details and we will happily give you a call back.

Where Can I Find Out More?

We have lots of great resources on our website regarding all compensation claims. Here are some you may find helpful…

Have you had food poisoning from a wedding? – Find out all the information you should need to make claims.

General food allergy – Food allergy claims explained in more general terms.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thanks for reading our peanut allergy claims guide.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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