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Accident Claims Against The Premier Inn Hotel – How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Personal Injury?

Have you been hurt or become sick as a result of something which was not your fault whilst staying at a Premier Inn? If so, you may be able to make a hotel accident claim against Premier Inn with Legal Expert. If the cause of your accident or illness could have been avoided, or was caused by negligence on the part of Premier Inn as a chain or the individual hotel and staff, your could make a claim. Victims of accidents and injuries at a Premier Inn who can make a claim with our expert personal injury lawyers include guests of the hotel, staff working there, people visiting for a conference, or simply people on the hotels property. If this has happened to you, you might be able to claim thousands or even tens of thousands of pounds in hotel accident compensation.

Talk to the team at Legal Expert. Our team could be able to provide you with the best personal injury solicitor or lawyer for your claim. We are a well known and respected firm and we have a good track record of helping people just like you to secure settlements when hurt as a result of an accident which was not their fault. Whether you suffered a bout of food poisoning, were burned in the restaurant, or suffered an accident in your hotel room, our team can help.

Please read the rest of our guide to hotel accident claims against Premier Inn below, and when ready get in touch by calling us on the number above.

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A guide to personal injury claims against Premier Inn

Hotel Accident Claims Against Premier Inn In this guide to hotel accident claims against Premier Inn, we will look at the different ways in which you could be harmed whilst a guest at a Premier Inn (or other hotels and hotel chains), and how our team could help you in such circumstances. We will include advice on how much your claim may be worth, with examples of settlements for different forms of injury. If you think that you have a valid claim against a hotel chain in the UK please get in contact with our team today.

Am I eligible to claim compensation from Premier Inn?

Whether you are a guest or an employee of a Premier Inn hotel and suffered an avoidable injury or illness which was the responsibility of the hotel or its management, you could be able to make a hotel accident claim against Premier Inn. Claims can be made for accidents in a hotel room or any part of the hotels property. As an service provider or an employer, Premier Inn owes those on its premises a duty of care to be kept safe and free from harm. If you have been injured or been made sick whilst staying at a branch of Premier Inn anywhere in the UK, our team may be able to help you to make a claim for hundreds or thousands of pounds in compensation. Call us today to see if you qualify to make a hotel accident claim.

Common types of accidents and injuries which could happen at a Premier Inn

There are many different types of hotel accident claims against Premier Inn, or other hotel chains, which we can help people to make. Whether you had an accident in a hotel room, or another part of the hotel, you could claim compensation. In the following sections we look at some of the most common forms of accidents and injuries we see in hotels across the UK.

Claims against Premier Inn for slip or fall injuries

There are many different ways in which you could need to make a hotel accident claim after slipping or falling over. Slips could be caused by a floor or stairs being damaged and resulting trip hazards. They can also be caused by spills, such as drinks or foods, not being cleaned up or not being sectioned off to prevent people walking over the area. They could also be caused by carpets which are worn or exposed wires leading to people falling over. Whilst such accidents or injuries are infrequent, they do happen. If you have been injured in a slip or fall accident, contact us today.

Claims against Premier Inn for food poisoning

Most branches of Premier Inn will be run well and will meet the UK’s high health and safety standards through all of the food storage and/ or preparation areas. This will include through areas such as the kitchen and food storage areas, the restaurant and/ or a bar at the hotel. However, sadly, people do suffer food poisoning at hotels in the UK. Many instances of food poisoning will be caused by foods not being stored or cooked in the right way, in accord with required health and safety standards. If these standards are not met, you could suffer illnesses such as norovirus or e-coli whilst staying at a hotel, such as Premier Inn. Whilst there are different causes of food poisoning, the symptoms will often be diarrhea or vomiting as well as higher temperatures and lethargy. In the most serious cases, a victim of food poisoning might have to go to hospital for treatment. If you have suffered food poisoning whilst staying at a branch of Premier Inn you could be able to make a personal injury claim for thousands of pounds. Talk to us today or view our guide to restaurant accident claims which has more information on this type of claim.

Claims against Premier Inn for assaults

No matter whether you were a guest or member of staff at a Premier Inn, the individual branch and the hotel chain as a whole owe you a duty of care. This duty of care extends to making sure that guests and staff are kept safe and free from harm. They have a duty to protect people from assault, or from damage to people’s personal property whilst staying at the hotel. If the hotel has accepted any liability for your personal property, such as luggage stored behind the desk before or after check in, any harm to that property could be claimed for. If items are stolen from your room by a member of staff, or another guest, you may also be able to make a claim for this type of hotel incident. Similarly, if you have suffered a sexual assault in a hotel, the hotel may share a degree of liability if they could have taken reasonable steps to prevent this from happening.

Claims against Premier Inn for bed bugs

If you have been hurt due to an infestation of bed bugs, or have been inconvenienced due to an infestation of these insects in your room, or having brought the bed bugs home, it could be that you are entitled to claim compensation against Premier Inn for this injury or inconvenience. Bed bugs are very small insects. They can infest your bed and will cause bites across your body to drink your blood whilst laying in bed. Whilst they are not dangerous and they do not carry and diseases they can cause bites and a rash which is often very uncomfortable across your body. They are also extremely annoying for a guest. You may bring the bed bugs either on holiday with you if staying at a Premier Inn at an airport, or bring them home with you, further spreading the infestation. If you have been hurt, or have suffered serious inconvenience due to bed bugs (or other insect infestations) whilst staying at a Premier Inn, we may be able to help you to claim compensation. Please contact our team today by calling us on the number on this page. We could provide you with a solicitor to help you claim for an accident in your hotel room.

Claims against Premier Inn for an accident in a lift

We are sometimes asked whether you can claim compensation for an accident in a lift, or if you were stuck in a lift due to a fault. The answer is often yes, claimants can. If you were stuck or injured in a hotel lift because the hotel had been negligent in maintenance or repair of the lift, you could be able to claim thousands of pounds in compensation. Injuries caused by lift accidents are quite rare. However, they have happened in places across the UK, and if they do happen can be very distressing and dangerous. In some cases, the accidents have resulted in people having injuries which do change their life. Lift accidents can include circumstances such as the lift dropping part way down the shaft, becoming stuck between floors resulting in passengers being stuck for some time in the list, mislevelling (where the lift and external floors do not meet properly and cause a trip hazard), fingers or other body parts being stuck in the door or elsewhere.

If you or a member or your party have been injured in a lift at a Premier Inn, you may be able to make a hotel accident claim against Premier Inn for the harm suffered. This could be for thousands of pounds, depending on your injury. Find out more about this type of claim in our lift and escalator injury claims guide.

Claims against Premier Inn for burn injuries

Unfortunately, injuries caused by burns or scalds can be some of the most serious and even fatal types of injury. Both staff and guests can be burned by drinks or foods which are served at unsafe temperatures. They could be burned by spillages, or burn their mouth when eating or drinking it. If drinks are served too hot in takeaway cups without protective sleeves, people can be burned. Burn injuries can include skin damage such as blistering, and in some cases it might require a skin graft to treat.

In a case where a woman staying at a branch of Premier Inn in Newcraighall, Scotland, a female guest was burned by hot water from the shower to such an extent that her injuries caused her to suffer fatal injuries. Whilst this is extremely rare, it serves to show how serious burn injuries can be.

Claims against Premier Inn for injuries caused by faulty equipment or furnishings

On many occasions, people can be injured in a hotel due to faults with or damage to the furniture, fixtures, or other equipment in the hotel. These accidents could happen to guests using furniture or equipment like hair dryers, irons, or showers in their room, or staff using equipment in the kitchens or other areas. Electrical injuries can be very serious and equipment should be tested and approved on a regular basis. Accidents can happen due to railings being damaged and breaking, or due to poor lighting causing people to trip and fall over. If a chair in your room, or in the restaurant collapses due to being damaged it could cause you to suffer a sprain or strain. In some cases people can even suffer from fractures. If a shower is faulty it can cause very serious harm, as seen in the last section. If you have been injured in a hotel, call Legal Expert to make a hotel accident claim against Premier Inn.

How to start a hotel accident claim against Premier Inn

If you have been injured in any of the ways above, or through any other types of accident or illness when staying at one of Premier Inns’ locations across the UK, you should take these steps, collecting the evidence which a personal injury solicitor can use to support your claim against the hotel chain. If you were seriously injured at a hotel and were unable to do so, you can also ask a friend, family member, or someone you are travelling with to help. These are the steps you should take.

  1. Take lots of photos of the hazard (if possible) which caused you to be injured in a Premier Inn. If you tripped up because of poor flooring you can take a photo of this. If your camera or smartphone lets you do so, include a date stamp.
  2. Tell the hotel staff and management about your accident. Make sure they properly record how you were hurt in their accident report log. If your stay was booked as part of a package, such as an overnight stay at an airport before flying out or returning, notify the package holiday company.
  3. Ask anyone who saw you be hurt, or saw the effects of food poisoning, if they are able to serve as a witness to your claim later.
  4. After being hurt at a Premier Inn, you might have had to meet a variety of costs such as travel or different medical costs. You could be able to claim these costs back in your compensation claim.
  5. If you visit a doctor or nurse, ask for a copy of any medical notes which they make about your accident or injury.

To make a claim after being hurt in a Premier Inn, you can call Legal Expert today to make a claim with a no win no fee solicitor.

What could I claim compensation from Premier Inn for?

There are two main forms of damages which hotel accident claims against Premier Inn might include. These are general damages and special damages. We will deal with general damages, those awarded for the harm caused to you, in the following section. Firstly, we will look at special damages here. What can these include compensation for?

  • The cost of travelling to or from healthcare appointment necessary as part of treating your injury or illness.
  • The cost of any healthcare, help around the home, or medication which you have had to pay for arising from your injury.
  • Loss of income: This will cover any work related salary or benefits payments you lost because of your injuries.

Premier Inn hotel accident compensation claims calculator

How much compensation or general damages you could be eligible to claim for after being injured in a hotel, such as a Premier Inn will depend upon what injury you suffered, and how serious that injury was. Different injuries attract different levels of damages, and within the category of injury the more serious it is, the higher a settlement may be. In this table we look at examples of some of the most common types of injury people might make a claim for after being injured in a Premier Inn.

Grounds for making a compensation claim How much your claim could be worth Information about the injury suffered
General pain and/ or suffering experienced up to £200,000+ General pain and/ or suffering experienced as a result of the accident and injuries.
Lost of income including salary, wages, or workplace benefits up to – £400,000 + Monies and workplace benefits which you were not able to earn.
Neck – minor injury No more than £2,150 Minor injuries which will get better quickly. No long-term damage.
Neck – moderarate injury £6,920 – £33,750 More harm caused than above, but which can either fully or almost fully be recovered from.
Neck – severe injury £39,870 – £130,060 Leading to lasting or permanent disabilities in the neck or elsewhere.
Back – minor injury over £10,970 Minor injuries which will not take too long to get better. Full recovery.
Back – moderate injury £10,970 – £34,000 Damage to the muscles, tendons, or other soft tissue.
Back – serious injury £34,000 – £141,150 Most serious cases will involve a broken back and the results of it.
Hands – moderate injury £5,110 – £11,640 May require minor surgical procedures to fix. Recovery expected to be very good.
Writs – serious injury £41,760 – £52,490 After treatment there may still be a good degree of disability.

The example hotel injury settlements listed above are there to illustrate how much particular injuries could be worth. How much your individual case will be settled for will depend on your own injury, as well as how the case is settled between you and the defendant. You may also be eligible to claim the additional forms of compensation looked at in the previous section.

No win no fee Premier Inn compensation claims

We are happy to be able to offer the majority of claimants we help services through a no win no fee solicitor. This type of claims process means that we will only need to charge you, as a claimant, what is called a success fee if the personal injury solicitor wins your claim. If the case is not successful, the charges are not applied. This means that victims of accidents or injury don’t face any financial risks in starting a case with Legal Expert. You can learn more about how no win no fee solicitors services work in our guide. You can also talk to our team by calling and discussing the claim.

Why claim make your Premier Inn claim with Legal Expert?

At Legal Expert we always work hard to get each and every one of our customers the best hotel injury settlement possible for their unique injuries. The personal injury lawyers which work for our team can have years of experience in making claims like these against hotels, such as Premier Inn. Our lawyers will always work hard to get the best possible outcome to your claim. With our customer centric approach, we’ll always make sure that you are left to concentrate on your recovery whilst we deal with your case. You can get in touch with our team as listed below.

How to get in contact with us

In producing this guide to hotel accident claims against Premier Inn we hope to have provided you with all of the information you need to make a successful claim if injured at a hotel. For many of those who have been hurt at a Premier Inn, we will be able to offer services through a no win no fee agreement. Call us today on 0800 073 8804, or email info@legalexpert.co.uk to find out how much you could claim for your illness or your injury. Our team are looking forward to talking to you today.

Helpful Links

We hope that this guide to hotel accident claims against Premier Inn has provided you with all of the information you need to make a successful claim for your injuries. The following resources provide you with additional information related to this type of claim.

Package holiday compensation claims
Did you book your hotel stay as part of a package holiday? It may have been an overnight stay at an airport before travelling abroad. If so, you may be protected by the UK’s package travel regulations. Find out how to make this type of compensation claim here.

Holiday accident claims
If you were injured on holiday as a result of negligence on the part of a service provider, or suffered from an illness such as food poisoning, find out how to claim here.

Accidents abroad when working
If you had to travel abroad for work and were hurt, we could help you to make a compensation claim. Find out how in this guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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