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How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Scaphoid Fracture?

In this guide, we will be talking all about scaphoid fracture injury compensation claims. There are a number of different bones that form the wrist, and the scaphoid is the smallest one of these bones. It is situated just under the thumb. Due to this, you may have suffered pain due to a missed scaphoid fracture.

Scaphoid fractures can happen in many different ways. However, they most typically happen when an individual falls on his or her outstretched hand. This can happen through a slip, trip or fall. Some of the symptoms a person will experience during a scaphoid fracture include swelling and pain. Such an injury can sometimes be difficult to identify, though, as the anatomy of the wrist is complex. If treatment is delayed or the injury goes undetected, it can cause damage to the wrist that is irreversible.

Welcome to our scaphoid injury claims guide.

Welcome to our scaphoid injury claims guide.

At Legal Expert, we have the years of experience needed to help you launch a successful scaphoid fracture injury claim in order for you to get compensation for not only the suffering you have but also the financial losses you’ve had too. We have helped many personal injury victims to get the compensation they deserve for this type of injury as well as many others.

You can reach us on our personal injury claim line by calling 0800 073 8804. Furthermore, if you prefer, you can reach us using our contact page or write to us using the Live Chat bubble now on screen. But before you go ahead and do this, make sure you read on to find out everything you need to know regarding these claims. This includes when and whether you could be able to make a claim for maximum compensation.

Select A Section

  1. Our definitive guide to Scaphoid Fracture Injury claims
  2. What is a Scaphoid fracture
  3. Common causes for Scaphoid fractures
  4. Missed Scaphoid Fracture Compensation – Do I have a Claim
  5. The risks of missed Scaphoid Fractures
  6. Scaphoid fracture at work – Should I make a claim?
  7. Scaphoid fracture in road accident – Can I claim compensation?
  8. What are the long term effects of scaphoid fractures
  9. What can be claimed for with Scaphoid Fracture Injury Claims
  10. No Win No Fee Scaphoid fracture Claims
  11. Can Legal Expert Help?
  12. Speak To Legal Expert today
  13. Useful Links

Our definitive guide to Scaphoid Fracture Injury claims

In the sections below, we will take a look at what a fractured scaphoid is, how it can happen and what the implications could be. And this includes how you can file medical negligence claims relating to this injury. In particular, we will look at accidents at work, road traffic accidents and injuries sustained in a public place. We will also consider the implications of missing a scaphoid fracture from a clinical negligence perspective.

Furthermore, we will also provide potential scaphoid fracture injury compensation awards. And we provide details about how our team of No Win No Fee solicitors can help you get the compensation you deserve. Remember, if you have any queries or would like to make a scaphoid fracture compensation claim, get in touch with our advisors on the number at the top of this page.

What is a Scaphoid fracture?

In order to help understand scaphoid injury claims, let’s start by looking at what this type of injury actually entails.

In your wrist, you have a number of different bones. The scaphoid is one of these. It is one of the carpal bones in your hand, located around the wrist area. In fact, it is most common carpal bone to fracture. As mentioned in the introduction, it usually happens when someone falls on his or her hand when it is outstretched. However, one of the big problems is a delayed or missed diagnosis because not all fractures show up on X-rays. Therefore, not only can you claim for incidents whereby you have suffered a scaphoid fracture in an accident that was not your fault, but you can also claim if you feel you have been the victim of medical negligence too. We have helped many people to secure missed scaphoid fracture compensation.

How Is A Scaphoid Injury Diagnosed?

You may be wondering, “how is a scaphoid injury diagnosed?” Medical professionals can diagnose an injury like this through many different methods. They include:

  • MRI scans
  • X-rays
  • Plain radiographs
  • Bone scintigraphy

It might not always be realistic for a medical professional to use all of these techniques, however. Please bear in mind, though, that if you have suffered a missed scaphoid fracture because of a breach of duty of care, you may be able to claim for medical negligence if you’re able to prove that the injury worsened due to this. Contact us today for free legal advice to learn more about this.

Common causes for Scaphoid fractures

There are a number of different reasons why people experience scaphoid fractures and subsequently make scaphoid injury claims.

As stated, a fall on an outstretched hand is the most common reason. This means that you have fallen when your palm is stretched out and flat, and your wrist is bent back, and you have landed on your hand in this manner. This is a common position to be in when falling because people tend to put their hands forward to protect themselves instinctively. Therefore, if you have fallen, be it due to a pothole or an obstruction in a supermarket, or anything else, and you have experienced a scaphoid fracture, you can make a claim. You would need to prove that your injury was caused by third-party negligence in order to receive compensation.

This is not the only way that a scaphoid fracture can occur. Sometimes, a direct blow to the palm of the hand can be responsible. Furthermore, a fracture can happen due to repeated stress on the scaphoid bone. This often happens in sportspeople, such as shot putters and gymnasts. Nevertheless, these incidents are very rare.

While a lot of people only fracture their scaphoid bone and nothing else, there are cases whereby other bones around the same area can be broken at the same time. Moreover, scaphoid fractures can be displaced, i.e. there is a degree of movement of the fragments of bone, or they can be non-displaced (where there is no movement of the fragments of bone). So, the nature of the injury will determine how much scaphoid fracture injury compensation receive. Speak to us if you require any further advice.

Missed Scaphoid Fracture Compensation – Do I have a Claim?

You may be wondering whether you have grounds to make scaphoid injury claims.

If you have suffered an injury to your wrist, such as a scaphoid fracture, a trip to the local Accident & Emergency (A&E) department is usually what happens. The individual will receive advice and be given a treatment plan and/or medication. However, sometimes complications can arise due to delayed diagnosis or missed diagnosis. This is because the scaphoid bone is the most common bone to be fractured and it is often hard to spot on the X-ray. If such a scenario happens, it can cause long-term complications. For the best practice guidelines regarding how suspected scaphoid fractures should be managed in patients visiting A&E departments, refer to the Guidelines in Emergency Medicine Network (GEMNet).

These guidelines come with a lot of useful information, including a flowchart on managing patients whereby the following scenarios occur:

  1. The patient has a history that is compatible with a potential fracture.
  2. There is tenderness in the relevant area, which has been revealed during the examination.

If either of these are the case, an X-ray with a scaphoid view should be provided. But if this is not provided, you could have the basis for a scaphoid fracture misdiagnosis claim.

If the X-ray is carried out, and a fracture is revealed, the person should have their wrist placed in a cast and an orthopaedic follow up should be given. Again, if this does not happen, this can be another reason to get in touch with a personal injury solicitor and make a claim.

In cases of scaphoid fracture medical negligence whereby the injury has been missed, the following tends to have typically happened:

  • Failing to carry out an X-ray when the patient has showed symptoms that are compatible with a scaphoid fracture.
  • Mis-interpreting an X-ray, i.e. overlooking that it shows a scaphoid fracture / mistaking it for something else.
  • Failing to sort out a follow-up after the diagnosis of a fracture.

If you can prove that your injury was worsened by medical negligence, you may be able to claim for a missed scaphoid fracture.

The risks of missed Scaphoid Fractures

If a scaphoid fracture is not diagnosed and treatment is not given in a timely manner, complications can arise, which can cause long-term health issues. Such risks and complications can include the following:

  • Arthritis in the area where there has been a fracture. If the fracture is not treated or diagnosed properly, the risk of experiencing arthritis increases greatly.
  • Avascular necrosis. This happens when the blood supply is interrupted because of the fracture, which stops healing from occurring and eventually causes the bone to die.
  • The bone fragments may start to heal together in the incorrect position, which can lead to restricted movement and pain, which can then mean surgery is needed to correct it.
  • Non-union or delayed union of bone fragments. Usually, this means surgery or that the plaster cast will need to be worn for longer.

Scaphoid fracture at work – Should I make a claim?

Sometimes, people suffer accidents at work that lead to scaphoid injury claims due to unsafe practices, a lack of personal protective equipment, or poor training. We have helped a lot of people to launch personal claims of this nature. Call us today if you believe your employer is to blame for your injury.

Scaphoid fracture in road accident – Can I claim compensation?

You can also suffer a scaphoid fracture in a road traffic accident if your wrist is in an awkward position, resulting in grounds to make scaphoid injury claims. Again, this is something we can help you with. Please note that the personal injury claims time limit for fractured/broken bone claims is three years from the date of the accident, so please do not wait around.

What are the long-term effects of scaphoid fractures?

Scaphoid fractures can differ in severity considerably. However, there are a number of long-term effects that can happen. This includes manifest osteoarthritis, marked radio carpal osteoarthritis, non-union of the fracture, and dorsal intercalated-segment instability.

What can be claimed for with Scaphoid Fracture Injury Claims?

When you make scaphoid injury claims, you can claim damages for a number of different things. So, your scaphoid fracture injury compensation could include the following:

  • General damages – This is the compensation you get to cover the pain and suffering you have experienced, both physical and psychological.
  • Special damages – Any out-of-pocket expenses you have experienced because of your injury. This includes loss of earnings, travel costs, childcare expenses, and such like. Please keep proof of these costs, for example, receipts, so that you can strengthen your case.

For a more accurate understanding of how much compensation you could get, please do not hesitate to give us a call. You certainly should not rely on a personal injury claims calculator, as they can be very inaccurate.

No Win, No Fee Scaphoid fracture Claims

One of the main reasons why our service is so popular is because of our 100 per cent No Win, No Fee approach.

Thanks for reading our scaphoid injury claims guide.

Thanks for reading our scaphoid injury claims guide.

This means that you will not pay us anything if we do not successfully secure compensation for you. This ensures that you are always protected when you use our service. You do not have to worry about a scenario whereby you have legal fees to fund but you have no compensation to cover it with. That simply cannot happen when you choose to make a claim with us. Furthermore, it means you do not need any money to provide upfront payments, so anyone can claim, so your financial situation is irrelevant. This can give you complete peace of mind when making scaphoid injury claims with a Legal Expert personal injury lawyer.

Can Legal Expert Help?

There are many reasons why you should choose Legal Expert when making a scaphoid fracture injury claim. Not only do we offer a 100 per cent No Win, No Fee service, but also we have years and years of experience in the industry. We have helped many personal injury victims to get the compensation that they deserve. You can be sure that we have handled cases similar to yours. We have a great track record and excellent client feedback to back this up.

Plus, we always aim to secure the maximum scaphoid fracture compensation amounts. We are not just satisfied with securing a payout for your scaphoid injury claims – we want to make sure you get the maximum possible. You can see some potential fracture payout amounts in the table below.


Type of Injury Severity Bracket of Compensation Features of Injury
Wrist £44,690 to £56,180 This injury would lead to complete function of the wrist being lost. An example of how this could occur would be if an arthrodesis was performed.
Wrist Rarely exceed £9,620 Complete recovery from a fracture or soft tissue injury is made. However, it takes longer than usually expected.
Wrist £11,820 to £22,990 This bracket is for less severe injuries where there is still some form of permanent disability. For example, stiffness and pain when moving the wrist could still remain.
Hand Serious £27,220 to £58,100 Injuries in this bracket have reduced the hand to around 50 per cent capacity. An example of how this could occur would be if several fingers were amputated but rejoined, causing the hand to be unsightly and harder to manoeuvre.
Hand Less Serious £13,570 to £27,220 This could be a severe crush injury causing significantly impaired function unless future surgery is performed.
Hand Moderate £5,260 to £12,460 Penetrating wounds, crush injuries and deep lacerations.
Arm Less Severe £18,020 to £36,770 A less severe arm injury where a significant amount of recovery will have either taken place or will be expected to in the future.
Wrist £22,990 to £36,770 A permanent and significant disability would be created. However, some useful movement would remain.
Wrist £3,310 to £4,450 Minimally displaced fractures and soft tissue injuries requiring plaster or bandage for a matter of weeks where a virtual or full recovery is made within 12 months.
Wrist In the region of £6,970 A Colles’ fracture that is uncomplicated, leading to a full recovery.


Please remember that this only indicates what you could receive from a missed scaphoid fracture. If you contact us, we’re able to provide you with a more accurate compensation estimate over the phone and can answer any questions you have.

Scaphoid Injury Claims FAQs

What is a scaphoid injury?

In your wrist, you have a number of different bones. The scaphoid is one of these. It is one of the carpal bones in your hand, located around the wrist area. In fact, it is the most common carpal bone to fracture. A scaphoid fracture usually happens when someone falls on his or her hand when it is outstretched.

What happens if a scaphoid fracture is left untreated?

Fractures of any kind require treatment to ensure that they don’t cause any further damage. The bone may heal in an incorrect position or even cause further splintering. With this in mind, always seek medical attention as soon as you suspect a fracture, particularly if you wish to have evidence in order to make a claim.

Do I have grounds to claim?

Providing that the injury happens due to third-party negligence, you could claim scaphoid fracture injury compensation. Please call today for a free consultation with one of our specialists.

How much is a wrist injury worth?

There is no way of saying how much your claim could be worth without assessing the details of your case.

How much compensation could I get?

For a free consultation and estimate, please get in touch today.

How can No Win No Fee claims help?

These types of agreements can allow you to get legal help without the worry of solicitor fees. You only have to pay if they win your case for you, meaning you won’t be out of pocket.

How can Legal Expert help?

We provide a claims management service and work with a panel of personal injury lawyers that can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

Speak To Legal Expert today

Are you ready to make scaphoid injury claims?

If so, we are ready and waiting to help you. All you need to do is give our team a call on 0800 073 8804. This is our claims line and it is open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. so you can call at any time that suits you. We can also answer any queries you have and provide you with scaphoid fracture compensation case studies. We also have plenty of other ways for you to get in touch, which you can see on our contact page. Feel free to use our online instant messaging feature or to request a call back on our website if you would prefer to do so.

Useful Links

Scaphoid Information NHS– This is a PDF that has been put together by NHS Wales, which provides patient information on scaphoid injuries. You can find details on treatment, recovery, and much more.

Misdiagnosis Claim– This link takes you to one of our other guides, which is about claiming compensation for a misdiagnosis. You can find information on filing such a claim as well as calculating how much you will receive.

Thanks for reading our scaphoid injury claims guide. We hope you now have a greater understanding of how to claim scaphoid fracture injury compensation.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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