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Travelodge Hotel Accident Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – How To Claim?

Anybody who has worked, visited or stayed at a Travelodge hotel across the UK and been injured because of a mistake, negligent act by a member of staff or lack of training could make a personal injury claim against the hotel operator.

Travelodge hotel accident claimsThis guide is designed to guide you through the claim process and the types of accidents and injuries that can be claimed for. If you have been injured while working at or staying a Travelodge hotel then call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 today and we will begin a no win no fee claim for you right away.

If you’d like to know more first, then please carry on reading this guide for more information.

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A guide to hotel accident claims against Travelodge

Travelodge are one of the UKs largest and favourite budget hotels in convenient locations. They are affordable and offer the same quality of room across the majority of their hotels and have a great booking system allowing guests to book rooms quickly and conveniently on their website or via their app.

However, for all of its popularity, hotel accident claims against Travelodge can be required because staff or management have failed in their duty of care to protect guests, visitors and staff from injury.

This guide will cover the types of accidents that can occur (including slips & falls, food poisoning, burns & scalds and also bed bug bites) and what you should do if you’re involved in one. The guide will also cover how to make a no win no fee claim using Legal Expert’s no win no fee service and the types of compensation payouts that injuries can be awarded.

Finally, it is worth noting that all personal injury claims in the UK must be lodged within 3 years of the accident happening so the best advice would be to begin your claim as soon as possible.

Am I eligible to make a claim against Travelodge?

All Travelodge hotels have a duty of care to protect all guests, visitors and staff within their hotel buildings and, if they breach that duty, you could claim against them.

Essentially the owners, operators and management of Travelodge are obliged to risk assess their hotels to identify potential areas where accidents or injuries could be caused and when identified they need to put things into place to reduce the risks and document policies and procedures for staff to follow.

If staff aren’t trained in health and safety procedures or aren’t aware of changes to them then Travelodge could have breached their duty of care an you could be entitled to compensation.

If you’re unsure whether or not you are eligible to make a claim against Travelodge then give our team a call and we’ll assess your claim as part of our free, no obligation, consultation where we get to understand what happened, the cause and whether or not it would be eligible to be taken forward using our no win no fee compensation claim.

What are the most common ways people are injured at a hotel

There are a number of types of personal injury claim that can be made following an accident in Travelodge hotel which we will cover in the coming sections. We’ll cover what can cause the accident, how it could be the fault of somebody else and what you should do if you’re involved in one.

The most common types of accident that could happen are: Food poisoning; Slips, trips and falls; Accidents in lifts; Bed bug bites; Scalds or burns and; Injuries caused by damaged or broken fixtures or furnishings.

Travelodge fall or slip injury claims

If you’ve been hurt at a Travelodge hotel because of a slip trip or fall the you may be able to make a personal injury claim if it was the fault of Travelodge or their staff. If the fall happened because you were messing around or not paying attention, then this would not be Travelodge’s fault and they would not have been able to do anything to prevent the accident from occurring.

There are however a number of scenarios where liability could be proven such as:

  • Uneven or damaged flooring (including outside of the hotel in its car park)
  • Slippery floors that have been over polished or wet floors that have no warning signs
  • Trip hazards that are not visible because of poor lighting

If any of these were to cause you to trip or fall in Travelodge, then it’d be a good idea to take a photograph as evidence that the problem was not of your own making.

The types of injury that can occur from slip or trip can require multiple trips to surgery and may never fully repair the joint or bone that has been injured back to its original state. Some of the most common injuries include: broken bones, sprains, bruising, cuts and lacerations, head injuries and spinal injuries.

Travelodge foodborne illness claims

A common hotel accident claim, across all hotels, is for food poisoning. Travelodge have very strict procedures in place for food safety and hygiene but if, for some reason, staff don’t follow policy then you could make a food poisoning claim.

Food poisoning happens when food is not stored correctly, is prepared in a dirty kitchen, is undercooked or not reheated properly and can lead to some very serious (sometimes life threatening) illnesses. The types of conditions that can be caused are E-Coli, Noro Virus and Salmonella amongst others.

Common symptoms of food poisoning include:

  • A very high body temperature
  • Stomach cramps
  • Sweating and clamminess
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Diarrhoea
  • Generally feeling unwell.

If any of these is true, then medical assistance should be sought and contact with others should be avoided to prevent the spread of food poisoning by contact.

Travelodge bed bug bite injury claims

It is unusual for bed bugs to be found in large hotel chains like Travelodge but if they do happen to be in your room then as well as being irritating, they can cause to large unexpected costs. This happens if they get into your clothes and on your body and subsequently travel home with you and cause an infestation at home.

The only way to properly rid a property of bed bugs is to call in the professionals which can cost a lot and so, if it was caused by your stay at Travelodge, you could seek compensation from them for your costs.

Travelodge lift injury claims

In the larger Travelodge hotels guests are provided with a lift to move between floors and, in general, they are very safe and well maintained. Accidents in lifts are rare but they can happen. You could consider making a compensation claim if:

  • You become stuck in a lift that has broken down.
  • You get trapped in the doors of a lift (which shouldn’t be possible if safety features are working correctly).
  • If you trip because the lift and door didn’t align correctly when the doors opened.

We can help with a hotel accident claim for lift related injuries so please get in touch.

Claims for a scald or burn injury at a Travelodge

There are a number of accidents involving burns and scalds which could happen to guests or even to staff who work in the bar, restaurant or food preparation areas such as:

  • The hot water in the bath or shower being too hot because the temperature is not being regulated correctly due to a faulty water heater.
  • Food or drink being spilled onto a customer causing scalding or burning.
  • Staff being burnt or scalded in food preparation because of inadequate training, staffing levels or inappropriate safety equipment.

Any scald or burn should be treated immediately as they can continue to cause more and more damage if left untreated.

All of these types of injuries could be entitled to hotel accident claims against Travelodge so please get in touch if you believe you may have a case for a hotel injury settlement.

Injury or harm caused by faulty or broken furnishings

When you’re staying at a Travelodge there are a number of places where you may use fixtures of furniture such as in the lobby or in the room itself. It is essential that all furniture and fixtures that might be used by staff, visitors to the hotel and guests may use should be in a good state of repair and useable.

The types of things that could cause an injury include sofas and chairs, desks, beds, kettles and hairdryers. Any faulty equipment should be highlighted to staff but if you don’t notice the defect before it causes you an injury then it would be a good idea to gather evidence such as taking a photograph of the cause of your accident and remember to report it to staff.

If you are injured while using a piece of furniture at Travelodge, then you could claim compensation if it was faulty in any way.

How to begin a compensation claim against Travelodge for an accident or injury

To make hotel accident claims against Travelodge easier there are a number of steps we recommend you take if you do have an accident, which was the fault of somebody employed by Travelodge, that will make your claim a lot easier to process as they will provide the evidence to support your claim. These steps are:

  • Firstly, and most importantly, seek medical assistance to assess your injury. This may require you to make your own way to a doctor or hospital or in more extreme accidents you could be required to call 999 and attend hospital via an ambulance.
  • Report your accident to the Travelodge reception. They have an accident reporting system to log all incidents and should be able to provide you with a copy of the report. If they fail to do so, then ask to speak with a duty manager.
  • Ask for any witnesses to provide you with their contact details and, if they are able to, to write down what they saw while it is still fresh in their minds.
  • Photograph or video the scene of the accident with as much detail as possible. It can be vital evidence especially if the photograph shows the defect or root cause of your accident and that can be attributed to Travelodge negligence.
  • Contact the NHS for a copy of the medical record from your visit to the doctors or hospital (don’t worry if you’re unable to do this immediately as we can help with this at a later date).

Obviously, if you’re injured in a hotel, the last thing on your mind will be gathering evidence as you probably want to get on with whatever it is that your staying at the hotel for in the first place, but it can make all the difference to a successful claim.

I was injured at a Travelodge, what can I claim compensation for?

Hotel accident claims against Travelodge can involve a number of different elements and factors and it’s important that your personal injury solicitor does as much work to highlight these all at the same time as, once any case is settled, further items can’t be claimed for and so we are very thorough when making claims to ensure we get all of the relevant information from you. The elements of a claim that can be included are:

  • General damages which is the element that covers the pain and suffering caused by the accident (we’ve included a table that shows the amounts of compensation in the next section). The amount that can be claimed is determined by the type of injury and the severity and reflects the impact it will have on the claimant. Our job is to ensure that we can prove, with the use of medical records and experts, how severe the injury really was and what impact it had on you.
  • Compensation for personal property which has been damaged in the accident. This is an element that is quite straightforward to calculate and is based on the cost of repairing or replacing any items that were damaged in your hotel accident. For instance, it would cover items of clothing that were ripped, phones with smashed screens and broken spectacles is another item that can be claimed for.
  • Medical expenses can also be claimed back including the cost of any treatment and prescription fees. This could include the cost of a chiropractor or similar specialist that isn’t available via the NHS.
  • Travel costs can be another item you may want to claim back if, for instance, you had to make a lot of trips to hospitals or doctors surgeries (and car parking can be included too).
  • Loss of earnings can be claimed if you’ve had to take time off from work because of your injury or for extra medical appointments and also, if your injuries mean that you can no longer complete tasks required for your job and you have to change to a less well paid job then you could claim for future loss of earnings as well.

In the main, most of these elements (excluding the general damages element) are to reimburse you for financial costs incurred because of your Travelodge accident so it would be worth remembering to keep hold of any receipts or bank statements as evidence of the expenditure.

Travelodge accident and illness compensation calculator

Unlike some websites we don’t offer a true Travelodge accident compensation calculator as we know, from our many years’ experience, that each and every claim is different and needs to take into account a number of unique circumstances.

What we can do is provide the table below which shows a sample of different injuries and the range of compensation amounts available depending on the severity of the injury:

Body part injured More information The severity range Possible Compensation Amount
Neck injury Beginning with basic injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to the neck. Minor to severe Up to £130,060
Back injury Starting with basic injuries such as cuts , through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to the back. Minor to severe Up to £141,150
Hand injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to very serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to a hand. Minor to serious Up to £54,280
Wrist injury Beginning with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to a wrist. Minor to severe Up to £4,160
Arm injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to an arm. Moderate to severe Up to £114,810
Finger injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to one or more fingers. Minor to severe Up to £21,910
Thumb injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to a thumb. Minor to severe Up to £48,080
Toe injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to one or more toes. Moderate to severe Up to £49,180
Ankle injury Starting with basic injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to an ankle. Minor to severe Up to £61,110
Foot injury Beginning with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to a foot. Minor to very severe Up to £96,150
Leg injury Starting with simple injuries such as cuts or abrasions, through to serious damage that will result in a permanent disability to a leg. Minor to severe Up to £119,210

The potential list of injuries is vast, so we’ve just included a sample here but if yours isn’t listed then don’t worry as we can still help. Simply give us a call or get in touch and we’ll be able to give you an idea of what your injury may be worth.

No win no fee hotel illness and injury claims

We like to make our clients feel at ease and not be stressing about how much the claim is going to cost them. We’ve heard lots of shocking stories of solicitors who charge by the hour and do so even if they lose the case which leaves the claimant with a large legal bill for no reason.

We don’t think that is fair and is why we offer a service called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA or no win no fee agreement) which we offer to all clients that we take on. Once we’ve had an initial consultation with you, we’ll draft a CFA which states exactly what you’ll pay us if we win the case (by a fixed percentage of the compensation) and it also states, in a clear black and white statement, that if we are unsuccessful then you do not have to pay us anything at all.

We believe that by taking away the stress of making a claim by offering a no win no fee service we are truly the best choice of personal injury solicitor.

How we can help you claim compensation after a Travelodge accident

Legal Expert has been online for over 20 years and we’ve gained a wealth of knowledge regarding personal injury claims which makes us an obvious choice when deciding on a personal injury solicitor.

Our team are dedicated to winning compensation that our clients deserve, professional and always friendly. We know what’s needed to make a successful claim and also what’s not needed (so we won’t be wasting your time) and will keep you informed along the way about any offers that come in from Travelodge or their insurers. We will always advise you if believe the amount offered is fair and fully compensates you for your injuries or not.

Contact us our team today

Now that you’ve read the entire guide regarding hotel accident claims against Travelodge and you’re happy that Legal Expert can help you with your personal injury claim then we hope you’re ready to contact us today. If you are then there are a number of ways to get in touch:

  • Telephone: Call us on 0800 073 8804 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Email us: send your message to info@legalexpert.co.uk
  • Live chat: Get straight through to one of our specialist personal injury advisors via live chat from any page on our website.

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and offer a free initial consultation to discuss your injury personally.

Helpful Links

Other hotel accidents – our guide to general accident claims in hotels other than Travelodge

Slips, trips and falls – another of our guides that covers the types of injuries that can happen when you slip or fall

Bed Bugs guide – an NHS article on bed bugs

Food poisoning information – A guide about food poisoning and the associated illnesses

Hopefully this guide about hotel accident claims against Travelodge has covered everything you need to know but please feel free to get in touch if there is anything else you need to know.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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