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Andover Personal Injury Solicitors

For those visiting Andover, or those who live and work there, travelling about their daily business, the thought of having an accident there may never cross their mind. When it does happen though, many unexpected things occur that one might never have expected.

Andover personal injury solicitors

Bills can mount up if you can’t work, you have extra costs such as travelling to the doctors or the hospital, not to mention the sheer amount of awkwardness of movement, pain and trauma you might have encountered. Whether you’ve had a minor or serious accident In Andover, if it happened due to someone else’s doing, then you might be seeking locally based personal injury solicitors to help you with your claim. But this may not be your only option, or your best option.

Here in this guide, we explore your options should you be involved in an accident that could constitute the basis for a personal injury case. Calling Legal Expert’s helpline 0800 073 8804 is one option, but if you’d like to know more about why choosing Andover personal injury solicitors isn’t always the best idea, then you can also read the below.

A guide to making a personal injury claim in your area

Whatever part of the world you’re in, when you have an accident, it can cause you a lot of turmoil. Not many of us would know instinctively what to do should we be in need of road traffic accident claims solicitors, or if we were the victim of medical negligence. Advice can be contradictory and it can be hard to know where to turn, whether you should seek Andover based personal injury solicitors or those based elsewhere in the UK to handle your personal injury claim. Here at Legal Expert, we aim to debunk the myths surrounding choosing the best personal injury lawyer for you, as well as explain the concept of no win no fee, and more.

How we can help you to make a personal injury claim

First on the list is making sure you’re aware of the criteria that lead to successful claims. There is a wealth of legislation put in place to protect victims of injury caused by others’ negligence or poor behaviour from being put in financial difficulty due to that injury. There are also time limits in place where these claims can be put forth. Here at Legal Expert, we can explain the rules behind both of these facets of personal injury law.

Firstly, when it comes to what constitutes and illness or injury that would lead to a personal injury claim, anything that has happened because of someone else’s doing or negligence that causes you physical or emotional injury or harm could lead to a successful case. It does not have to be the result of a traumatic injury either. Industrial diseases that develop over time can be covered also.

In terms of the time limit for making claims, while the standard is three years from the date the injury was incurred, this is different when it comes to some situations. For example, if an injury or illness was diagnosed 5 years from the date of an accident, a person would usually have three years from diagnosis date to claim. There are different rules regarding minors also.

Key criteria to be eligible to make a claim

What remains true throughout the whole process though is the below three criteria

  1. You/the claimant were owed somewhat of a duty to care for your wellbeing by the entity defending the case
  2. That entity did not fulfil this duty
  3. You were inflicted some sort of harm because of this

Whatever your situation, we are here to help. Speak to the team here at Legal Expert and we’ll take you through the details of what has happened to you to work out whether you could claim.

Helpful tips to find the best possible personal injury solicitor

Searching for a personal injury solicitor to take on your case isn’t as simple as pointing to any listing in the Yellow Pages. Or, choosing the first website you see in a Google search. With so many websites promising the same sort of personal injury solicitors service, how are you meant to differentiate between them?

There are a few tips we can give you here. Whilst all of the solicitors practising in the UK are under regulation by the SRA, it does not take into account the levels of service you’re likely to receive. The fact that a solicitor may be working with you for a considerable length of time means you can afford to be picky, after all, you want to get someone you know will get back to you when you need them to, keep you updated on the status of your case. You should certainly learn all you can about the solicitor you are considering for your case, and you also need to speak to them in order to get a feel for the sort of person they are. They say gut instinct is a powerful thing, so if you feel comfortable talking to the solicitor and have done enough research to know they are good at what they do, then it might be worth listening to your gut. Here at Legal Expert, we know an awful lot about the solicitors we can provide to you, so we have the research part covered. In some cases, if you call us, we can connect you with a solicitor on the same call, so you can ask them any questions you might want to at the time.

Look into reviews of solicitors

Almost everyone on the internet has read an online review or two in their time and reviews of solicitors online can be very useful when it comes to choosing one for your case. However, it is important to know that not every review will be based on fact, and some can be subjective. If a client has perhaps unrealistic expectations of the amount of compensation they’d receive, then they might be disappointed with this, and their review may reflect their emotions rather than the facts. Personal injury is emotive and emotions can run high, so it is not uncommon to see the odd slightly less favourable review on many a solicitor’s site. However, should there be a number of poor reviews and all pointing to a similar problem, then it may well be worth avoiding that particular solicitor.

One thing that might not be mentioned in the reviews is the level of compensation in percentage form that the clients have had to pay the solicitors. Although there is a cap on this, it can make a real difference to the compensation you receive, with some solicitors charging lower percentages than others. To put this into context, from a payout of £93.956 for injuries to the leg that were severe, a claimant could receive anything from £56,373 to £79,862 depending on the solicitor they chose.

Do I have to use a solicitor in Andover?

Personal injury solicitors in Andover might be perfectly experienced enough to handle your case, but they may not be the best ones for your specific circumstances. For example, if you were involved in a highly complex RTA would you be confident that your average personal injury solicitor round the corner could handle it? If so, then that’s great, but it might be worth considering the fact that you have every right to use someone in another part of the country that might have handled more complex cases on a more regular basis, which might make them better places to handle your specific case. You are not restricted at all to the location of your solicitor in the UK, even if your injury happened in Andover, so don’t feel you have to settle. Legal Expert have highly experienced solicitors who can conduct your case, no matter where in the country it happened, and we’ll make sure you get the right one for your specific needs.

What are the most common types of accident or injury we help people to make claims for?

With just a small amount of research, you’re sure to find that there are a huge number of different types of claims, and all are completely unique. However, there are certain types of claim that you will see have similarities, and we have listed some of the more common types of claim so you can see the variety of claims we’re able to handle. Of course, we can handle any type of injury/illness claim, so if yours isn’t in the list below – do not panic, we can still help!

Industrial disease claims

Sadly, there are a great number of people whose work has led them to suffer industrial disease. You may have heard of Asbestosis as one of these, or Mesothelioma, but there are also a great many more, such as Vibration White Finger, dermatitis, respiratory and lung disease. If you have suffered industrial disease, then it may well be worth pursuing a claim, as many of these conditions affect your ability to work, as well as your general health and you could be rendered financially worse off because of it.

Medical negligence claims

While medical care in the area is usually very good, medical negligence does happen, and it happens right across the UK. When it comes to claiming negligence by your GP, hospital or other healthcare provider, or even by your dentist, it is entirely possible to have a successful claim with the help of the right medical negligence lawyer. Medical negligence could include misdiagnosis, later diagnosis, or even surgical error, and may have long lasting effects on your future health and your mental health. These are all factors that can be taken into consideration when calculating your payout.

Work accident claims in Andover

Wherever you work, there is always somewhat of a risk of becoming injured, but your employer should take steps to keep you as safe as it is possible for them to do. If they don’t, for example, provide you with protective equipment or clothing, or perform proper risk assessments, or if they don’t maintain work equipment properly or give you safety training, then it is entirely possible that if you hurt yourself at work, you could have a claim.

Accident at work statistics for the Test Valley Authority area

Below, you’ll see the statistics surrounding accidents at work in the Test Valley Authority Area.

Test Valley Local Authority Accidents at Work (RIDAGGR) 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Unspecified 32 27 18
Injury by Electric Shock 2 0 0
Injury related to Machinery 9 13 5
Fire Exposure 1 0 1
Exposure to any Harmful substance 5 4 3
A fall from a height 23 17 14
Injuries related to animals 3 2 7
Manual handling 65 48 37
Assault (Physical) 6 6 7
Level trip, slip or fall 71 48 42
Injury from striking against something 8 4 6
Hit by vehicle 7 5 8
Hit by other object 27 17 25
Trap injuries 1 1 0

Slip, trip, and fall injury claims

Falling even on the level ground can cause injuries. These can be even worse if one were to have fallen from a height. There are a huge number of different ways in which slips, trips and falls can lead to claims. If you were in a supermarket, for example, and there was a trip hazard not cleared or clearly signposted and you fell and were injured, then the supermarket could be seen as being liable. Similarly, if you were in a hotel, and the entrance mat caused you to trip and fall, the hotel may be liable. This type of accident can happen even in the street over a broken pavement, whereupon the local authority may be deemed liable.

Serious injury claims solicitors

Not all injuries caused by accidents can be recovered from, and often a person’s life is changed dramatically. Serious injury cases require a lot of experience, time and care, as the future earning potential and health of the person will have to be carefully assessed in terms of how much of their quality of life they may have lost out on, and also how much financial damage this is likely to cause them in the long run. We can certainly help with serious injury claims, and can provide serious injury solicitors with proven track records to help fight for the compensation you will need and deserve going forward.

Road traffic accident claims in the Andover area

Accidents on the roads happen all across the UK and it is almost certain that if you have one, you will suffer some sort of injury. Whether you were a passenger in a taxi that was in a crash, or a car pulled out on you at a junction, or even if you were a cyclist knocked off their bike by a car, you can make a claim if the incident that occurred was not your fault. Even in some cases where you were partially to blame for the accident, if there is blame on both sides you could possibly still receive some compensation, so do not hesitate to ask us if we feel you could have a case.

Reported casualties from Hampshire road traffic accidents

2011/ 12 2012/ 13 2013 / 14
Other 2 0 1
Car 4 3 8
Motorcycle 0 0 0
Cyclist 14 13 12
Pedestrian 25 23 27

As you can see, the number of pedestrian accidents in Andover is significantly higher than other road users. Pedestrian accident claims can be handled through our service and we have experienced lawyers we can provide to you to help your claim.

No win no fee personal injury solicitors

Making claims without risk with personal injury solicitors is achievable. The way in which this is done is via a concept known as no win no fee. Whether it is a medical malpractice or clinical negligence case, or a road traffic accident or pavement trip, you don’t have to pay legal bills upfront, and can instead do so as a part of your final compensation payment. If you don’t get a payout, there’s no legal bill for you to pay.

Is our service really no win, no fee?

The solicitors we provide work on this basis, and will explain the percentage that will be deducted from your compensation to cover their fees. All the details of this agreement will be explained to you, and your solicitor may well ask/advise you to take an insurance policy to cover any unexpected costs, but all solicitors we provide will explain this fully, as well as the reasons why this insurance might be necessary.

Where can I find further information about making a claim?

From us, naturally! Whether you’re seeking answers to some questions specific to your case, or you want to go ahead with your own claim, we can give you the information needed, quickly, and without any pressure to use our services. If you have all the information you need, then you’ll be best placed to make a decision that’s right for you.

Speak to us today

There’s no better time to get in touch. Our friendly, compassionate and experienced advisors are reachable on 0800 073 8804 or you can get in touch via the website. Don’t leave your questions unanswered and your right to compensation any longer. We’re here to help, and we’re available when you need us.

Other Helpful Compensation Guides

Helpful contacts and services in Andover

Been involved in an accident in Andover? You might have cause to reach out to the following, whether as part of your claim, or before you contact a solicitor.

Local Police Station

South Street
SP10 2ED
Phone: 101

Local Crown Court
Winchester Combined Court
The Law Courts
SO23 9EL

Local Hospital
Andover War Memorial Hospital
Charlton Road
SP10 3LB
Tel: 01264 358 811
Web: www.hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk

Street claims – Should you have fallen in the street and need to know about claiming, read here.

Foreign Vehicle Collision – If you were hit by a foreign vehicle, read here.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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