Last Updated 18th March 2025. This guide will answer the question: do I need to use personal injury solicitors near me? The short answer is no. A reputable national firm like Legal Expert may be the best option for you. This guide will explain how.
We will start by answering your question directly – do I need to use injury lawyers near me? Once we do so, we will address other common queries, such as what is involved in a personal injury claim, what sort of accidents could cause one, and how much compensation you could seek.
You may have heard the term “No Win No Fee” before. We will explain what this means for you and whether Legal Expert can offer their services on this basis. There are several benefits to working with our experienced and proven solicitors, and we shall provide them here for your consideration.
You may have questions during or by the end of this guide. We have made our claims line available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to help. You can contact our advisors anytime to get the answers you need via the details below. All initial consultations are completely free and with absolutely no obligation.
- Call 0800 073 8804
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- Use the live chat feature below
Select a Section:
- Must I Find The Best Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me?
- How Do I Prove A Claim?
- What Could Cause An Accident To Happen?
- Which Accidents Could Lead To A Claim?
- How Much Compensation Could I Claim?
- Do Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me Offer No Win No Terms?
- How Can Legal Expert Help Me?
- Contact Legal Expert To Make A Claim
- Find Out Why Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me Are Not Always The Best Choice
Must I Find The Best Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me?
No. You don’t have to do this at all. In days gone by, finding ‘personal injury solicitors near me’ was all you could do. But this is no longer the case.
Modern technology means important correspondence can be attached to emails or other messaging services. Meetings can be held over the phone or via video conferencing. And your solicitor can maintain constant communication with you regarding the progress of your claim via whatever means are most convenient for you.
While staying local may have benefits, such as being able to attend in person meetings and having the security of a strong local reputation, the most important thing is finding a solicitor with the right knowledge, experience and standards of professionalism to maximise your chances of getting compensation.
At Legal Expert, we can help clients no matter where they are based. So, to find out how our dedicated personal injury solicitors could help you claim compensation, or for a no cost zero obligation eligibility assessment, get in touch with us today using the contact information given above.
How Do I Prove A Claim?
Can personal injury solicitors near me help me to prove my claim? Any solicitor should be able to offer advice on how to do this. In order for you to be able to make a claim, you need to prove that a third party who owed you a duty of care was at fault in some way. For example, they injured you through negligence.
In some cases, such as a clinical negligence claim, this will mean proving that a third-party had a duty of care to not cause you unnecessary harm, but a breach of duty of care occurred, harming you. In all cases, a but for test can be used to work out whether a claim is potentially valid or not. Put simply, had the incident never happened, you would not have been harmed.
Proving liability is a major step in preparing for a claim. If you would like to have your claim’s validity evaluated, please call and speak to one of our expert advisors. They can help you once they know a little about your circumstances.
Evidence You Could Submit To Support Your Claim
Depending on the circumstances of your claim, there may be specific types of evidence you can submit to support it. Can the best personal injury lawyers near me help me to correlate evidence? Any good lawyer should be able to advise you on this. Below are some examples of evidence you could submit.
- If appropriate, photographs or video of the cause and scene of your accident, or your injuries. CCTV footage can also be useful here.
- The results of a medical examination carried out by a doctor, proving the extent of your injuries.
- Documented proof of financial losses. Such as bills, receipts, travel tickets, invoices, etc.
- Witness details in case a statement is needed later on.
Is There A Claims Time Limit?
You must begin your claim within the applicable time limit. You have as long as you need to process your claim, as long as it is begun within the claims deadline.
The Limitation Act 1980 sets out a general claims time limit of three years from the date of the accident. Or the date of knowledge. With the date of knowledge being the date you first became aware of the harm you have suffered or the date you connect the harm with the negligence.
There are exceptions to the time limitation. They are for those who lack the mental capacity to claim for themselves and those under the age of 18.
What Could Cause An Accident To Happen?
In order to be able to make a valid personal injury claim with or without a solicitor, you need to prove that you were owed a duty of care. This duty will need to have been breached and as a consequence, you will have suffered harm that could have been avoided.
There are different ways that accidents can happen which mean a person could potentially make a personal injury claim. You may be looking for;
- Car accident solicitors near me because you were injured in a car accident caused by another road user.
- Road traffic accident solicitors near me, because you were hit while crossing the road, or
- You may be searching for criminal injury solicitors near me to help you make a claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
- Accident at work solicitors near me, may be another type of search you have tried because you want to make an accident at work claim.
What is important to remember is that if you want a personal injury solicitor to represent your case their location is not a priority. What is vital is that they are specialists in the area of your case. Call our advisors and we can connect you today with a specialist solicitor who offers No Win No Fee terms.
Which Accidents Could Lead To A Claim?
Personal injury solicitors near me may be a search term you have used because you have been in an accident. To be able to pursue a personal injury claim the accident you were involved in will need to have been the fault of a third party who owed you a duty of care. This accident will need to have caused an injury.
Types of injuries and accidents you could potentially claim for;
- Broken/fractured bones caused by a road traffic accident.
- Allergic reactions caused by lax health and safety compliance.
- Cuts, lacerations and puncture wounds caused by work-related accidents.
- Sprains and strains caused by slip, trip or fall accidents.
- Whiplash caused by vehicular accidents.
- Burns or scalds caused by an accident in a public place.
These, of course, are just a handful of examples. Call our claims team for more advice on whether you have a valid claim or not.
Can I Still Make A Claim If I Was Partially At Fault For My Accident?
Yes, it is possible to make a claim for an accident that you contributed to, but it can affect how much you are awarded in compensation. If you’ve been searching online for “personal injury solicitors near me” after your accident, you might have already come across the legal term “split liability.”
Split liability agreements involve one or more parties accepting shared responsibility for an accident. They often occur in road traffic accident claims, but they can apply to any type of personal injury claim. For instance, a speeding motorcyclist and a car driver on their phone might both be at fault if they collide whilst merging in traffic.
Generally, how much compensation someone receives will depend on their share of the blame for an accident. To put that in perspective, you could see the following scenarios in a split liability claim:
- 25% of the compensation if you were found to be 75% at fault
- 50% of the compensation if there is equal blame for an accident
- 75% of the compensation if you were 25% at fault
Do you have more questions about the process of making a personal injury claim and how split liability can affect how compensation is calculated? If so, please reach out today to speak with one of our friendly advisors who can help you in your search for the “best personal injury lawyer near me.”
How Much Compensation Could I Claim?
Can personal injury solicitors near me tell me how much, on average, I might get in compensation? No solicitor can give you an average figure for the compensation you might get. This is because each claim is unique. Can good personal injury lawyers near me provide any indication of the level of damages I might get? Your solicitor would need to evaluate your claim for you, before they can estimate the level of compensation you might win.
We can help with this as well. Below, we have provided a compensation table showing example compensation ranges for different injuries. The Judicial College produces guidelines used by the legal system to value injuries. We based this table on these guidelines. You may also like to try using our compensation calculator to get a rough idea of how much personal injury compensation you could receive.
Please note that the figure in the top row was not taken from these guidelines. Also note that this table is only provided for illustrative purposes and does not represent the individual circumstances of your claim.
Injury | Severity | Guideline Payment |
Multiple Injuries with Additional Special Damages | Very Serious | Up to £500,000+ |
Brain Damage | Moderate (ii) | £110,720 to £183,190 |
Arm Injuries | Severe | £117,360 to £159,770 |
Pelvis and Hips | Severe (i) | £95,680 to £159,770 |
Bowels | Severe Abdominal Injury (d) | £54,420 to £85,100 |
Leg Injuries | Severe (iv) Moderate | £33,880 to £47,840 |
Neck Injuries | Moderate (i) | £30,500 to £46,970 |
Elbow Injuries | Less Severe Injuries | £19,100 to £39,070 |
Toe | Severe Toe Injuries | £16,770 to £25,710 |
Back | Minor (i) | £9,630 to £15,260 |
Which Elements Comprise General Damages And Special Damages?
Is it possible for personal injury solicitors near me to help me decide what types of damages to claim for? Regardless of where your solicitor is located, they will be able to assist with this once they have evaluated your claim. You will likely claim for both general and special damages. This holds true whether you are awarded a settlement in court, or offered one out of court. The sections below cover these two main categories of damages in more detail.
What Are General Damages?
General damages are related to mental and physical harm you went through, or continue to face. Can personal injury claim lawyers near me help me to claim general damages? Your lawyer will help you to claim for any appropriate damages related to your medical condition. Below, we have given some examples.
- For any permanent impairment or long term disability you face.
- To make up for the pain, suffering and trauma your primary symptoms put you through.
- To cover additional stress, pain and suffering caused by traumatic therapy or invasive treatment.
- For psychological injury caused by stress and trauma. For example, anxiety, new phobias, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
What Are Special Damages?
Special damages all relate to some form of monetary loss you already incurred, or will face in the future. Can the best personal injury solicitors near me help me to claim for money I lost because of my injuries? As long as you can provide documented evidence of the loss, you may be able to recoup it as part of your settlement. Below, are some examples of reasons why you may wish to try and claim special damages.
- Loss of earnings. For example, if your injuries will leave you with a disability that will impact your ability to work.
- Lost income, if you had to take time away from work to recover, and were not paid in full.
- Ad-hoc expenses that you incurred dealing with your injuries, or with the claim itself.
- Care costs, if you needed to hire a medical professional such as a nurse to provide care at home.
- The cost of any private medical care you had to pay for out of your own pocket.
Do Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me Offer No Win No Terms?
Can personal injury solicitors near me offer a No Win No Fee agreement? Not every law firm offers No Win No Fee, but we do. No Win No Fee means you can hire a legal representative without paying an upfront fee.
Working under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), our lawyers won’t charge you a fee if the claim fails. They will only expect to be paid a pre-agreed, legally limited success fee if the claim is won.
How Can Legal Expert Help Me?
How do I choose a personal injury solicitor? Should I just use personal injury solicitors near me? You should try and find a legal team that has plenty of proven history helping claimants to get the compensation they are eligible for.
Our lawyers have years of experience processing all types of claims, and have helped many people such as yourself to get the compensation that was rightfully theirs. Call our claims team to get a claim started.
Contact Legal Expert To Make A Claim
I don’t want to use any personal injury solicitors near me, can you handle a claim for me? Potentially we can, once we know a little about your claim. Use the contact information 24 hours a day to get in touch with us and get the ball rolling.
- Telephone: 0800 073 8804
- Use the live chat feature below.
- Or use our web contact form.
Find Out Why Personal Injury Solicitors Near Me Are Not Always The Best Choice
Here are some links to useful web pages.
- Personal Injury Claims Registered By Solicitor And Type
- Claiming Compensation For A Personal Injury
- Civil Law – Compensation Claims
And here are some links to other, useful guides.
- Would I Need To See A Doctor When Claiming For A Personal Injury?
- Personal Injury Claims Explained
- How To Claim Compensation
Thank you for reading our guide to the question – “how do I find the best personal injury solicitors near me?”.