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Edinburgh Personal Injury Solicitors

Welcome to our guide about hiring Edinburgh personal injury solicitors in order to support a personal injury claim. A beautiful city to live, work and visit, Edinburgh is an ancient city, build on the dormant remains of a volcano. But you don’t have to pay anything upfront to claim compensation.

Looking for a personal injury solicitor in Edinburgh to help with a personal injury compensation claim or other claims services that can cover the Edinburgh area? You can contact Legal Expert today. We are available by phone on 0800 073 8804 or you can contact us online. In this guide, we explain more.

Edinburgh personal injury solicitors

Have I got a valid accident claim?

Legislation concerning personal injury compensation claims has been around for many years. Legal Expert’s panel of injury solicitors has many years of experience in this complex field of law, meaning they are perfectly placed to advise our clients on how likely their claim for personal injury will be to succeed. From people diagnosed with specific conditions or injuries to those who have suffered injuries as a result of an accident that was not their fault, it may be possible to claim compensation. There are, however, conditions to making a claim;

  • Time of diagnosis – you have three years within which to make a claim, starting from the date of your accident or from the date of diagnosis. In other words, from the point at which it can be reasonably be inferred that your injuries or illness was as a result of the accident or workplace
  • Duty of care – if you were owed a duty of care by the defendant, e.g. your employer and that this duty of care was breached.
  • The cause – if there was a breach in duty of care and that this caused your injury or illness, you may be able to claim compensation.
  • Three-year timeframe – and don’t forget the important three-year window of opportunity you have from diagnosis of injury or illness within which time you must make your claim.

Don’t wait for the three-year deadline to be nearly upon you. Most Edinburgh personal injury solicitors agree that the sooner you start your claim, the better. This is because the evidence is often ‘easier’ to collect and more reliable with testimonies from witnesses to your accident or other evidence is more readily available.

The medical appointment to assess injuries or your health will take into account how they will affect you in the future, as well as their possible impact on the quality of your life. From this assessment, the compensation settlement is calculated.

How to choose a solicitor or personal injury claims service for an injury claim

Choosing the right personal injury lawyer for you is important for a number of reasons.

  • You want the right outcome for you, with the best level of support alongside clear information.
  • You also need a personal injury lawyer who has the right mix of skills and expertise, as well as the experience of working claims similar to yours.
  • Claiming compensation can take several months but in complex cases of severe injuries, they can take years. You need peace of mind that your chosen solicitor will stay with your case, fighting every step of the way to win the compensation you need.

At Legal Expert, we have tried to make this process as simple and accessible as possible. At a time when you are recuperating, you need clear information about how to make such an important decision. Our panel of solicitors is some of the more experienced and knowledgeable about personal injury compensation across the board.

What to think about when reading reviews of solicitors

Reviews are an important part of choosing any service, from use of a plumber to a personal injury solicitor. Knowing what previous customers and clients have thought of a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor, their service and skills, is invaluable. But look closely – what is really written in these reviews? Do they tell you everything?

No review will answer your questions but calling the solicitor and speaking with them directly about your potential claim will. What services do they offer? Have they worked on cases similar to yours previously?

These are just a few of the questions you would like to ask but the other must be around the No Win No Fee service they offer.

Also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement, you need to be confident what the terms and conditions of the No Win No Fee agreement are. It may seem simple and straightforward but how much will you pay the lawyer if you win your case? For example, someone with a serious leg injury may be awarded over £93,000 but only keep between £56,373 and £79,862 as their compensation settlement after fees.

Do I need to use a local Edinburgh based solicitor?

The assumption is that the best personal injury solicitor to work with is one based in your town or city. However, approach this from a different angle – you need the best personal injury solicitor, offering their services on a genuine No Win No Fee basis, who is experienced and expert in compensation claims like yours – and that may mean looking beyond solicitors in your area.

That’s why you can use a personal injury solicitor in London instead of Edinburgh personal injury solicitors for your compensation claim, even if you were injured or fell victim to negligence in a clinical setting in Edinburgh itself.

However, what is important is local medical examiners. As part of your claim, you will need to have your injuries independently assessed, usually to confirm any ongoing impacts of injuries and pain on you. At Legal Expert, our panel solicitors work with medical assessors across the UK and so will ensure a local appointment for you.

What Claims Can We Help You To Make In Edinburgh?

Personal injury claims is an umbrella term for a range of injuries and illnesses caused as a result of many different kinds of situations, from accidents on the roads to workplace accidents and unsafe working practices. This means we can help clients to claim compensation for industrial diseases, injuries or illnesses as a result of medical negligence, accidents at work, slips, trips and walls, as well as claims for serious injuries or claims after road traffic accidents in Edinburgh.

Cases of industrial disease

Industrial diseases are often not diagnosed until many years after exposure to noxious or carcinogenic substances. From asthma to other breathing difficulties, to mesothelioma caused by exposure to asbestos, white finger and other injuries caused by using certain kinds of equipment, we have Edinburgh personal injury solicitors on our panel who are experts in compensation claims for industrial diseases. There are many industrial diseases which the UK government now say people can claim compensation for. To find out more, contact our team today.

Cases of medical negligence

Medical negligence claims is another complex area of personal injury compensation claims but again, we have the Edinburgh personal injury solicitors available via our panel. Injuries caused at birth, to misdiagnosis claims, cosmetic surgery claims and MRSA compensation claims are just a few examples of the cases we can help with. By their nature, these are complex cases with the winning of a compensation settlement life changing for the client and their family and friends. It is imperative that in a case of medical negligence compensation, you work with a personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience within this field. We have those experts lawyers and our team can put in touch with a solicitor who will walk every step with you.

Edinburgh accident at work claims

No one should face the prospect of ill health as a result of the work they do or be placed at risk of being injured (or worse) at work. When this happens and your injuries were as a direct result of a breach in the duty of care of an employer, you may have a case for an accident at work compensation claim. From claims for bullying at work to accidents in factories, warehouses and other work locations to vibration white finger claims, we are the right people to support you.

Cases of injuries caused by slipping over

Slips, trips and falls are more common than you think. From tripping over an unseen obstacle at work to a slip or trip in a public place such as a hotel, supermarket or leisure centre, the injuries that can result can be painful. We work with a broad panel of personal injuries solicitors, many of whom are well-placed to help you with your claim for compensation after a slip, trip or fall. From broken wrists to damaged ligaments, a slip, trip or fall is no laughing matter. If it wasn’t your fault and you felt a duty of care was breached towards you, you may be able to claim compensation.

Cases related to serious injury claims

Serious injuries are those that are life-changing and in some cases, life-limiting. Accidents are unexpected and when they leave someone with serious, long-lasting and life-changing injuries, the results are devastating. They impact not just on the victim but on close family and friends too. There is help available in the form of compensation for serious injuries but you need to be confident you have the right personal injury solicitor who can see your case through from beginning to end. The legal expert solicitor panel has lawyers who have worked and continue to work successfully for clients in the field of serious injury compensation claims.

Claims for road traffic accidents in Edinburgh

Road traffic accidents happen on all kinds from rural lanes to busy city centre streets in Edinburgh. They happen at all times of day and night and although our roads are some of the safest in Europe (and across the globe), some accidents can leave drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and others with injuries. Thankfully, not all are serious with many road traffic accident victims making a full recovery. Whether you recover fully or not, if the accident was not your fault, you are entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

Road traffic statistics for the city of Edinburgh

Here at Legal Expert, our Edinburgh personal injury solicitors can assist with a road traffic accident claim you may wish to make in the area. However, just how common are serious road traffic accidents in the Edinburgh area? Using road safety data provided by the Department for Transport (DfT), we can see how many road casualties were reported in Edinburgh year-by-year.

According to DfT statistics from 2018, a total of 125 road casualties were killed or seriously injured (KSI) in Edinburgh during this particular year. Other related findings include the following:

  • 48 (or 38%) of the KSI casualties were pedestrians.
  • 25 (or 20%) of the casualties were cyclists.
  • 19 (or 15%) of the casualties were motorcycle riders.
  • 23 (or 18%) of the casualties were car occupants.
  • 10 (or 8%) of the casualties were categorised under ‘other’.

No Win No Fee accident or injury claims made in Scotland

No Win No Fee essentially means that if you lose your claim for personal injury compensation, you may not have to pay any legal costs. But it is important to understand that how solicitors and legal practices service their No Win No Fee agreements differs. This is why it is important to check the small print.

At Legal Expert, all the personal injury lawyers on our panel of solicitors genuinely offer a No Win No Fee service. Essentially, this means you can be assured of a transparent service in which your solicitor discusses the chances of a successful claim, as well as what is needed to strengthen your claim for personal injury compensation.

Is my claim really made on a No Win No Fee basis?

Again, checking the small print of any potential agreement before you sign is essential for understanding how the No Win No Fee agreement works and what fees or costs you could be liable for in the case of both winning or losing your claim.

Before 2013, those people who won compensation could keep it all with costs paid for by the losing side. But this has changed and unless you take out an insurance policy against your claim, if you win your case you are expected to pay costs and fees from your settlement.

Take out an insurance policy, and if you win your claim, you can claim back the costs of your case and legal fees as per the policy details. If you did this, you would keep all of your compensation settlement. Your legal team and solicitor will be able to explain this in more detail.

Start your No Win No Fee claim today

We understand it is a big step, a huge decision that will impact on your life. And that’s why at Legal Expert, we give you all the information you need without obligation to make or continue your claim with us.

We want you to make an informed decision and the one that is right for you at the time that is right for you. When you contact Legal Expert, you will find our team friendly and welcoming, as well as knowledgeable in the field of personal injury compensation claims, including accidents at work.

Our team take their time to listen to your story, pulling out the important details that signal what kind of compensation claim you are seeking to make. If you decide to continue, we can put you in touch with the right solicitor from our panel of No Win No Fee personal injury lawyers – and that could be one of our Edinburgh personal injury solicitors.

  • You can call us on 0800 073 8804 or use our contact form which you will find on most pages across our website.
  • You can also request a call back from an expert solicitor too – again, just call us for information and advice specific to your claim.
  • You can also use the online live chat facility too if you have questions or concerns about making a claim.

And when you are ready to make your claim, we will be with your step of the way. So, why not contact us today?

Helpful contacts in Edinburgh city and Scotland

If you have been involved in an accident in Edinburgh, as well as our own guide on how to claim personal injury compensation, you may need the help and advice that the following organisations offer;

There are three police stations in the city itself, the most central being at;

Police Scotland
14 St. Leonard’s, Edinburgh EH8 9QW
Tel: 01786 289070
Web: www.scotland.police.uk

Local Crown Court

Edinburgh Crown Court can be found at;
Parliament House,
Parliament Square,
Phone number: 0131 225 2595

Local Hospital

If you have been injured, it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are several hospitals in Edinburgh and surrounding the city but the main hospital is The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

The A&E department open 24 hours – call them on 0131 536 1000 or their address is
51 Little France Crescent,
EH16 4SA

Thank you for reading our guide all about hiring Edinburgh personal injury solicitors.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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