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Gillingham Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 28th October 2024. Welcome to our guide on personal injury solicitors for Gillingham. If you have been injured in Gillingham as a result of someone else’s negligence then it is useful to know how to make a claim, should you wish to seek damages. If you were injured and it was not your fault then you have a right to seek compensation for any out-of-pocket expenses you have occurred and for the pain and suffering you have experienced.

A sculpture or statue of Lady Justice

We do however recommend that you seek a personal injury compensation specialist solicitor to help you collect evidence and launch your claim as the system can be complex. Here at Legal Expert, we have a large panel of personal injury solicitors who are ready and waiting to answer your questions and help you to achieve the compensation you deserve.

Contact Details

You can get in touch with our advisors in any of the methods below:

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804
  • Message us using the pop-up window in the corner
  • You can also check the validity of your claim online

Jump To A Section

  1. Claiming  With Personal Injury Solicitors For Gillingham
  2. Do I Qualify To Make A Personal Injury Claim?
  3. Advice For Choosing The Right Legal Team For Your Claim
  4. Am I Limited To Using A Personal Injury Solicitor Near Me?
  5. No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Gillingham
  6. Helpful Details And Contact Information

Claiming With Personal Injury Solicitors For Gillingham

There are many ways in which to prove that you are eligible for compensation. Your chances of success are improved further by seeking a firm of solicitors with lots of experience in the field of personal injury claims. As long as you can identify who was at fault, and you make the claim within the 3-year personal injury claims time limit then you have a good chance of receiving a payout. There is however an exception to this.

If your illness or injury was caused by an event that happened several years previously, you may still be able to claim if your diagnosis was only recently received. You would then have three years from the date of your diagnosis rather than the date on which the event which caused your injury occurred.

Don’t miss out on compensation that is owed to you if you are suffering from a condition that is impacting upon your life. Although the prospect may seem daunting, Legal Expert are here to help, advise and support you through this difficult time.

Do I Qualify To Make A Personal Injury Claim?

In various scenarios within Gillingham and elsewhere, you are owed a legal duty of care. Examples include the following:

  • At work – Your employer owes you a duty of care under certain legislation including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA). To uphold this duty, an employer should carry out all reasonable and practicable steps that are required to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees while they’re in the workplace and performing their duties.
  • In public areas – In public places, the individual or organisation that legally occupies that space must ensure you are reasonably safe. This duty of care is established by the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
  • Driving on the roads – When you use the roads, you and other road users must navigate them in a manner which prevents damage or harm to yourself or others. To fulfil this duty of care, road users should follow the regulations set out in the Road Traffic Act 1988 as well as the rules that are within the Highway Code.

Those seeking personal injury solicitors for Gillingham injury claims may be eligible to start a case if they can establish the following:

  • You were owed a duty of care by another party.
  • This party breached the duty of care.
  • You suffered injuries because of this breach.

For more advice on the eligibility for personal injury claims and whether you can get support from No Win No Fee solicitors with a Gillingham injury claim, please contact our team for free today.

Advice For Choosing The Right Legal Team For Your Claim

When you decide to explore the possibility of making a claim you will of course want to find the best personal injury lawyer. If your accident happened in Gillingham then you may automatically assume that Gillingham personal injury solicitors are the only ones you can use. This is not necessarily the case. Although every solicitor is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), all solicitors provide a different level of service.

You should be aware that a personal injury case can take a long time to resolve. In a complicated case, it can go on for months or years, meaning regular contact with the same solicitor. Therefore, we recommend that you find a solicitor that you feel matches your needs and you feel comfortable with.

Months and years can feel like a very long frustrating amount of time if you are not happy with the service provided by the personal injury lawyer you have chosen. Here at Legal Expert we have a wide range of solicitors, with expertise in all areas of personal injury law. We can therefore match you with a solicitor that both covers your geographical area and your area of personal injury. Our helpful team will keep you informed throughout every step of the process and seek to make the claims procedure as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

Am I Limited To Using A Personal Injury Solicitor Near Me?

You are under no obligation to use Gillingham personal injury solicitors. You have the right to choose any solicitor working within the UK. It is important to find a solicitor that is right for you, rather than a lawyer located close to you. Legal Expert have a team of solicitors who are able to represent you wherever you are in the country.

Although they may not be located in Gillingham, the power of the internet means that they can communicate with you easily via email or a face-to-face web chat. This distance between solicitor and client will not be in any way detrimental to your case

In some cases, your solicitor may request that you have a medical examination for the purposes of evidence. We understand that convenience is a factor for our clients. Therefore the solicitors we provide can help arrange your medical at places located throughout the UK so that you can attend an appointment close to home.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Gillingham

How do No Win No Fee solicitors work? No Win No Fee contracts are also known as conditional fee agreements. It is called this because the payment of a fee to your solicitor is dependent on the successful outcome of your case. If you win your case, a fee is payable to your solicitor and is usually taken directly from your final payout.

If you are unsuccessful, you are not eligible to pay a fee at all. The beauty of this type of compensation solicitor is that you do not experience any of the financial burdens that you may expect when employing a solicitor. There are no upfront costs that may otherwise act as a deterrent to a compensation claim.

When you are ready to launch your claim you can contact Legal Expert by calling 0800 073 8804. Alternatively, you can complete our contact form online and we will get back to you at a time that you tell us is convenient. You are also welcome to telephone us and talk through your options with a personal injury solicitor before making your final decision, we can also offer a callback service.

Helpful Details And Contact Information

If you have been involved in an accident in the Gillingham area then as well as contacting a personal injury solicitor, you might find it helpful to contact one or all of the following agencies.

Local Police Station

Address: Medway Police Station, Purser Way, Gillingham, ME7 1NE

Medway Magistrates court

Address: Court House, The Brook, Chatham ME4 4JZ

Website address: https://courttribunalfinder.service.gov.uk/courts/medway-magistrates-court-and-family-court

Local Hospital

Medway Maritime Hospital

Address: Windmill Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5NY

Other Helpful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide on personal injury solicitors for Gillingham.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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