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Grantham Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee

By Daniel Scott. Last Updated 28th October 2024.  Welcome to our guide on Grantham personal injury solicitors. If you’ve been involved in an accident that was caused by somebody else and you live in the Grantham or the surrounding area, then Legal Expert can help you to lodge a personal injury claim for compensation. Any claim we take on is done so using our No Win No Fee service.

This guide explains what type of claims we deal with, how our No Win No Fee service works and how to choose the right Grantham personal injury solicitors for your claim.

Contact Details

You can reach out to us to discuss anything in this article, or anything to do with your claim. We are here to help and to aid you in understanding the process on the whole. All initial advice and information is free of charge.

  • Call us on 0800 073 8804
  • Chat with our advisors using the pop-up window in the corner
  • There is also the option to check if you have a claim online

A metal sign that has the word solicitors engraved into it

How We Could Help You When Making A Claim

Legal Expert have been dealing with personal injury claims for many years and our panel of solicitors are always willing to offer advice on the chances of success after hearing the details of any new case.

In general, there is a 3-year time limit for making a personal injury claim and all personal injury solicitors have to abide by this but there is an exception. If you’ve been suffering from an injury for many years, such as vibration white finger for instance, then the 3-year time limit only comes into effect once the doctor has diagnosed the condition which means if you’ve only just been diagnosed with a specific condition then you’d be eligible to make a claim.

How To Qualify To Make A Personal Injury Claim

To make a successful Grantham injury claim your personal injury lawyer would need to be able to demonstrate that:

  • You were somehow owed a duty of care by the defendant or defendants.
  • The duty of care was breached by the defendant (or their staff).
  • The defendant’s breach of duty was what caused you to become ill or injured.

In general, it is recommended that you begin your claim as soon as possible after the accident occurred to give your solicitor time to collect as much supporting evidence as possible.

Do I Need To Use Personal Injury Solicitors In Grantham?

It used to be the case that if you lived in a certain area and wanted to make a personal injury compensation claim, you were limited to working with whatever solicitors were closest. This is a misconception that carries on today despite advancements in technology.

Now, you can focus on finding the best solicitor for you, whether that be personal injury solicitors in Grantham, or one of our nationwide, expert personal injury solicitors. Our team work with claimants up and down the country, providing their expertise wherever needed. They are able to help you online or via the telephone. This allows you the freedom to choose the right solicitors for you, and not just the closest.

To learn more about how one of our No Win No Fee solicitors for Grantham based claims could help you, get in touch with our friendly team of advisors today.

Where Can I Get Medical Treatment For A Personal Injury In Grantham?

No matter how major or minor you feel that your injury is, we recommend seeking medical attention as soon as possible. Above all, you should do this for your own health and well-being and make sure that you get the treatment you need.

However, it can also be beneficial for your claim. When you get professional medical treatment, this will create a permanent record of your injuries. If you then choose to make a claim, this record can be used as evidence in your claim.

If you were injured in Grantham, you could potentially seek help at:

Grantham and District Hospital

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust,
101 Manthorpe Rd, Grantham NG31 8DG

If you would like to find out more about claiming with one of our solicitors for Grantham-based claims, contact our team today.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Grantham

Many people think that No Win No Fee claims are completed quickly and done by filling in a few forms but, in fact, they are as complex as cases that clients pay for upfront. There is just as much work involved for the personal injury lawyer and there is also more at stake for them as if they don’t win the case, then they don’t get paid.

A No Win No Fee claim usually begins with a free consultation with the client where they explain the accident that happened and the injuries they sustained. The solicitor will assess the merits of the case and advise on the chances of success. If they believe the case has a good chance of being won, then they will draw up a No Win No Fee agreement including the success fee that they will charge if they win compensation (usually as a percentage amount of the payment).

Once the agreement has been signed by both parties the solicitor begins by verifying the facts of the case and makes checks with legal and medical experts that the case was in fact somebody else’s fault and that there are no technicalities that would prevent the claim from being successful.

Once all of that has been confirmed the client would attend a medical practice local to them and be assessed by an expert. The solicitor would use this assessment, along with medical records from the time of the accident to put together a file of evidence.

Once all evidence has been gathered the solicitor will contact the insurer or legal entity representing the defendant to stake a claim for compensation explaining how much they believe should be awarded and the reasons why (with the supporting evidence to back this claim up).

When the solicitor receives a reply from the defendant, they will discuss with the client whether they think the offer (if one is received) is fair or not, whether to accept, to counter the offer or to take the matter to court (which is quite rare in personal injury claims).

The last thing that Grantham personal injury solicitors do is to send the payment to the claimant after deducting their success fee that was agreed in the first stage.

Speak To Our Personal Injury Claims Team Today

Now that you’ve read this guide about Grantham personal injury claims, we hope you’re ready to begin your claim today. If you would like Legal Expert to act as your claim solicitors, then please get in touch and we’ll start the ball rolling immediately. You can contact us by:

  • Telephone: Call us free on 0800 073 8804.
  • Live chat: Speak to one of our specialists directly from any page of our website.
  • Claim Online: Fill in our simple claim form to commence your claim.

Remember, any case we take on will be on our No Win No Fee agreement. Our team are ready to speak with you today so please get in touch.

Here are a few useful guides from our website which may help you further:

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our article on Grantham personal injury solicitors.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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