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Newcastle Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 16th October 2024. Welcome to our guide about personal injury solicitors for Newcastle based accidents and injuries. Have you had an accident or injury in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne area? If so, this handy guide contains everything that you need to know in order to make a successful claim. We will show you why you do not need to use personal injury solicitors based in Newcastle or your local area, the different types of accidents and injuries you could claim compensation for, what a No Win No Fee claim is, and how our expert team could help you.

Whether you live in Newcastle-upon-Tyne or anywhere else in Great Britain, our panel of solicitors could help you to claim compensation. We can organise for you to have a local medical assessment and make the process of claiming compensation as carefree as possible.

Select A Section

  1. Legal Expert’s Research Into Personal Injury Claims Against The North of Tyne Combined Authority
  2. An Overview Of Personal Injury Claims
  3. How To Make A Personal Injury Claim?
  4. Do I Have To Use Personal Injury Solicitors In Newcastle?
  5. No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Newcastle

A clipboard, gavel, stethoscope and keyboard on a desk

Legal Expert’s Research Into Personal Injury Claims Against The North of Tyne Combined Authority

Research led by Legal Expert has uncovered that personal injury claims cost the North of Tyne Combined Authority a total of £266,669.31 in the past year.

The combined number of claims submitted to Newcastle City Council, Northumberland County Council and North Tyneside Council was 321 from April 2022 to April 2023.

North Tyneside Council paid out the most personal injury compensation (£163,667.60), followed by Newcastle City Council (£96,589.71) and Northumberland County Council (£6,412). 

Pothole accidents were a significant problem for all councils, as were slip, trips and falls

Causes for personal injury claims submitted against Newcastle City Council included tripping accidents on kerbs, paving stones and manhole covers. 

Northumberland County Council also had claims submitted against them for problems with uneven flags.

Handling, lifting and carrying accidents were among some of the reasons for claims against North Tyneside Council.

Any local authority within the North of Tune Combined Authority has a duty of care to maintain any premises, spaces or highways they control and ensure they are reasonably safe for employees and visitors.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by council negligence, get in touch for free advice from our friendly advisors. They could also connect you with our experienced personal injury solicitors.

An Overview Of Personal Injury Claims

A personal injury claim is a type of legal action that people can take in order to seek compensation for an accident or injury which was caused by someone else. These types of claims can be made to claim for both pain and suffering which has been caused by the actions of another party.

The injury might have happened in an accident at work, or whilst on the road. You may be have been the victim of medical negligence, or suffered food poisoning in a restaurant. However you were hurt, if someone else was to blame, you can claim compensation for the harm caused to you.

The claim itself is the legal act of establishing that the defendant is liable for your accident, that they caused the accident and your injuries.

Claims should usually be started within in a three year period which could begin at the date of your injury, or at the date that you find out that the injury was connected to or caused by an accident. Any personal injury solicitors for Newcastle you hire will take you through what a personal injury claim is, and how they can help you.

How To Make A Personal Injury Claim?

If you have experienced any kind of physical or psychological injury and you want to make a personal injury claim, you will need to know the basics of making a claim and how you can fund your claim through a No Win No Fee service.

In most instances, your claim can be settled far before it reaches the courts. However, it is still important for you to have a solicitor to handle the claims process. You will need to be able to clearly show your solicitor, and thus the opposing solicitor or a court, that the defendant did act is such a way as to cause you harm, to be able to claim.

If you do have the basis for a claim, it is highly likely that you will be able to make a claim funded through a No Win No Fee agreement. This means that no money needs to change hands until the successful resolution of the claim.

How much compensation you could receive will be based on how severe your injury (physical or psychological) was, as well as other losses and expenses that you have incurred.

Does My Injury Qualify For A Claim?

Despite suffering an injury, you are not automatically able to claim compensation from someone else. On some occasions, accidents do not have a person at fault to make a claim against. However, in most instances, there may be a personal injury case to be answered.

The most common circumstances which lead to an injury and which are eligible for you to make a claim with a personal injury solicitor are;

  • Medical negligence.
  • Accidents and injuries in the workplace due to employer negligence.
  • Poorly maintained roads or footpaths.
  • A defective item.
  • Contaminated or spoiled foods.
  • Poor or dangerous driving.

In order for you to successfully claim compensation with Newcastle personal injury solicitors, you will need to show that someone else did cause the accident and that they did owe you a duty of care. In general, your claim will be brought against either an individual, company, local authority or other organisation, in short, the person or body responsible.

Do I Have To Use Personal Injury Solicitors In Newcastle?

Whilst you can choose personal injury solicitors in Newcastle to handle your claim, you do not have to. The skill set and experience of the solicitor are likely to be far more important to you than their location. You want a lawyer who will get you the best result possible.

At Legal Expert, our solicitors have years of dedicated experience in handling the following types of claims:

Please click any of the links for more information about these topics.

Our service is nationwide as we can conduct your case via phone, email or video call. We also have access to medical experts across the UK and specifically in Newcastle. In addition, should court proceedings become necessary, your case can be heard in Newcastle Civil and Family Court located at Barras Bridge near the Northumbria University campus.

For further information, please read our reviews, consider our ‘Excellent’ Trust pilot score or reach out to an advisor.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Newcastle

Those seeking personal injury solicitors for a Newcastle injury claim are welcome to contact our advisors today. If they determine you have a strong case, then they could connect you with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors.

Our solicitors can support a claim for a personal injury you suffered in Newcastle under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). A CFA normally provides the following conditions:

  • You won’t need to pay your solicitor for their work before your claim can start or while it is in progress.
  • If your claim is not a successful one, then you normally won’t be required to pay your solicitor for their work.
  • If your claim does succeed, then your solicitor will receive what’s often called a success fee, by deducting a small percentage of your compensation. The success fee is legally capped to make sure that you’ll keep most of your award or settlement.

Personal injury solicitors in Newcastle agreeing a dispute with a handshake.

To learn more about our personal injury solicitors for Newcastle based injury claims can help you, you can:

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