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Peterborough Personal Injury Solicitors

In this guide to finding a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor who covers your area, we provide information for people who have been harmed and who are looking to find personal injury solicitors covering Peterborough and national to the UK for their claim. We hope to demonstrate that you do not have to work with a solicitor based there in today’s world. In fact, whilst our main offices are not in Peterborough, our national service can help people wherever they are.

This guide will also look at some of the most frequent forms of compensation claim that our personal injury claims team deals with.

Peterborough personal injury solicitors

How our solicitors can help you to claim compensation

In the UK, there is a large body of legislation in place which is designed to help protect people, whether they are at their place of work or in any other situation. Our team of solicitors and lawyers have many years, some even decades, of experience in helping to claim compensation on behalf of claimants successfully. Each claim we handle is approached with the same focus on customer care and satisfaction. While we will push to secure you the highest possible settlement, we will never do anything that will jeopardise your claim or settlement.

For our team to make a personal injury claim, your solicitor will need to show certain evidence that establishes that your accident happened, that someone else was liable, and that this was the cause of the injuries you sustained. As part of this, we will collect medical evidence of your injuries or illness, when and where it happened, and any statements from witnesses.

To win your claim against the defendant, we will need to show that they;

  1. Owed you (the claimant) a legal duty of care.
  2. That the defendant in some way was in breach of this duty of care.
  3. That this action or inaction was responsible for what happened to you.

The earlier you start your claim, the more time the Peterborough personal injury solicitors will have to collect this necessary evidence.

Why having the right solicitor is vital for making a successful claim

Our team will always put your needs first and will try to make the process of making a personal injury claim with us as simple and easy to do as possible. However, any legal action can take months or sometimes years to complete. We should note that most cases will be conducted in just a few months.

All solicitors in the UK are registered with and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. However, this does not mean that they offer the same services, charge the same fees, or work in the same way. Your personal injury solicitor may need to be privy to both personal, medical, and even financial information to make your claim. You need to be able to form a good relationship with them and trust their services. Having the right solicitor can make this process easier to go through.

Should you read reviews of solicitors in your area?

There are many ways to find out more about a particular service or product. One of the best ways is to read reviews of that service, such as a personal injury lawyer, which previous claimants have written. Reading reviews can be a good way to find out more about what services they provide. You can read reviews written by people we have helped in the past here. Whilst reading reviews of different legal services can help, the best way to find out exactly how we can help you is to phone our team today.

Does it matter if my solicitor is not based in my local area?

You might have come across this guide when looking for Peterborough personal injury solicitors, thinking that you need to use No Win No Fee lawyers in your area. This does not have to be the case. In most cases of taking this type of legal action, you will not need to meet with your solicitor in person. There are many ways to correspond with them and be kept up to date on your claim’s progress. Looking at the experience of a solicitor, the services their firms offer, and the fees levied is a much better way to gauge if they are right for your case. We can help to arrange a medical close to you with our experts, such as;

Mohammed Safdar
Telephone House,
Wentworth Street

Rajeev T Jahagirdar
Broadway Chiropractic Clinic
64 Broadway

Examples of common types of claim we can help you with

There is a potentially limitless list of ways people could be harmed by the action or the negligence of another person, intentional or not. That said, there are some circumstances that we see people make injury claims for more often than for other injuries. In the following sections, we will briefly look at these.

Industrial disease compensation claims

Have you recently been diagnosed with an industrial-related disease such as dermatitis, asthma, or mesothelioma? Was this condition attributed to where you worked or your job in any way? If so, you may be able to claim compensation. Cases of industrial diseases can happen if employers do not follow health and safety regulations or if you are not instructed in the best way to carry out a task.

In many industrial disease cases we have seen, it has taken many years after exposure began for the consequences to become apparent or for a condition to be diagnosed. In such instances, though the exposure or accident may have happened outside of the usual three-year window, if you can show that you have only now become aware of the harm caused, our personal injury solicitors for Peterborough can still help you make a claim. Our guide to claims for illnesses caused by your working environment has further information on this type of claim.

Instances of medical negligence in a hospital or other healthcare practice

Medical or clinical negligence happens across the country and affects thousands of people per year. Whilst many of these instances are not too serious, negligent treatment can result in additional injury or sickness for some patients. If this has happened to you, we can help. Due to these types of claims being potentially complex, we have produced a dedicated guide to claims for medical negligence in Peterborough. In this guide, you can find statistics about medical negligence in Peterborough and how our team could help if this has happened to you.

Workplace accident and injury claims

Whether you are an employee, a contractor, or even self-employed, if you have been involved in an accident at work, our team could help you. You could be able to claim compensation for an accident at work caused by a fellow employee or by the company as a whole. No matter what happened to you, contact us to find out if you could claim.

In the table below, we have included statistics for the rate of accidents in the workplace in this area. If you have been harmed in any of these ways, you could have a legitimate Peterborough personal injury case.

Work accidents in Peterborough Local Authority (RIDAGGR) 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Slips, trips, or falls on the same level 114 112 77
Slips, trips, or falls from a height 34 16 20
Caused by electricity 3 0 2
Caused by machinery 19 9 10
Caused by explosives/ explosions 0 1 0
Caused by being exposed to a fire/ burn injuries 0 0 1
Exposure to substances hazardous to health 6 5 3
Caused by animals 3 2 2
Manual handling accidents 146 63 73
Assaults and physical attacks 20 11 17
Struck against something or struck by a moving vehicle 29 18 19
Being hit by some form of object 39 22 29
Crush injuries (may be caused by a collapse) 1 0 1
Other misc causes 38 36 32

Injuries caused by slipping or falling over

Being injured by slipping or falling over, whether out shopping, when walking down the street, or whilst at work, is the most frequently harmed people in the UK. From the table above, we can see that the largest number of claims people could make for workplace accidents in Peterborough with a personal injury lawyer would be for this type of accident in most years. So, please continue reading to discover how you can claim online courtesy of a Peterborough personal injury lawyer.

Serious or severe forms of injuries

Serious injury claims deal with circumstances in which your injury has catastrophically affected the claimant, their person, their life, their ability to work, and their family. The effects of such injuries will often be extremely devastating, not just for the victim but also for their loved ones. Due to the severe nature of this type of claim, we have again produced a comprehensive guide, taking you through examples of different forms of harm you could have suffered and the amounts of compensation you could be awarded. Please read our guide to serious injury claims here.

Road traffic accident and car crash claims in Peterborough

The team of personal injury solicitors at Legal Expert has many years of experience helping people involved in road traffic accidents in the Peterborough area make a compensation claim. You could have been involved in a car crash, an accident on a motorbike, or have been crossing the road as a pedestrian, but however your accident happened, you may be eligible to claim the likes of whiplash.

Peterborough road traffic accident statistics

The table looks at those killed or seriously harmed in vehicle accidents.

2014 2015 2016 2017
Pedestrian 26 7 17 26
Cyclists 10 13 15 16
Motorcyclists 13 12 20 16
Car occupants 24 30 37 48
Others 2 4 5 3
Annual total 75 66 94 109

Road traffic accidents happen in this area as often as they do across the rest of the country. From officially released figures, we can see that in 2013 there were 695 slight accidents, 80 which were considered serious, and 8 which led to deaths. This fell in 2014 to a total of 676, which represented a significant decrease that was not reflected across the whole of the country. In this area, there are several black spots for accidents that have been identified. These were the A15/A1129 crossroads as well as the roundabout of the A1179 and A15. Our personal injury solicitors for Peterborough can explain how to claim for accidents on roads like these.

No Win No Fee personal injury compensation claims

We understand the decision to start legal action can be difficult to make. For some people, the prospect of having to pay legal fees and costs could be enough to dissuade them from making a personal injury claim. By using a No Win No Fee lawyer, you will not need to worry about the costs of doing so.

By making this type of claim, you will be covered under a conditional fee agreement. In this agreement, the action which your solicitor will carry out will be set out, along with the general services they will provide and what you can expect to pay if you win your claim. This means that by working with a No Win No Fee lawyer, you can be confident that you will know what you will need to pay and when you will need to pay it. You can also be confident knowing that you will only need to pay if and when you have been awarded a settlement.

This table provides estimates from the Judicial College about what you could expect to receive in settlements for various injuries.

Injury Severity Notes Compensation
Brain Damage Very severe The person might be able to follow some basic commands. However, they will need full-time care and show little meaningful response to their environment. £282,010 to £403,990
Neck Injury Severe A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or results in permanent spastic quadriparesis. In the region of £148,330
Knee Injury Severe (ii) Constant pain and limited movement caused by a leg fracture that has extended into the knee joint. £52,120 to £69,730
Arm Injury Less severe The person will have suffered with significant disabilities. However a substantial recovery has taken place or is expected to. £19,200 to £39,170
Back Injury Moderate (ii) Frequently encountered back injuries, that disturb the ligaments and muscles and cause backache. £12,510 to £27,760
Shoulder Injury Serious A dislocated shoulder with damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £12,770 to £19,200
Elbow Injury Moderate or minor Elbow injuries such as lacerations, simple fractures or tennis elbow syndrome. The recovery rate will affect how much is awarded. Up to £12,590
Leg Injury Less serious (iii) Simple tibia or fibula fractures, or soft-tissue injuries, with minor ongoing symptoms. Up to £11,840
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,345
Whiplash Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,215

What will you need to pay and when?

As with any service, you will need to pay for your No Win No Fee solicitor. However, you will not need to pay for their service if they can not secure you a settlement. Put simply, you will only need to pay for their services if you win. If you lose your compensation claim, there are no fees to pay.

How to start your claim with Legal Expert

The best way to start any personal injury claim is to get in touch with our team. We can provide you with all the information you need to make a successful claim and have the experience to do so.

Where to get more information

The most important part of taking any legal action is deciding which solicitor to choose to work with. As we have seen, your solicitor plays a vital role in the claims process, and you need to have confidence in their ability and be comfortable working with them. Before choosing which solicitor to hire, get the answers to any questions you still have by reading more of our comprehensive guides or contact us via the methods below.

Speak to our team today

When you are ready to begin your claim, you can contact the Peterborough personal injury solicitors that we work with today through several methods. You can phone us on 0800 073 8804, email us at info@legalexpert.co.uk and request a call from our team, or use the online form on this page to start the claims process. Our friendly claims team are here seven days a week to help.

Whichever method you choose, we are ready and waiting to start your claim today.

Helpful contacts for the Peterborough area

If you have been involved in an accident or injury in this area, you might need help or assistance from one of these services.

Local Police Station
Cambridgeshire Police
Bayard Place Police Station
Broadway, Peterborough PE1 1HZ
Tel: 01480 456111
Web: www.cambs.police.uk

Local Crown Court – Crown Buildings
Tel: 01223 488321
Email: enquiries.peterborough.countycourt@justice.gov.uk
Web: https://courttribunalfinder.service.gov.uk/courts/peterborough-combined-court-centre

Local Hospital
Edith Cavell Campus,
Bretton Gate,
Tel: 01733 678000
Web: www.nwangliaft.nhs.uk/our-hospitals/peterborough-city-hospital

Peterborough Personal Injury Solicitors FAQs

When will I receive my first settlement offer?

This could come anytime during the claims process once the defendant accepts liability.

How much will the offer be?

It could be any figure, though the defendant will generally offer a sum below what you’re claiming for.

What makes a good settlement offer?

This is an offer that meets around 80% of the target that you wish to receive.

Do I have to accept the opening offer?

No. In fact, very few claimants accept the first offer due to the high possibility of a stronger second offer.

Therefore, should I reject the opening offer?

We would recommend this, though you should speak to your solicitor before making this decision.

What happens if I turn down an offer?

This would prevent you from deciding at a later date to accept the offer as it’s no longer on the table.

What is a counter-offer?

This is where you would respond by suggesting a figure that you would be happy to settle on.

And would the defendant be willing to present my counter-offer to me?

This is possible so long as you can provide a justification for the figure that you’re suggesting.

Other Helpful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our Peterborough personal injury solicitors guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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