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Learn How To Claim Sexual Abuse Compensation

If you have suffered from sexual abuse, we understand that no amount of money can make things right. Nobody should have to go through something like this. But, receiving sexual abuse compensation could help you cope with your psychological and physical injuries.

In this guide, we talk you through everything you need to know about making a sexual abuse claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). The CICA is a government agency that is set up to award compensation to those who have suffered from a violent crime in Great Britain. You would make a sexual abuse claim through the CICA if the perpetrator can’t be identified, and if an organisation (such as a school) can’t be held vicariously liable. 

Our team of specially trained No Win No Fee solicitors have numerous years of experience in working alongside claimants to help them get the financial justice they deserve. They could handle your case sensitively and use their knowledge to help you through each step of the sexual abuse compensation claims process. To find out for free today whether you can connect with our solicitors, please contact us at a time that’s best for you:

  • Call 0800 073 8804
  • Fill out our online ‘Contact Us’ form. 
  • Message directly in our on-screen live support chat box. 

A specialist sexual abuse solicitor sat on a desk with a gavel and set of judgement scales in front of them.

Jump To A Section

  1. What Is Classed As Sexual Assault?
  2. Who Can Claim For Sexual Abuse Compensation?
  3. How Much Compensation Could I Get?
  4. How Is Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculated?
  5. What Support Is Out There For Victims Of Sexual Assault?
  6. What I Need To Start My Compensation Claim
  7. How Legal Expert’s Solicitors Can Help You
  8. More Information

What Is Classed As Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a serious crime. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 defines sexual assault as an act where someone touches another person sexually, either with an object or body part, without their consent. 

Sexual assault includes:

  • Kissing.
  • Touching someone’s genitals, breasts, or bottom (this includes through clothing).
  • Touching other parts of a person’s body, such as legs or back, for sexual pleasure. 
  • Pressing up against someone for sexual pleasure. 
  • Forcing someone to touch themselves for sexual pleasure. 
  • Touching someone’s clothing for sexual pleasure (such as lifting up someone’s skirt).
  • Any sexual contact between an adult and a minor (someone under the age of 16), as the age of consent in the UK is 16.

Please note that the above list does not list all instances of sexual assault. If you’ve suffered assault that hasn’t been discussed in this list, you could still have a valid reason to claim. 

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 also defines these terms:

  • Assault by penetration – where someone penetrates another person’s vagina or anus, with an object other than a penis, without their consent. 
  • Rape – where someone penetrates another person’s vagina, anus, or mouth, with a penis, without their consent. 

We understand that reading about this subject may be difficult. You can speak directly with one of our advisors over the phone if this is more comfortable for you. 

Who Can Claim For Sexual Abuse Compensation?

You are eligible to claim for sexual abuse compensation through the CICA if you meet these criteria:

  1. You have suffered an act of sexual assault. 
  2. The sexual assault took place in either England, Scotland, or Wales (or a place that’s registered to one of these countries, such as on a boat).
  3. You reported the sexual assault to the police. 
  4. You are within the CICA claims time limit. In most cases, this is 2 years from the date the incident occurred. However, this time limit can be extended in cases where there are exceptional circumstances (such as historical sexual abuse cases).

You can still make a claim for sexual abuse compensation regardless of whether the perpetrator has been caught/convicted of the crime or not. 

To confirm whether you have an eligible claim for sexual abuse, please contact us today.

Historical Sexual Abuse

Historical sexual abuse, also known as non-recent child sexual abuse, is when an adult was sexually abused when they were a child (younger than 18).

There are two types of historical sexual abuse:

  • Contact abuse – where the abuser either made physical contact with the child, or they forced the child to make physical contact with someone. 
  • Non-contact abuse – where the child was abused without being touched by the abuser, either online or in person.

The long-term physical and psychological effects of historical sexual abuse can be damaging and traumatic. For example, you could have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Please contact us today for support when making this type of claim.

Sexual Abuse That Happened Abroad

You can still be eligible to claim sexual abuse compensation as a UK resident if you’ve been abused abroad. 

Some countries have compensation schemes available for UK residents, including:

  • Belgium 
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Switzerland

This list provides just some examples and not the full list of countries that have compensation schemes available. 

You can contact the British embassy, high commission or consulate to find out whether the location you were visiting has a compensation scheme for UK residents. 

To learn more about making a claim for sexual abuse that happened abroad, please give us a call.

Coins stacked on top of a gavel to represent sexual abuse compensation.

How Much Compensation Could I Get?

If you have a successful claim through the CICA, your sexual abuse compensation will be valued in line with the tariffs in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012. These tariffs are fixed amounts, so you would receive the exact figure listed that corresponds to your injury before deductions are made.  

In the table below, we have included some entries from these tariffs, including the top entry, which shows the maximum compensation that can be claimed through the CICA. 

Please only refer to this table for guidance. 

Type of injurySeverity of injuryAward
Multiple criminal injuries with special expensesSeriousUp to £500,000
Non-consensual penetration of the penis to the vagina, mouth, or anus (where the victim is any age)Permanently disabling severe mental illness + serious internal bodily injury£44,000
Permanently disabling moderate mental illness + serious internal bodily injury£33,000
Permanently disabling severe mental illness£27,000
Serious internal bodily injuries £22,000
Pattern of repeated incidents occurring for more than three years£22,000
Pattern of repeated incident occurring up to three years£16,500
Where there were two or more attackers£13,500
Where there was one attacker£11,000

How Is Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculated?

If you’ve suffered multiple injuries, your 3 most highly valued injuries will be subject to the multiple injuries formula, which means you’d receive:

  • 100% of the tariff amount for the most highly valued injury. 
  • 30% of the tariff amount for the 2nd most valued injury. 
  • 15% of the tariff amount for the 3rd most valued injury. 

However, if you’ve:

  • Become pregnant. 
  • Lost a foetus. 
  • Contracted a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).

As a result of the sexual abuse you’ve suffered, then these injuries will not be subject to the multiple injuries formula.

Special Expenses

Sexual abuse compensation can also cover some financial losses you’ve incurred as a result of the abuse you’ve suffered.

Under special expenses, you could be reimbursed for:

  • The costs of any equipment that was damaged from the incident that you depended on as physical aid, such as glasses.
  • Costs for any equipment you now need to cope with your criminal injuries, such as a specially adapted car. 
  • Care costs that relate to your bodily functions or food preparation. 
  • Supervision costs if there’s a risk of substantial danger to yourself or others. 
  • Admin costs of your affairs if these have risen from a disabling mental injury.

However, to be reimbursed for the above costs, they must be:

  • Reasonable.
  • Directly resulting from your injury. 
  • Unable to be claimed for free anywhere else. 

Additionally, although certain eligibility criteria must be met, you could be reimbursed for any loss of earnings you’ve incurred if your injuries have led to you having time off work.

Please contact us for more information on how sexual abuse compensation is calculated.

What Support Is Out There For Victims Of Sexual Assault?

Here are some organisations and charities that provide support for sexual abuse victims:

To get legal advice and support, please contact us today to potentially connect with our specialist sexual abuse solicitors. 

What I Need To Start My Compensation Claim

When making a claim for sexual abuse through the CICA,  you may need to provide the following evidence:

  • A police reference number to show that the abuse was reported. 
  • Medical evidence to show the extent of your injuries resulting from the abuse.
  • Evidence that you meet the residency criteria

If necessary, the CICA can liaise with the police during the claims process for any additional pieces of evidence they need.

Additionally, if you’re connected with one of our solicitors, they’ll be able to help you collect evidence as part of their No Win No Fee services. 

How Legal Expert’s Solicitors Can Help You

Our solicitors can help you claim sexual abuse compensation in many ways. We understand that this is a difficult time for you. So, while you focus on recovering from your assault injuries, our solicitors can do the following things for you:

  • Use their years of expertise to support you throughout each step of the sexual abuse claims process. 
  • Take an empathetic approach to answer any doubts or queries you may have.
  • Provide legal advice that’s specific to your circumstances.
  • Collect evidence. 
  • Ensure the claim is filed within the time limit.
  • Define any legal jargon for you.
  • Send you regular updates on the progression of the claim. 

All of our solicitors also work on No Win No Fee terms, via a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) specifically, which means you pay nothing for their services:

  • Before the claim begins.
  • While the claim is ongoing. 
  • If your claim is unsuccessful. 

Your solicitor can instead keep a percentage of your sexual abuse compensation if your claim is successful. This percentage is called the success fee and is legally capped to ensure that you receive the larger sum of compensation no matter what.

Contact Us

Our solicitors’ priority is to help you as much as possible if you’ve been subject to sexual abuse. You can contact us for free to have a chat about your situation and see whether you could claim sexual abuse compensation for your suffering on a No Win No Fee basis today:

  • Call 0800 073 8804
  • Fill out our online ‘Contact Us’ form. 
  • Message directly in our on-screen live support chat box. 

'NO WIN NO FEE' in red text stamped on a white background.

More Information

Here are a few of our other guides on criminal injury claims:

Additionally, you might find these other pages useful:

We appreciate you taking the time to read our guide on how to claim sexual abuse compensation. Please remember that we are available 24/7 for you to contact us and make a no-obligation claim enquiry.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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