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Southend On Sea Personal Injury Solicitors

If you have been injured in an accident which was not your fault within the Southend On Sea area, the dedicated personal injury solicitors in Southend On Sea will be able to help you to recover the compensation which you may deserve or be entitled towards. No matter where you are based in the UK, the expert personal injury solicitors who work with Legal Expert will be able to help you get the help you need.

How To Make A Personal Injury Claim In Southend-On-Sea

To find out how to make a personal injury claim in the Southend-On-Sea area, talk to the personal injury experts at Legal Experts today. When it comes to looking after people who have been injured in an accident which was not their fault, the UK has some of the best health and safety legislation in the world. This legislation is underpinned by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, as well as a variety of other statutes.

No matter whether you have had an injury at work, whilst out at a public place, taking public transport or even on private property, you may be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries, as well as any financial costs you have incurred. The usual statute of limitations on personal injury claims is three years from the date of the accident. However, if your injuries don’t surface till later than this, your three year claims period will begin when you first detect the injury or have it diagnosed.

In order to make a successful claim, there are several things your solicitor will need to demonstrate. These include;

  • Being able to show that the defendant had a duty of care to you.
  • That this duty of care has been breached.
  • That this breach was the direct cause of your injury.

If you have been injured, talk to our No Win No Fee solicitors in Southend-On-Sea.

Southend on Sea Personal Injury Solicitors

Choosing The Right No Win No Fee Solicitors In Southend-On-Sea

Choosing the right No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors in Southend-On-Sea is imperative in making a successful claim, as well as getting the support that you require after an injury. From the moment you start your case, you will need to have a good working relationship with the solicitors, as you will be closely working with them to build your case.

When you are choosing your Southend on Sea personal injury solicitors, you need to keep in mind that making a compensation claim often can take many months or even several years. More complex and serious accidents or complex series of injuries can take more time to pursue. When you are choosing a personal injury solicitor in Southend-On-Sea, you need to look at the level of service they offer, as well as the fees they charge. These can vary dramatically between different solicitors firms. Also, check that they are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Research Different No Win No Fee Solicitors In Southend-On-Sea

Before you choose the solicitor you are going to work with, it can be a good idea to check out their level of and variety in services. They may also have different rates of success in previous claims cases. Remember, whilst one solicitor may be cheaper, they may also have a lower rate of success. Weight all of this up as you choose your solicitors. As well as this, you should also look for any reviews of Southend-On-Sea personal injury solicitors. Once you have done your research remember, there is no substitute for talking to the solicitor in person.

At Legal Expert, you can chat to us for free as you are choosing a solicitor to work with. This will help us to establish a relationship and allow you to get to know us, deciding whether we are the right solicitors for you. To find out more, call our expert team today on 0800 073 8804.

Does It Matter Where My Solicitor Is Based?

Many people looking for Southend-On-Sea personal injury solicitors believe that they need to find a solicitor based in their area. In the UK claimants don’t just have to find a solicitor based in the same area as them. Claimants are free to base their choice on things such as the level of service, the fee that would be taken from the award and whether you have a rapport with the solicitor. Any medical examinations may need to be carried out in your local area, or a little further away, but costs associated with this can be recouped in your claim.

Do Southend-On-Sea Personal Injury Solicitors Handle a Variety Of Claims?

The panel of personal injury specialist legal solicitors we work with at Legal Expert can help claimants with a very wide range of different types of claims. So no matter the type of claim you have, our team can help you. Below are some of the major types of claims we can help with.

Workplace Accident Claims In Southend-On-Sea

We have worked with claimants from across the country who work in every different industry and job role, helping them to get the compensation awards that they deserved. Below you can see a table with some of the statistics for workplace injuries in Southend-On-Sea below.

Accidents At Work In the Southend-On-Sea Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
General 36 30 32
Electric shock 1 3 0
Machinery related 6 9 6
Exposure to harmful substance 4 1 0
Fall from height 26 13 15
Injured by an animal 0 1 2
Manual handling 66 54 53
Physical attack 19 17 28
Slip or trip 92 72 63
Struck against 8 5 2
Struck by moving vehicle 6 4 3
Hit by object 36 20 23
Crushed by something collapsing 1 1 1

Information is taken from the RIDDOR produced by the Health & Safety Executive.

Here at Legal Expert, we can provide advice and other assistance with a wide variety of different work accident claims. The types of work accident claim we can offer guidance on include the following:


You’re welcome to contact Legal Expert now if you are looking for assistance on any of these types of work accident claims or any other types not already mentioned.

Southend-On-Sea Industrial Disease Claims

Our expert legal solicitors are able to process industrial disease claims, getting you the money you deserve to help recover from or alleviate the symptoms of a variety of diseases and medical conditions.

Southend-On-Sea Medical Negligence Claims

Clinical negligence (also known as medical negligence) can be complex cases where a person has been injured or otherwise hurt by a medical professional. This is determined as a breach of the medical practitioner’s duty of care to a patient. We can help patients of the Southend University Hospital to get the compensation that they deserve.

There are many other different types of medical negligence claims which we can potentially assist you with. The other types of claims in this area that we can help with include (but are not limited to) the following examples:

Slips, Trips And Falls In Southend-On-Sea

Whether in Southend-On-Sea, or anywhere else in the UK, the most common accidents are slips, trips and falls. This is both in the workplace and outside of it. Slips, trips and falls can lead to a whole range of different injuries, from a bump, bruise or small cut, through to broken bones, muscle strains and even more serious injuries. Slips, trips and falls can also lead to secondary injuries, such as an object falling on a person if they fall into something. They can be caused by all kinds of different things and our personal injury experts are well versed in these types of claims.

Serious Personal Injury Claims In Southend-On-Sea

Serious accidents can result in life changing injuries and consequences. Your personal injury claim award won’t just include compensation for the injury itself, it can also include things such as a loss of income. It can even include compensation for adaptations to a person’s home and/ or vehicle.

Southend-On-Sea Road Injury Claims

Our No Win No Fee personal injury claims solicitors have a wealth of experience and knowledge in working with claimants to get the compensation they deserve after suffering a serious road accident. With an airport in the area, and a total of 500 – 1,500km of roadways, Southend-On-Sea can see very high levels of traffic at certain times. This can lead to car crashes and other types of road accidents.

There are many different types of road traffic accident (RTA) claims which exist and we can offer support and guidance on many of them. Examples of RTA claims which we can potentially help with include these examples:

Southend-On-Sea No Win No Fee Solicitors

We offer claimants representation on a No Win No Fee basis. Governed by a Conditional Fee Agreement, these set out the responsibility the solicitor has to the client, as well as what their fees will be in either a successful or unsuccessful claims case. It should be noted that there should be no costs in a no win case. The agreement should ensure that you are confident in the relationship you have with your solicitors, no matter what happens with your case. They also ensure that you are never liable for upfront payments or ongoing costs.

Will I have To Pay Any Fees?

Solicitors have on occasion added hidden fees and extra charges where a case is lost. However, at Legal Expert we guarantee that the solicitors we work with will always offer a No Win No Fee service, with no hidden costs. There is no catch whatsoever.

To find out more about how our excellent No Win No Fee service works, you can talk to our experts. Alternatively, check out our guide to making a No Win No Fee claim here. Whilst you will have to pay costs if you win, the law guarantees that these will never be greater than 25% of your claim award.

How To Start Your Personal Injury Case

At Legal Expert we can help you get the information you need, whether you want to find out more about the general claims process, have been injured yourself or whether you know someone, even a loved one who has been injured we have everything you need. Our team is on hand seven days a week to discuss your case and start making your claim.

What Should I Do Next?

When you are ready to start making your personal injury claim, get in contact and talk to the experts at Legal Expert. We will give you all the information you need, or you can find a wealth of information in both our guides as well as our case studies. These are all designed to help you better understand your specific type of case.

Find Out More Today

Finding out as much information as possible about your type of claim and case, as well as the background of your solicitors can be a vital step in getting the compensation you deserve. As you become more informed, you will be better armed to make your case and understand the different options you could be faced with as they come up. Before you hire a Southend-On-Sea personal injury solicitor, ensure you have all the info you need. Make a list of any questions you have for your solicitor, ready to ask in your initial consultation or call. You can find out more by checking out our information on personal injury claims here.

Starting A New Personal Injury Claim

The first thing to do is to choose a solicitor. Once you have decided that you will be using our services, you can contact Legal Expert to get the compensation you deserve. We are ready to work with you seven days a week. You can talk to us using an email, our online contact form, or by calling 0800 073 8804.

Helpful Contacts In Southend-On-Sea

If you have suffered an accident which wasn’t your fault and been injured as a result in Southend-On-Sea, or have contracted an illness, the contact details below an connect you with the help which you need, when you need it. The police and hospital contacts are before the claim starts, and court details could be useful once your case starts.

Local Police In Southend-On-Sea

Victoria Ave,
Telephone: 01245 491491

Southend Crown Court

The Court House,
Victoria Avenue,

Telephone: 01268 458000

Local Hospitals In Southend

Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
12-13 Comet Way,

Telephone: 01702 435555

Spire Wellesley Hospital,
Eastern Avenue,

Telephone: 01702 462944

Other Helpful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide on Southend On Sea Personal Injury Solicitors.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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