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Tynemouth Personal Injury Solicitors

Welcome to our guide on Tynemouth personal injury solicitors. Have you had a personal injury? Are you in Tynemouth or the surrounding area? If so, have you thought about claiming for your personal injury? Solicitors are on hand now ready to talk to you about the injury and to see whether you may be entitled to compensation.

Our Tynemouth team of personal injury solicitors are all highly experienced in the field of personal injury and have helped thousands of people across the UK make a claim and get the compensation and justice that they needed.

Our legal team are experts in all types of personal injury claims and will ensure that your case is handled with the care and attention that it deserves. If you want a personal injury solicitor that will give you the very best representation then call 0800 073 8804 today and start the process of getting the money you deserve.

Personal injury Tynemouth

How Do I Make A Claim For My Personal Injury In Tynemouth?

It’s really easy and there is absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of fees or hassle. When you first contact us, we will briefly ask you about your accident and injury. This is to ascertain if we think you have a case for compensation or not. If we do think that you have a claim, we’ll take your case on a No Win No Fee basis. That means there is no financial risk for you whatsoever, and you can do all of this without leaving the comfort of your own home.

We’ll then work swiftly to get the evidence and proof needed to build a case that will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. We’ll request any police or accident reports on your behalf and ask for details of any medical treatment you have received as a result of your injury. We’ll do all of this for you so you are not inconvenienced in any way. Your claim may be built up with a number of elements that can include (but is not limited to):

  • Compensation
  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical costs
  • Repairs

What Types of Accident and Personal Injury Do Our Solicitors For Tynemouth Deal With?

Our personal injury solicitors have dealt with all sorts of personal injuries and accidents from minor injuries to major, life-changing accidents. Thanks to our team’s experience, whatever injury you have received in whatever circumstance, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of experts. We can deal with cases such as:

Accidents at Work

From factories and farms in Tynemouth to offices and construction sites, all places of work have dangers. Maybe you have tripped over an exposed wire, had a fall from height or have been injured by a piece of faulty machinery. Whatever the accident or injury, if you have been injured and it was not your fault then our highly experienced personal injury experts can help you get the compensation and get you the justice and peace of mind that you are owed and need.

Dangerous Products

Have you been injured in Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear using a particular product? Maybe you have used hair dye that has burnt your skin or maybe you have been injured whilst falling from a faulty chair?

Whatever the circumstance, if you have been injured by a dangerous or faulty product, you may be able to claim compensation getting you the justice and money you deserve for your injury.

Road Traffic Accidents

Cars and other vehicles may be safer than they ever have been but the fact is roads in Tynemouth and elsewhere in the UK are getting busier. This means that accident risk is ever increasing and whether you were driving a vehicle, were a passenger or even a pedestrian, if you have been in a road traffic accident and it wasn’t your fault then call our Tynemouth team of personal injury solicitors today to start your claim for compensation and justice.

Injuries on business premises of public property

Have you tripped, slipped or fallen in a Tynemouth shop, pub or in the street and it wasn’t your fault? Maybe you have tripped over a broken kerbstone or have slipped on a wet supermarket floor that wasn’t clearly signposted. If so you could be entitled to compensation for this and our accident solicitors can help you to make a successful claim.

Attacks and assault

Have you been the victim of an unprovoked attack or assault? Our caring team of personal injury lawyers can offer support and guidance in these instances, helping you to get justice and the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Sporting injuries

Have you suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault whilst playing or watching sport? Maybe you’ve hurt yourself on faulty sporting equipment or maybe you have been injured as a spectator unexpectedly?

Whatever the injury, whatever the reason, if the accident and injury was not your fault then get in touch with our experienced Tynemouth team of solicitors and start the process of getting you the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Tynemouth Personal Injury Claims Time Limits

Under the Limitation Act 1980, the standard time limit for starting a personal injury claim in the UK is three years from the date of your accident. If the injuries from your accident could not be immediately confirmed, then the three year time limit will apply from the day your injuries were diagnosed. This particular day may be referred to as the ‘date of knowledge’.

There can be exceptions to how this time limit for claiming works. For instance, if you wish to claim on behalf of a child who has been injured, then the time limit for claiming doesn’t apply for that child until they reach their 18th birthday. When an injured child reaches the age of 18, they will be old enough to start a claim on their own behalf. Before then, a representative known as a litigation friend could potentially start a claim on behalf of an injured child.

Another way the time limit for claiming can change is if a victim lacks the mental capacity to act on their own behalf. When this circumstance applies to someone who is entitled to personal injury compensation, then the time limit for claiming is frozen for them. It will remain frozen unless the day comes when the victim regains enough mental capacity to start acting independently. Like with children, someone close to the victim may be able to start a claim on behalf of someone who is lacking in mental capacity by acting as a litigation friend.

What Can You Gain From A Tynemouth Personal Injury Claim?

If you are successfully able to start a personal injury claim, then there are two main types of damages which you may be able to claim through your case:

  • General damages – This refers to compensation which you may receive for the injuries you suffered due to the negligent behaviour that you’re claiming for. The potential payments for general damages can vary wildly. They largely depend on what exact injuries you have suffered due to negligence and how severe these injuries are.
  • Special damages – If you are successfully able to claim for general damages through a personal injury claim, then you may also be eligible to claim for special damages in addition. Compensation for special damages is designed to cover for any financial losses which can be directly linked to the negligence you experienced and the subsequent injuries. Examples of financial losses which may be covered under special damages can include travel expenses you’ve put towards receiving the necessary medical treatment for your injuries.

Tynemouth Personal Injury Claims On A No Win No Fee Basis

Our Tynemouth team of personal injury solicitors can happily assist with personal injury claims made on a No Win No Fee basis. Also known as a Confidential Fee Agreement (CFA), signing a No Win No Fee agreement to start your case can provide certain benefits:

  • You will not be required to pay any fees upfront at the start of your claim.
  • You also won’t be required to pay fees while your case is in the middle of being processed.
  • Payment to your solicitor will only be required at the end of a successful claim. To cover their payment, your solicitor will take a small percentage of the compensation you receive. The percentage your solicitor can take is capped by law and the details of how this works should be explained in your contract agreement. You can review payment details before signing a No Win No Fee agreement.

Why Should I Use Personal Injury Solicitors Tynemouth?

We understand that when you have been injured and are looking to start a compensation claim then you have a lot of choices in terms of solicitors and accident compensation companies. So why should you choose our personal injury lawyers for Tynemouth? Quite simply, by choosing ourselves you can rest assured that you have a specialist personal injury legal team who will thoroughly represent your case and give it the time needed to ensure that you are compensated fairly and get the justice you are entitled to.

Every one of our solicitors is highly trained and highly experienced in the personal injury realm and have dealt with many, many cases across the whole spectrum of accident types and occurrences.

If you want to get compensation and justice for your injury then get in touch with our personal injury solicitors Tynemouth team now, give yourself peace of mind and place your case in the hand of the professionals.

Other Tynemouth Claims Guides

For advice on making specific types of claims in the Tynemouth area, you can check out our other guides available in the links below:

Thank you for reading our guide about Tynemouth personal injury solicitors.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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