Welcome to our personal injury solicitors for Cambridge area accidents guide. If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault and live or work in the Cambridge area, you may have fallen into a common misconception by thinking that you need to use personal injury solicitors in Cambridge to make your claim. However, this is a very common mistake that people make, and through this article, we hope to clearly show why you do not need to work with a solicitor or lawyer who is here or who is located close to you. Instead, we hope to show that the best solicitor should represent you for your claim, not the person closest to you.
Please find out more about our legal services and about how to claim by reading through this guide. When you are ready to launch your claim with an initial consultation, you can do so using the contact details on this page.
Am I Eligible To Make A Compensation Claim With Personal Injury Solicitors For Cambridge?
You probably would like to know when you can use No Win No Fee solicitors for a Cambridge based accident. To have a strong claim for negligence, you will need to be able to demonstrate three things. These are:
- You were owed a duty of care by a third party.
- This third party breached their duty.
- The breach caused you harm or injury.
There are common duties that apply to everyday life, such as an employer’s duty to take reasonable steps to ensure your safety at work, which comes from the Health and Safety At Work Act etc. 1974.
If you use the road, then you are owed a duty by other road users. This duty is that road users must navigate in such a way that harm is avoided to others on the roads. The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988 must be followed; otherwise, it could be a breach of duty, and if an injury is caused, a claim could be made.
Additionally, you are also owed a duty of care while you are out in public places. This is under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This means that the person or organisation in charge of a space must ensure the relative safety of members of the public while they are using that premises.
For a free, no obligation case assessment and to see if you can work with one of our personal injury solicitors for Cambridge based claims, why not contact us today?
Why You Need The Right Solicitor Or Lawyer
Working with the best personal injury solicitors for a No Win No Fee claim is the most important step that you can take in the process of getting the highest possible personal injury compensation settlement. In just the Cambridgeshire area, there are around a hundred different solicitors, meaning that you have many choices in which service to use. We understand that this also means that making that choice might not be easy. In this guide, we hope to show why Legal Expert is the best service for you, even though our offices are not in this area.
Does It Matter Where My Solicitor Is Located?
When making a compensation claim, your personal injury lawyer can be based anywhere in the UK. Rather than basing your choice on geography, you can base your choice on the track record of the solicitors and what fees they charge if you win your claim. The only part of any personal injury claim that might need to be carried out closer to you could be any medical assessment you need. Legal Expert works with medical experts across the country, meaning that we can often organise these checks in your area. And this means that our personal injury solicitors also cover Cambridge.
What Evidence Do I Need To Make A Personal Injury Claim?
We hope that this guide has presented you with all the information you need to make a personal injury claim. To start your personal injury case, the best step you can take is to contact our team. Before you do so, there are several simple steps you should take.
You should collect as much of the following evidence as you can before contacting our team. Doing so will enable our personal injury solicitors to hit the ground running with your claim. Collect the following:
- Medical notes or reports of your injury and any treatment received. This might even be evidence of clinical negligence suffered.
- Report the accident or injury to the appropriate people and get a copy of your accident report log. This could be from a shop, your workplace, or another location.
- Try to take a photo of what caused you to be hurt.
After this, your next step is to get in contact with our specialist personal injury claims team.
Can Personal Injury Solicitors For Cambridge Help Me On A No Win No Fee Basis?
Our personal injury solicitors for Cambridge can offer eligible claimants a particular type of No Win No Fee contract called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). The CFA comes a range of highly desirable features including:
- No fees for the solicitor to start work on the case,
- There will also be no fees for that work during the claims process itself,
- Finally, should the claim fail, you will not incur any solicitor’s fees for the work done on the claim.
If you win your claim, you will receive personal injury compensation. The solicitor will take their success fee from this payout. Since The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 imposes a legally binding cap on success fees, you will keep the majority of any payout you receive.
Speak To Our Expert Team Today
When you are ready to begin your personal injury claim, you can contact our team to do so. The best ways to contact us are via phone, email, and the contact forms on this page.
Tel: 0800 073 8804
Email: info@legalexpert.co.uk
Writing: tell us about your claim online
Our team can then talk to you and discuss your claim, or we call you back at a time more convenient to you. We hope that we have shown why you do not need to use personal injury solicitors in Cambridge after being hurt in this area.
Helpful Resources For People Injured In Cambridgeshire
If you have been hurt in an accident that was not your fault in this area, we have included the contact details for several organisations which you may need to contact. We have also included further guides which contain helpful information.
Accident and injury at work claims
Legal Expert guide to accident at work claims
Accident in a shop claims
How to claim compensation after being hurt whilst in a shop or on their property.
Road safety in Cambridgeshire
Find out more about steps to make the roads across the city and county safer at this initiative.
Cambridge crown court
In a very small minority of cases, a claim may need to go to court to be settled. If this is the case with yours, you may need to go to the cities courts to resolve your claim.
There are several police stations and hospitals across the city. Below, we have given the details for those most centrally located.
Parkside Police Station
39 Parkside,
Tel: 01223 358966
Web: www.cambs.police.uk
Addenbrookes Hospital
Hills Rd,
Tel: 01223 245151
Web: www.cuh.nhs.uk/addenbrookes-hospital
Thank you for reading our personal injury solicitors for Cambridge guide.