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Livingston Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee

By Stephen Hackett. Last updated 26th November 2024. If you’re in Livingston and you’ve suffered a personal injury or have been hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault then you need the services of a personal injury solicitor. Our personal injury solicitors team for Livingston specialise in all forms of accident at work injuries and other personal injury cases and we can help you to claim the compensation that you deserve.

We’ve been helping people for many years in the Livingston and surrounding West Lothian areas ensuring local people get specialist advice to ensure that they get the full amount of compensation they are owed.

How Personal Injury Solicitors For Livingston Can Help You

If you’ve been unfortunate to have been in some form of accident in Livingston and have suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault then you need to get the advice of a specialist in this area of law. This is because there can be a huge range of consequences of such an accident such as:

  • Pain and suffering – This could be immediately after the accident but could last far further into the future.
  • Loss of earnings – Whilst you are injured, you may not be able to work, which means you may be entitled to a loss of earnings claim.
  • Reduced earnings, loss of future earnings – Because of your accident, you may not be able to earn as much as you could in the past which means you may be able to claim for reduced earnings or future loss of earnings.
  • Medical expenses – You may have had to pay a large amount of medical expenses due to your accident and injury which may mean you are able to claim for medical expenses.
  • Decline in quality of life – If the injury that you have acquired has resulted in a decline in the quality of your life in Livingston you may also be able to claim for this too.

What may at first seem to be a minor injury can turn out to have life changing consequences so it is crucial that you let your case be handled by professionals such as our team of personal injury solicitors for Livingston.

As we always do, we will work with you in a kind, considerate and professional manner to ensure that you put forward a strong case for compensation to get you the money you deserve.

How Do I Know If I Have a Case For Compensation?

You could possibly have an eligible case for compensation, and thus could connect with one of our personal injury solicitors for Livingston, if you have suffered negligence. Negligence is when you suffer an injury because a duty of care was breached. 

There are multiple places where you could be owed a duty of care:

  • At work. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 states that all employers owe a duty of care to their employees while they’re at work. This means that employers must take reasonable steps to ensure that their employees are safe and at minimal risk of injury at work.
  • In public. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that all occupiers of a public space (those who have control) owe a duty of care to all members of the public who lawfully visit their space. This means that occupiers must take steps to ensure that the public are reasonably safe and at minimal risk of injury when on their premises. 
  • On roads. All road users owe one another a duty of care. This means that while on roads, all road users must follow the rules that are in The Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988 to ensure that one another are kept safe and are at minimal risk of injury.

As such, here is the personal injury claims eligibility criteria:

  1. An employer, occupier, or road user owed you a duty of care.
  2. They breached their duty of care.
  3. You were injured as a result of this.

If you meet each of the above criteria, please contact us today. You may be able to connect with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors for Livingston.

What Happens Next?

Next, our specialist personal injury solicitors for Livingston will issue a letter of claim to the person or people that you think are responsible for the accident/injury. They will then have a period of usually up to 12 weeks to respond (depending on the type of claim).

If the defendants accept liability then they should make an offer and then your solicitor will negotiate a fair settlement for you. If they do not decide to admit that the accident was their fault, then the claim will proceed to court where the case will be heard before a judge.

How long do I have to start a claim?

If you’re seriously considering starting a personal injury claim in Livingston or elsewhere, then it’s best to get this process underway as soon as you can. That’s because there is usually a time limit in place for when you can begin a claim for an accident/negligence. Under the Limitation Act 1980, personal injury claims can only be valid if it is commenced within three years of when your accident occurred.

There’s only a very limited amount of circumstances where the time limit may work differently. If the victim of an accident is under 18 or lacks the mental capacity to make decisions independently, then the time limit can be put on hold (at least temporarily). When either of these circumstances apply, someone close to the victim may be able to claim on the victim’s behalf as a litigation friend.

Why Work With Our No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors For Livingston?

With our specialist personal injury solicitors for Livingston, making a claim for compensation needn’t cost you a penny. Cases are done on a No Win No Fee basis which is a Conditional Fee Agreement between you and our solicitors which means that you will not be responsible for expensive legal bills even if your claim is not successful. That means that you don’t have to live with the consequences of another person’s negligence and you get the best legal representation you can get giving you peace of mind.

There are other financial benefits which you can enjoy by claiming on a No Win No Fee basis:

  • There’s no need to pay for your solicitor’s legal fees prior to your claim getting underway.
  • There will also be no requirement to cover your solicitor’s legal fees while your claim remains in progress.
  • Payment towards your solicitor’s legal fees should only be required if your claim proves to be successful. This should provide confidence that your solicitor will deliver maximum effort towards your case, as they face extra risk if the case does not succeed.

With No Win No Fee agreements, your solicitor usually subtracts a small percentage of your compensation to cover their payment. The percentage which your solicitor can take is capped by law.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

St. John’s Hospital

Howden W Rd



EH54 6PP

Thanks for reading our guide about Personal Injury Solicitors for Livingston. If you need to seek medical attention for your injury, here is the address for the main hospital in Livingston:


Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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