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Northwich Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee Claims

Welcome to our guide on making a compensation claim with the assistance of Northwich personal injury solicitors. If an accident happens to you and you become injured in some way, or if you develop an illness due to either a road accident or accident at work, medical negligence or your working conditions, whereupon your employer should have taken steps to protect you, you might feel aggrieved or confused about why this was allowed to happen. However, what you should certainly know is that there is something you can do about it, and that’s to make a personal injury claim.

Northwich personal injury solicitors

Northwich personal injury solicitors

Here at Legal Expert, we can provide personal injury lawyers to deal with any kind of claim of this sort, whether it’s because you fell over some wiring that was sticking out at work, or if you developed mesothelioma due to your workplace, or even if you were involved in a slip, trip or fall in a shopping centre. Call 0800 073 8804 if you want to know more about how we can help. Or you can take a look below to find out all about claiming, why you don’t necessarily need Northwich personal injury solicitors for a claim in the area, what No Win No Fee is, and more importantly, what does a personal injury solicitor do.

What is a personal injury claim?

Compensation claims come about when someone’s actions or indeed their inactions cause you harm. In terms of actions, this could be serious injury claims due to a driver hitting you head on while looking at their mobile phone while driving, or it could be a whiplash in a road traffic accident where a taxi driver was not paying care and attention to the road and braked suddenly at the traffic lights. In terms of inaction, it could be an employer not providing PPE for a task and you becoming injured as a result, or even if they did not maintain machinery and you became injured because of this.

In short, if you consult a personal injury law firm to help you, you can have the best chance of getting the maximum compensation for any No Win No Fee compensation claim. A personal injury solicitor will be experienced in this aspect of the law and can provide their experience and knowledge to your case, allowing you to claim for not only costs incurred but the pain you’ve suffered also, as well as any emotional damage.

How to make a personal injury claim with our Northwich personal injury solicitors

If you’re considering making a compensation claim for an accident that happened here, then you will likely be looking for a Northwich solicitor to help you, but that is not necessarily the best choice, as others from outside the area can help too – more on that later.

Whether it is clinical negligence, or road traffic incidents, calling Legal Expert can be a great choice. All you have to do is call and we’ll take you through the process step by step, before providing a personal injury claims barrister or solicitor that will take the case through to its conclusion. Our team are used to dealing with claims of all types and we can certainly answer any queries you might have on how it works.

Your right to make a compensation claim

Certain criteria exist that allows you to make an injury claim. Obviously, there has to have been an accident or something has to have caused your illness or injury. There needs to be someone, either a person, business, or premises owner or local authority for example that should have either taken steps to prevent your action or not acted dangerously and are the responsible party. Your injury or illness needs to be a direct result of their lack of action or dangerous action.

Finally, you need to lodge a claim within the personal injury claim deadline. Now, this is where it gets somewhat complicated. If your accident happened as a child, and no one claimed on your behalf, then you’ve got three years from your 18th birthday. If you became ill and only found out this was due to an accident or perhaps even your workplace, then the date of diagnosis is when the three year limit is taken from. For most other accident claims, it’s 3 years from an accident date.

Checklist to help you find a personal injury solicitor

There are certain things you can do to find an accident management company or personal injury solicitor to pursue compensation claims. Here’s a short checklist.

  1. Ask around – Has a friend or family member had a good experience with someone they’ve used for a claim. Remember, if your claim is complex, for example serious injury claims, then it’s best to ensure that the solicitor has experience in serious injuries.
  2. Use the search engines – However, this can be a little confusing as many websites contain much the same claims, and it can be hard to differentiate one from another.
  3. Consider going nationwide – Branching out, and not just looking at Northwich personal injury solicitors may open up your options.
  4. Read No Win No Fee claims reviews to get an idea of other client’s experiences.
  5. Call Legal Expert – we’re sure to be able to provide a solicitor with the relevant experience to fit your unique needs!

Are reviews of solicitors helpful?

We mentioned about reading reviews, but it is important to keep a few things in mind when you do so. Firstly, many don’t mention the fees that their solicitor has taken. It’s wise to dig a little deeper to make sure you know how much a solicitor will be taking. Also, it’s wise to find out if they’ve handled claims as complex as yours as well – is this contained in any reviews? Probably not. Usually, the spaces to write reviews are limited, and will not give you a complete picture of what’s happened.

Here at Legal Expert, we can give much more information than a review would, as we may know an awful lot about the solicitors we provide, and that way you’ll have all the information you need before you make a decision.

Does it matter where a solicitor is based?

Looking for ‘Northwich personal injury solicitors‘ for your claim? You may want to widen your search to the whole of the UK. Didn’t know you could? Well, you’re not alone. Many people stick to the local solicitors even if they don’t necessarily have the relevant experience to get the maximum compensation possible. However, they could look further afield as with the internet, and emails etc, as well as the postal service, there’s really no need to limit yourself at all.

You may however have to visit a medic, but nationwide solicitors can arrange these medicals locally for you for the most part.

Categories of personal injury claim our expert team conducts

So many different incidents lead to injury claims, and we could never list them all in one place as there are too many to count. However, there are some we see far more often than others. These are listed below but remember that we can handle any case for you if you get in touch.

Illness and industrial disease claims

You may feel that claims for industrial diseases would be too complex and long winded to sort out but a personal injury solicitor can make claims like these simple and stress-free for you. Your solicitor will be required to prove that the employer you worked for acted negligently in protecting your health and there are several different classes of workplace illness and industrial disease you can claim for. These can include things like deafness, hand arm vibration, lung diseases, some cancers and more.

If you’re in need of more information, we can chat to you about the types of disease that we’ve helped clients with, along with giving you more information on this type of claim and how you could start one without putting funds upfront.

Medical negligence claims

Doctors, dentists, healthcare professionals, surgeons; all people who are tasked with making or keeping us well. But what if they are negligent and we become more ill or are not treated for an illness we have. From surgical mistakes to late diagnoses of cancers, we can help you make medical negligence claims with no fee upfront to start claiming. Whatever your experience, call and tell us, and we’ll tell you if you have a valid claim.

There are many different types of medical negligence claims which we can offer our support on, such as the following examples:

Slip, trip, and fall claims

Tripping over your laces obviously wouldn’t lead to a claim, but some slip or falls do – and when they do, we can help. If you’ve slipped on a wet shop floor that wasn’t signposted, tripped on broken paving, or fallen because of an improperly fixed balcony, there are solicitors that we can provide to help you claim for your injuries and costs associated with the injury.

Serious illness and serious injury claims

Many people don’t quite understand what is considered a serious injury and feel that they should take a settlement offer from a company that is much lower than they would get if a lawyer was on their side. Serious injuries cases have complex needs and so do the victims. You could need care for the rest of your life, further surgery or other costs well into the future and using a specialist solicitor can ensure these are covered as part of your compensation settlement.

Workplace accident compensation claims

The newspapers are full of cases where employers are successfully taken action against for breaches of health and safety and have settled with employees on compensation. Whether you’ve been attacked at work, you’ve suffered a fall from a mezzanine floor, you’ve been trapped in machinery, or been exposed to a harmful substance, if your employer didn’t protect you from the risks, then you can claim.

We can offer our support on many different kinds of workplace accident claims. Just a few examples include the following:

Road traffic and vehicle accident compensation claims

Our roads come with dangers, and other drivers not driving safely is one of the biggest ones. Whether someone has failed to stop and careered into your car, run a red light, overtaken dangerous or more, then you’re likely to be able to make a compensation claim. The following people often make claims for compensation, and settlement amounts can vary from the 1,000s to the tens of thousands and even higher depending on the injuries:

Passengers Whether on a bus, in a taxi or in a car, passengers put their very lives in the hands of the people taking the wheel, and sometimes they take more of a risk by doing so than they thought they were. If you’ve been injured in a car accident where the driver was driving negligently, or another vehicle has hit yours when they were driving dangerously, you could claim.

Drivers – The most obvious victims of a car accident. If the other road user was negligent or dangerous, then a claim could be put forward.

Motorcyclists/Cyclists – Some of the most vulnerable people on the UK roads. If you’re hit by another vehicle, the likelihood is that you might suffer more complex injures than you would if you were ore protected in a vehicle

Pedestrians – If a car has gone through lights or veered off the road and hit you, the likelihood is you will not come out unscathed. Making a claim could help with the costs of recovery and any adaptations that might need to be made to your home if your injuries are very severe.

Cheshire West and Chester serious injury or deaths caused by vehicle accidents

The Department for Transport (DfT) regularly reports on road traffic accidents and casualties across different regional/local authorities including Chester West and Chester Council, which Northwich is based within.

According to the Department for Transport’s 2019 annual report on road casualties, the number of killed or seriously injured (KSI) road casualties recorded in Cheshire West and Chester was 92 in 2019. This marked a significant decrease compared to previous years. There were 148 KSI road casualties recorded in the area in 2018. 112 were recorded in 2017 and 135 were reported back in 2016.

How do I make a No Win No Fee compensation claim?

With us, you can! The solicitors that Legal Expert can provide you with work with no fees upfront, just a percentage of your eventual payment of compensation once it’s been settled. This fee will only be taken if your case wins, and as well as this, it is capped but does vary between solicitors.

It’s important you understand how all of this works, and whether you need insurance for unforeseen costs, so take care to speak to someone (our team can help) to make sure you have all the facts before you’re signing anything on the dotted line.

What happens if I do not win my claim?

If you have given all the facts as you understand them truthfully, and have signed the agreement, then if your case doesn’t result in compensation, then you won’t have to pay the lawyer any legal fees. This is a huge benefit to pursuing claims in this manner because it means you won’t be putting yourself at risk. Your lawyer will explain all this to you.

How to find out more about the personal injury claims process

As you can see from some of the links on this page, we have an awful lot of information about making claims for lots of different types of accidents. From medical malpractice to road traffic accidents, to falls, you’ll find guidance all over our site to assist. What these guides can’t tell you, however, is information specific to your unique injuries and circumstance, But on the phone, we can. We can listen to what you have to say, answer your queries and questions and furnish you with all possible information you’d need before beginning your claim.

Contact us to start your claim

We are aware that not all callers to our helpline 0800 073 8804 are from people ready to claim. Many people initially call us for advice and then go away and have a think about whether to take a claim forward. What we need you to know is that the advice we are giving you on the phone is not with any pressure or obligation to use Legal Expert’s services for your claim. Obviously, with our experience and number of extremely happy previous clients, we think you would be in good hands if you chose us to help with your claim!

Emergency help and assistance for victims of accidents in Northwich

If you landed on this page while looking for information because you’ve been in an accident in the area, then these links should help – we’ve also linked to a couple of guides you might find helpful.

Chester Crown Court
The Castle


Victoria Infirmary
Winnington Hill,
Tel: 01606 564000

Accident Claims in Taxis – Read here about accidents in taxis and how to claim

Machinery At Work – This can also lead to claims. More guidance can be found here.

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide about starting a compensation claim with the help of Northwich personal injury solicitors.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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