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Rochester Personal Injury Solicitors No Win No Fee

By Mark Ainsdale. Welcome to our guide on working with Rochester personal injury solicitors. If you’ve been injured in Rochester, Kent and are considering taking out a personal injury claim, then we know that this decision can appear to be a daunting one. Not only is it a case of whether you should take out a compensation claim, but it is also all about who you choose to help you, too, as there are countless providers out there in Kent alone.

Rochester accident claimBy working with our Rochester personal injury solicitors team, you can be safe and sound in the knowledge that you are dealing with a reputable law firm that has a long and distinguished history in the personal injury field. Our Rochester team of personal injury solicitors have decades of experience between them and enjoy an outstanding reputation in the legal world as personal injury solicitors who get the results that their clients deserve.

Each of our personal injury solicitors covering Rochester understands the situations in which many of our clients find themselves. Post-accident can be a very difficult time, and you may feel vulnerable, angry or even depressed. We undertake to give you the maximum amount of support. Our personal injury lawyers will work with you responsively and sympathetically and give you all your required help and advice. But this guide will also provide a real insight into exactly how to claim your compensation.

How Our Rochester Personal Injury Solicitors Team Work

The service that our Rochester personal injury solicitors team provide is designed to support you fully at every stage of your claim, from the initial assessment of the validity and likelihood of success of your case right through to us achieving the very best settlement for you and the justice that you have been waiting for.

We understand that whilst our clients want the best legal representation for their personal injury claim in Rochester. They don’t want complicated language and terms that they don’t understand. For that reason, every one of our team for Rochester personal injury solicitors will communicate with you clearly, and transparently that is free from confusing jargon and complicated legal terms. This helps to make sure you know exactly where you are up to with your case and can remove any uncertainty or doubts in your mind.

We also fully explain how our No Win No Fee services work. Essentially, the entire arrangement is in the interests of you and ourselves. We win your case, and we only get paid a pre-agreed percentage of your claim. This ensures that we fight with every ounce of our might to ensure you get maximum compensation. If we are unable to win your claim, you owe us nothing. There are no upfront fees, so you can enter into your personal injury compensation claim with complete confidence that you won’t lose out in any way financially.

Further information

More than anything, though, it’s the way how we treat every person and every case on an individual basis that sets us apart from many Rochester personal injury solicitors. Proactive and highly sensitive, we’ll make what can be a sometimes difficult and stressful process into one that is stress-free and as easy as it possibly can be. And this is an area where our Rochester personal injury lawyers can demonstrate their skills. When representing clients, we go all-out, and we can do the same for you.

The first step in any claim, regardless of the injury or how it occurred, is to prove negligence. We have extensive research and litigation experience to ensure this is done in the best and most effective way.

We’ll then issue a claim, make sure our clients know how the whole process works, and explain that not every personal injury case in Rochester can be concluded quickly. In cases of more serious injuries involving brain or spinal injuries, we may end up working with and supporting our clients for many years whilst they continue to recover from their injuries. Whatever the situation, our personal injury solicitors for Rochester, will fight hard to get you the money you deserve.

The Personal Injury Cases We Deal With

We can deal with any personal injury case in Rochester, but the most common ones are as follows:

  • Accidents in the workplace – Includes slips and falls from height, injuries from faulty equipment.
  • Any accidents in public places – Includes falls and trips over faulty kerbstones, slips in shops.
  • Accidents in foreign countries – Accidents don’t just happen in the UK. We can, in some circumstances, help you if you have been injured abroad
  • Birth injuries – Compensation can often help provide the money for future care costs.
  • Brain and head injuries – There is a wide range of head and brain injuries, from minor to major. Compensation can help people move forward with their life with sufficient money to help with extra care and medical costs.
  • Spinal injuries can have a major impact on people’s lives, and compensation can help people move forward with dignity.
  • Medical negligence – This includes being prescribed the wrong medication and a wide range of other medical mistakes.
  • Clinical negligence includes where surgical mistakes have been made, such as botched cosmetic or reconstructive surgery.

Other cases

  • Medical misdiagnosis – Failure to spot a medical condition can be fatal and can potentially shorten life or even be fatal.
  • Industrial diseases and conditions such as
  • Asbestosis
  • Mesothelioma
  • Pleural thickening
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Vibration white finger
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    Faulty products – This can include any product that should be safe to use but has caused injury or harm in some way.
  • Road traffic incidents – Injuries that happen on the roads in some way to a driver, passenger or pedestrian. And this also includes other road users such as cyclists and those travelling on Kent’s public transport.

Our No Win No Fee policy

When an accident victim decides to make a claim, it isn’t a decision that they make quickly. Indeed, it takes a good amount of thinking about what the claims process would involve. But one of the main concerns that a potential claimant might have is whether it could hurt them in the wallet. Before we get into how much compensation the victim might win, they may wonder how much it costs to claim. But that is why we love to work with clients by using our No Win No Fee policy. And that is what we are going to break down right now.

So, a No Win No Fee agreement means that you only pay your personal injury solicitor if you win. And by that, we mean that if you win your case, your personal injury lawyer will receive a success fee. Note that this amount comes directly from your compensation settlement rather than coming straight out of your bank account. And note that it has a legal cap so that you won’t lose a huge amount of your payout for this success fee. However, and more importantly, if you lose your case, then you don’t pay your solicitor’s fees at all. In other words, your solicitor only receives payment if you receive compensation, which is reassuring for any personal injury victim. Contact us for more information.

What You Could Claim

Now that you know about the nature of the costs for claiming let’s talk about what you could claim. Of course, compensation is your target, but how much compensation are you really going to receive? So, we have to mention at this stage that there isn’t one particular payout amount for every single injury. And the amounts vary for the same injuries, too, even those of the same severity levels. So, this is because many factors influence the potential compensation amount beyond the injury itself. And these include severity, recovery time and also any loss of income during your recuperation period.

Nevertheless, there are still ballpark levels that one could expect when claiming for a particular injury. And therefore, it helps to know roughly what you could be targeting, if not aiming to exceed. As a result, you should find it beneficial to see the figures in the table below. We have to point out that these numbers are merely an intelligent estimate. But they come courtesy of the figures that the Judicial Guidelines states for each of these injuries. So, these numbers are as accurate as any others that you will find when it comes to your own injury.

Injury Severity Notes Compensation
Brain Damage Very severe The person might be able to follow some basic commands. However, they will need full-time care and show little meaningful response to their environment. £282,010 to £403,990
Neck Injury Severe A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or results in permanent spastic quadriparesis. In the region of £148,330
Knee Injury Severe (ii) Constant pain and limited movement caused by a leg fracture that has extended into the knee joint. £52,120 to £69,730
Arm Injury Less severe The person will have suffered with significant disabilities. However a substantial recovery has taken place or is expected to. £19,200 to £39,170
Back Injury Moderate (ii) Frequently encountered back injuries, that disturb the ligaments and muscles and cause backache. £12,510 to £27,760
Shoulder Injury Serious A dislocated shoulder with damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £12,770 to £19,200
Elbow Injury Moderate or minor Elbow injuries such as lacerations, simple fractures or tennis elbow syndrome. The recovery rate will affect how much is awarded. Up to £12,590
Leg Injury Less serious (iii) Simple tibia or fibula fractures, or soft-tissue injuries, with minor ongoing symptoms. Up to £11,840
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,345
Whiplash Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,215

Call Our Rochester Personal Injury Team Today

Take the first step towards receiving the justice and compensation you deserve by calling our personal injury solicitors for Rochester. We’ll talk through your case, and if you have a strong compensation case, we can take you on a No Win No Fee basis and put your claim’s wheels into motion.

A few months down the line, and you could have the money and the peace of mind you deserve. And we hope that this guide can educate you greatly about how to claim your compensation. So, if you wish to receive any legal advice about your potential case, get in touch with us.

Other Compensation Guides

Rochester Personal Injury Solicitors FAQs

How much time do I have to make a claim?

You can claim within 3 years of your accident.

When can I begin to file my claim?

You can do so as soon as you feel ready to pursue a claim.

When does the defendant receive the letter of claim?

This comes once your personal injury solicitor decides to move ahead with your claim.

And what does the defendant do at that stage?

The defendant can choose to either accept or reject liability, with the latter leading to court proceedings beginning.

What happens next?

At that stage, the negotiations begin between the claimant and the defendant on a possible settlement.

When can you settle?

This comes once the defendant decides to accept liability and agrees upon a compensation amount with the claimant.

How long does it usually take to receive a settlement?

Usually, the case should come to an out-of-court settlement within 12-18 months.

And when does the claimant receive their settlement?

You would receive your settlement no more than 28 days later.

Thank you for reading our guide about working with Rochester personal injury solicitors.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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