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Get Help From Our Sexual Abuse Solicitors

By Stephen Bishop. Last Updated 25th September 2024. Welcome to our guide to the services offered by our sexual abuse solicitors. Sexual abuse is a serious crime, and even if the perpetrator of the abuse has been convicted, the effects can be long-lasting and affect every aspect of a person’s life. If you have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of another person, whether as an adult or as a child, you are likely to require extensive help to put the past behind you and move on.

Here, we explain how our sexual abuse solicitors can help you gain compensation for the trauma you have experienced. This includes compensation for both physical and mental injuries you have been left with as a result.

We’ll also be covering the topic of the scheme that awards you the compensation. Criminal injury claims function slightly differently to personal injury claims of a more traditional nature.

To find out more about how we can help, read on or get in touch with our team on 0800 073 8804. You can also use the pop-up live chat window, or see if you have a claim online by filling out our online form.

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A guide to using a sexual abuse solicitor

Sexual abuse solicitors

Sexual abuse is horrifying, which is why you often see it reported in the mainstream media, often in an attempt to raise awareness for those who have suffered through it. There is no aspect of sexual abuse that is ok, whether it happens in the workplace, in a marriage or to a child. Whether it is an isolated event or a long-running case of abuse, often, those who have suffered through it go on to have many issues surrounding relationships, and their mental health. These issues can lead to people being unable to hold down a steady job, or having to have time off work, which can obviously have a detrimental effect on a person’s financial situation.

It is therefore very important that as a victim of sexual abuse, you understand how sexual abuse solicitors can help you to claim compensation for your ordeal. While we will not pretend that any amount of money will fix any problems you are experiencing in terms of trying to move on from the abuse, it could help to reduce any financial burden you have, allowing you to take the time needed to recover without worrying about how expenses will be paid, whether it’s for professional counselling or time off work. Here, our guide takes you through the reasons you may wish to hire a sexual abuse solicitor and guides you through the process of making a compensation claim with one.

What is a sexual abuse solicitor?

A sexual abuse solicitor is a legal professional that is experienced in tackling cases relating to this part of the law. Sexual abuse is unlawful, and whether it is historical or recent, to an adult or a child, it is not your fault and therefore you can explore the possibility of making a compensation claim for physical and sexual abuse. Whether you are making a claim on behalf of a child you care for, or for yourself, it is important you get legal representation that has experience in this complex field, which is what our experienced sexual abuse lawyers work hard to gain.

There are a variety of different types of sexual abuse compensation claim, and it all depends on the position of the abuser and whether there has been a criminal case brought against them already for this. For example, if the organisation (adoption or foster agency or local authority) failed in their duty of care to you as a child, placing you in a home where you were subjected to abuse, the action taken could be against the organisation.

Alternatively, some cases are best lodged against the authority for Criminal Injuries Compensation (CICA). If your abuser has faced prosecution there is a possibility of getting a criminal compensation order, or you could take civil action directly against the abuser. With so many paths to take, it is important you are given guidance on which is best for your specific circumstances.

Our team of sexual abuse solicitors understand the difficulties and complexities these cases have. They’re well-versed in the process and deal with matters sensitively and with compassion. To learn more, please call us on the number at the top of this page to seek justice for the ordeal you’ve endured.

Sexual abuse statistics

Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that women are far more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than men, However, that does not mean that there are not men who have suffered from abuse of a sexual nature. A survey carried out in March of 2020 revealed that approximately 3.8% of 1.6 million people between the ages of 16 and 74 years old had experienced sexual assault. This assault took the form of rape or penetration since the age of 16. This included attempted rape or penetration too. The statistics included both men and women, although the figure for women was much higher.

In addition, it was discovered that men are more likely to be subject to sexual and physical abuse at the hands of a stranger. Women on the other hand were more likely to have suffered abuse inflicted by a partner or ex-partner. Find the rest of these findings in the graph below.

sexual abuse solicitors graph

Can my sexual abuse solicitor file my compensation claim?

Our well-trained and experienced sexual abuse solicitors handle cases of sexual and emotional abuse compensation regularly. They will need to go through some questions to establish some details of your case before they agree to take it on. Once they have done so, they should be able to lodge a claim for you.

We will do so on a No Win No Fee basis, which means that you will not be expected to pay any money up front to start your claim, nor will you be expected to pay any legal bills if your case is unsuccessful in gaining you compensation for your ordeal.

Our sexual abuse solicitors work exclusively on a No Win No Fee basis so that you don’t have to worry about paying any fees upfront. To find out more, get in touch.

After I start my claim with my sexual abuse solicitor what would I then need to do?

Often, the first thing that will happen is that you will be required to answer some questions about your experience so that we can assess your claim. This is a sort of fact-finding session, where you will be free to ask any and all questions you may have about the process. We will listen very carefully and sympathetically to your account of what has happened and we may ask a lot of questions, but this is just to confirm various points surrounding your case.

We will then take the time to explain everything to you, and it is important to remember that we are here to offer support right throughout the claims process, so you should feel comfortable asking questions at any time during the process. Depending on the events surrounding your abuse, we will often also make an appointment for you to see a medical specialist who will take a full examination and consultation to assess your physical and mental state. We will then take you through our No Win No Fee agreement so that you fully understand what to expect, and once that is signed, your case will begin in earnest.

For more information about how sexual abuse solicitors can help in your circumstances, please call us today for free legal advice. If you’ve suffered abuse while in care, then please read on to see how child abuse lawyers could help you in claiming.

I suffered sexual abuse whilst in care – do I have a claim?

Sexual abuse while in the care system is terribly damaging, as is any type of sexual abuse. The awful thing about sexual abuse while in care is that you will likely have been taken out of a potentially damaging situation in your original home, and placed in one that could be even more damaging. Compensation for abuse in foster care cases can be harrowing. That is why you need good historical sexual abuse solicitors on your side.

Whether the local authority is at fault for not providing proper checks on your welfare, or on the persons that were charged with looking after you, or a private foster agency is to blame, we will be able to advise you how strong a case you have for a sexual abuse compensation claim against either your abuser themselves or the authority that was supposed to protect you. Your child abuse solicitor will then go ahead and lodge your claim if you are ready for them to do so.

We have helped victims of sexual abuse – both historical and child abuse cases and recent ones – with both free advice and by lodging claims for compensation for victims of abuse. Do you have any questions or queries about who you can claim against for a care abuse case? Or perhaps you would like more information on the typical payout amounts you may see for your injuries, both physical and mental? If either apply, then our child sexual abuse solicitors will be happy to talk you through the answers you seek.

I suffered sexual abuse at work – can I claim?

Sexual abuse at work is a very serious subject, and it is good that more people are refusing to chalk this sort of behaviour up to ‘just something to put up with’ instead, coming forward, speaking out and getting the compensation they deserve for their horrible experience.

Whether you have been sexually assaulted in the workplace, at a work’s social event, or in the course of your working day, your employer is liable for the behaviour of its employees while they are carrying out work-related activities, so it is likely that if you were sexually abused in the workplace, that you would be able to make a compensation claim.

Can I get free advice from a sexual abuse solicitor?

Whilst there are many charities that have been set up to support sexual abuse victims, sometimes you may require a solicitor’s advice, particularly if you are looking to start a claim for sexual abuse compensation. Many sexual abuse solicitors may charge by the hour for legal advice. However, when you call our team, we will endeavour to offer you free advice with no obligation whatsoever to use our service.

Whether you have a question about who is at fault for your sexual abuse, want to know the typical payout amounts for sexual abuse, or would like some information on sexual abuse case studies, our sexual abuse solicitors will take the time to answer your query, providing honest advice that you are under no obligation to take if you do not want to. We will also never push you into making a claim if you are not ready to do so. We know you must have been through an ordeal already and the last thing we would want to do is put pressure on you.

What are the benefits from using a specialist sexual abuse solicitor compared to a non-specialist solicitor?

No matter how experienced a solicitor may be in personal injury, if they are not experienced specifically in sexual abuse cases, then you should think carefully about whether to use their services. Abuse solicitor jobs involve an awful lot of painful and traumatic detail, and a good solicitor will be able to take in the details in such a way as to use them to present your case in its best light. Whilst a number of years’ experience means that a solicitor has practised law for some time, if they have not been through a number of sexual abuse cases prior to taking your case on, it could be that they may miss an important piece of legislation or precedent that has been set in previous cases that might be relevant to yours. This could mean that you may not see your claim reach a successful conclusion, or that you may not receive the absolute maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Using a specialist that can provide you with proof that they have successfully settled sexual abuse claims before should put your mind at ease that your claim is in safe hands, and that your solicitor will be pushing for as high a compensation amount as possible for you.

The most common types of claims that our sexual abuse solicitors regularly work on

We have handled a number of sexual abuse cases; each one with its own complexities that make it unique. There are, however, similarities between some that make them more ‘common’ than others. Our experience covers:

  • Sexual abuse in care homes
  • Sexual abuse in foster homes
  • Sexual abuse in the workplace
  • Rape
  • Sexual assault
  • Child Sexual abuse
  • Historical sexual abuse

If you are not sure whether the sexual abuse you’ve experienced would warrant further investigation to see if a claim could be lodged, then we can help. Simply call our team, who will listen to your account and advise on whether you would have a claim and who that claim would be against.

How much could I receive in a sexual abuse compensation claim?

The main figure to consider when discussing compensation for sexual abuse claims is known as general damages. This figure is awarded in accordance with the CICA tariff. This is a scheme developed by the government to make sure that those who suffer from criminal injuries are awarded compensation.

It consists of a list of incidents and injuries, both physical and mental, that can take place due to physical and sexual abuse. It’s also important to note that you do not need to know who your attacker was. The claim is not made against the individual. Instead, you must just prove that the sexual abuse took place. “On the balance of probability” is often the kind of proof needed for a successful claim. The alleged assailant does not even need to necessarily be charged for you to receive your payout via the CIA. Below, we’ve included a table including some example figures taken from the CICA tariff for various injuries.

Injury Notes Amount
Mental injury Disabling mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, lasting 6 weeks or more up to 28 weeks £1,000
Mental injury Disabling mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, lasting 28 weeks or more up to 2 years £2,400
Mental injury Disabling mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, lasting 2 years or more up to 5 years £6,200
Mental injury Disabling mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, lasting 5 years or more but not permanent £13,500
Mental injury Permanent mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist that is moderately disabling £19,000
Mental injury Permanent mental injury, confirmed by diagnosis or prognosis of psychiatrist or clinical psychologist that is seriously disabling £27,000
Sexual assault Non-penetrative sexual physical act(s) over clothing £1,000
Sexual assault Non-penetrative sexual physical act(s) under clothing £2,000
Sexual assault Non-penile penetrative or oral-genital act(s) £3,300
Sexual assault A pattern of repetitive frequent severe abuse (whether by one or more attackers) over a period of up to 3 years £6,600
Sexual assault A pattern of repetitive frequent severe abuse (whether by one or more attackers) over a period of 3 years or more £8,200
Sexual assault A pattern of repetitive frequent severe abuse (whether by one or more attackers) resulting in serious internal bodily injuries £22,000

These compensation amounts should be treated as a guide only. If you’d like further insight into the award that you could receive for your injuries, then please don’t hesitate to call us. Alternatively, read on to the next section to find out how No Win No Fee solicitors could help you in your claim.

No Win No Fee sexual abuse solicitors

All of the sexual abuse claims we handle are part of a No Win No Fee service. With this service, you will not be expected to foot the bill for legal fees if your case is not successful, only if you successfully gain compensation. Due to this, your financial situation will not bar you from making a compensation claim for sexual abuse, particularly when you’re not eligible for legal aid, as you will know that even if your case is not successful, you will not be left with legal bills that you do not have compensation to fund.

We believe that there are other advantages to making a No Win No Fee sexual abuse claim as well as having no initial financial outlay. When you use law firms that charge an hourly rate – win or lose – you will not have the sort of peace of mind that they are putting everything into gaining an award for you – after all, they would be paid no matter whether you win or lose the case.

With our team of sexual abuse solicitors, you will know we are working hard to secure you the maximum compensation award possible, and in addition, you will know we are not just taking on your case regardless of the chance of success. We will only take your case on if we believe it to be strong enough to gain you a compensation award.

Why choose us as your claims service for a sexual abuse claim?

We have worked hard to build up our reputation as a quality sexual abuse solicitors service, with highly successful results for many clients over the years. Our solicitors are both sympathetic and eminently professional which enables them to put forward a strong case for compensation for your mental and physical injuries. We know the law very well, and whether it is a claim against CICA, an employer, a care home, local authority or a civil case against your abuser, we will strive to ensure you receive the maximum payout for your ordeal.

We believe what sets us apart from other claims services for sexual abuse victims is our dedication to our clients, however, and as many of our previous clients would testify, we do not believe in doing anything but putting you first at every step of the claim process. We know you have been through an extremely traumatic experience, and we have no wish to make the claims process anything but simple and straightforward and as stress-free as possible. We do not want the process of making a claim to be stressful, which is why we work hard to take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to concentrate on seeking medical treatment or dealing with the police investigation after what must have been a traumatic experience, whilst we work on putting together a case that will get you the maximum compensation possible for what you have been through.

Call for free advice from sexual abuse experts and to start a claim

Whether you need advice on a sexual abuse claim or would like to begin the process of making a claim, we make it easy for you to get in touch with us. By calling 0800 073 8804, you will be connected with a sympathetic understanding member of our team who will answer your query or start a claim on your behalf. Whatever you have to tell us will be in complete confidence, and we will treat your question or request to act on your behalf to pursue a claim with the utmost professionalism. We look forward to helping you, whether that is to give you advice or to fight for your right to be compensated for the ordeal you have suffered.

Helpful Links

In this last section, you can find some more links and information on using the services of sexual abuse solicitors. And remember, if you have any questions, our team provides free legal advice.

NSPCC Help for victims of sexual abuse

The NSPCC has worked tirelessly to help victims of child sexual abuse. This link takes you to their page about sexual abuse, which explains child sexual abuse in more detail, along with offering advice on what to do if someone you know is being abused, or you think they are.

ChildLine helps children of sexual abuse

This link takes you to ChildLine’s page on sexual abuse which gives an easy to follow guide on sexual abuse and what to do if you suspect it is happening to someone you know. It also gives guidance for those being pressured to become sexually active and goes into detail about sexual harassment.

Rape crisis offers support after rape

This is the rape crisis page for England and Wales. It offers support after rape, as well as showing you what action you can take if you have been raped. There are also various advice sections on supporting the victim of a rape.

NHS on violence and sexual assault

NHS’s page on sexual assault and violence offers information and advice on sexual abuse and what to do if you have suffered abuse.

Government’s page on reporting a rape

The Government’s page on reporting a rape or a sexual assault. This also offers links to victim support pages. It explains that whilst you are not required by law to report a rape or sexual assault, the police are there to help you should you wish to do so.

CICA Compensation Amounts

This guide will talk you through the process of making a claim after suffering from a criminal injury. It includes an explanation as to what a criminal injury is, what can be claimed for and how to go about starting your claim.

Rape Victim Compensation Amounts

Our guide on how much compensation is typically awarded to rape victims can be found here. It contains useful information about rape statistics as well as typical payout amounts.

LegalExpert on Sexual Abuse Claims and Compensation Amounts

This link takes you to our guide on sexual abuse claims, which gives advice that is more specific to this type of claim. It offers more information about what constitutes a sexual abuse claim, who can make one and when, as well as the typical payouts victims of sexual abuse can expect for their injuries, both mental and physical.

Sexual abuse solicitors FAQs

In this final section of our guide about claiming compensation with the help of sexual abuse solicitors, we answer some commonly asked questions related to this subject.

How long do I have to make a claim?

Claims made to CICA should be made within two years of the crime being reported. It is possible for CICA to extend these time limits, but in order for them to do so, you should be able to show that exceptional circumstances prevented you from doing so earlier. The evidence that you provide should be able to be determined without further extensive investigation by a claims officer if you claim past the two-year mark.

If you were under 18 when the sexual abuse took place, then you are still able to claim once you turn 18. If the abuse wasn’t reported and nobody made a claim on your behalf by the time you turned 18, then you can make a claim within 2 years of reporting the abuse. If the abuse was reported but no claim was made, you can claim up to your 20th birthday.

Can I claim for loss of earnings due to sexual abuse? 

Someone who’s been the victim of sexual abuse may find that their ability to work is hindered because of the psychological repercussions they’ve experienced.

In order to claim for loss of earnings from CICA, you need to have been employed at the time the incident happened, with either an established work history (or a good reason for a lack of work history) for 3 years prior. You need to have missed out on at least 29 weeks of pay as you aren’t able to claim for the first 28 weeks you were unable to work.

Can I claim for other expenses incurred by my accident?

Sometimes, you can request a payment for “special expenses”, which can include any property or equipment that you rely on as physical aid and that was damaged in the incident. You need to show that the goods or service that you’ve requested isn’t available elsewhere free of charge.

Can I claim from CICA if I have a criminal conviction?

You can still make a claim, but you may be denied payment if you have any unspent criminal convictions. Some convictions may result in your payment being reduced even if not withheld completely.

Can I claim for more than one injury from CICA?

You may be able to make a claim for up to three injuries through CICA. You’ll be offered 100% of the tariff for the most serious injury, 30% of the tariff for the second most serious injury, and 15% of the tariff for the third most serious injury.

Can I claim for CICA if I didn’t report to the police?

No, in order for CICA to pay out on injuries then the incident has to have been reported to the police.

Can I appeal against a claim to CICA?

Yes. you can appeal against a decision made by CICA if you think the decision you received was unfair.

Can I claim from CICA for an incident that happened overseas?

No. In order for an incident to qualify for a CICA claim, the incident needs to have occurred in England, Scotland, Wales or another relevant place. What is classed as a relevant place will depend on circumstances.

Thank you for reading our guide on the services offered by our sexual abuse solicitors.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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