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Why Work With Slip, Trip And Fall Solicitors?

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 2nd December 2025. Within this guide, we are going to discuss slip trip or fall solicitors who could assist you when making a claim. Slips, trips and falls can happen anywhere in the UK. From the workplace and public places to car parks and supermarkets, such accidents occur in many different environments. They can also range in severity. While some people get away with minor injuries, there are others who aren’t so lucky.

No matter what type of slip trip or fall you have been involved in, you will be able to make a claim so long as someone else caused the incident. This is because all business owners in the UK have a legal responsibility to ensure the workplace they provide is a safe and healthy one. The same applies to public places that are managed by the council. If the council fails to maintain a public area properly, and you are injured as a result, you deserve to be compensated.

From broken pavements that have caused people to fall over to unmarked wet supermarket floors that have resulted in nasty slips, we have seen them all. This is why we have put together this specialist guide on working with slip trip or fall personal injury solicitors to secure compensation. Read on to find out more, or call us on 0800 073 8804 to start your claim today.

a person tripping over a phone wire in an office

Select a Section

  1. Can I Make A Compensation Claim With A Personal Injury Solicitor For A Slip And Fall?
  2. What Are The Benefits Of Working With Slip Trip Or Fall Solicitors When Claiming?
  3. How Much Could You Receive In Slip Trip And Fall Compensation? 
  4. Claim Compensation With No Win No Fee Slip, Trip And Fall Solicitors

Can I Make A Compensation Claim With A Personal Injury Solicitor For A Slip And Fall?

When you are at work and out in a public place, you are owed a duty of care. This is a legal responsibility placed on someone to protect your safety.

In the workplace, you are owed a duty of care by your employer under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Per their duty of care, they need to take reasonable measures to help ensure your safety. This could include taking regular risk assessments and maintaining workplace equipment and machinery.

For example, you may suffer a trip injury at work if your employer failed to tidy aware, secure down or signpost some trailing cable wires.

In public places, you are owed a duty of care by the party in control of that space, otherwise known as the occupier, under what’s called the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. Per their duty of care, they need to take necessary measures to ensure your reasonable safety while you are visiting that public space for its intended purpose. This could include addressing any hazards that they are made aware of within a reasonable time frame.

For example, you may suffer a slip injury in a supermarket if a spillage was not signposted or cleaned away within a reasonable timeframe.

To be eligible to start proceedings for a personal injury claim following a slip, trip or fall you will need to prove:

  1. That another party owed you a duty of care.
  2. This duty was breached.
  3. As a consequence of the breach that occurred, you suffered a single or multiple injuries.

What Injuries Could Be Caused By A Slip, Trip Or Fall?

There are many different types of injuries that could occur following a slip, trip or fall accident caused by another party breaching a duty of care you were owed. Injuries from such accidents can vary between being minor or serious enough to have life-changing effects. Examples of potential injuries you may seek compensation for with the help of a slip and fall injury lawyer include:

  • A head/brain injury, such as concussion.
  • A serious back injury, such as damage to the spinal cord.
  • Fractures to bones in the wrists, arms or other parts of the body.
  • Damage to the muscles such as tears or strains.
  • Cuts and bruises across the body.

You can contact our advisors for free today to discuss your eligibility to claim for your injuries with the support of our slip, trip and fall solicitors.

What Are The Benefits Of Working With Slip Trip Or Fall Solicitors When Claiming?

While there are no legal requirements to utilise the services of slip, trip or fall solicitors when making a claim, there are certainly benefits to doing so. Having the support of an experienced and knowledgeable legal professional will give your claim the best chance of success.

Some of the tasks a solicitor could assist you with or complete for you include:

  • Helping you collect evidence and interviewing witnesses.
  • Calculating a potential compensation figure.
  • Explaining all the legal terminology.
  • Communicating with the defendant’s legal representatives.
  • Negotiating a compensation settlement.
  • Ensuring all court instructions and relevant deadlines are complied with.

Our specialist personal injury solicitors have many years of experience in handling slip, trip and fall claims and could help you with yours. To find out more about how a specialist slip and fall injury lawyer could help you claim compensation, get in touch with our advisors for a free eligibility assessment today.

How Long Do You Have To Claim For A Slip, Trip Or Fall?

The Limitation Act 1980 establishes a three-year time limit for making a slip, trip or fall claim for injuries. This time limit usually starts from the date when the accident took place.

The way the time limit works can change under certain circumstances. If, for instance, the injured person is a child, then the three-year time limit normally starts from the day they turn 18. Also, the time limit will be suspended indefinitely for cases where the injured party lacks the mental capacity required to start a claim.

If you still have any questions about your eligibility to claim for injuries following a slip, trip or fall, please get in touch with our advisors for free.

How Much Could You Receive In Slip Trip And Fall Compensation?

After making a successful claim for a slip and fall, your compensation settlement will include general damages. This compensates you for your injuries and the suffering and pain they have caused you.

Often, legal professionals will use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them value claims. This is a document that provides guideline compensation brackets for various injuries. You can find some examples of the amounts listed in the table below.

Injury SeverityValue
Multiple severe injuries with special damagesSevereUp to £1,000,000+
Head InjuryVery Severe£344,150 to £493,000
Back injuriesSevere (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Moderate (i)£33,880 to £47,320
Neck injuriesSevere (i)In the region of £181,020
Injuries to the Pelvis and HipsSevere (i)£95,680 to £159,770
Moderate (i)£32,450 to £47.810
Foot injuriesSevere£51,220 to £85,460
Moderate£16,770 to £30,500
Wrist injuriesComplete loss of function£58,110 to £73,050
Wrist injuriesSignificant permanent disability£29,900 to £47,810

Additionally, special damages could be awarded in slip, trip and fall claims. This aims to compensate you for the financial losses you experience due to your injuries. For example, you may be able to claim back a loss of earnings if you had to take time off work to recover, as well as the cost of travel, childcare, and prescriptions.

To be able to claim special damages, you will need to provide evidence of your losses. This could include bank statements, invoices and receipts.

To learn more about potential slip and fall compensation amounts, contact our team of advisors today.

Claim Compensation With No Win No Fee Slip, Trip And Fall Solicitors

Those with valid grounds to make a personal injury claim following a slip, trip or fall could seek advice and other support from a solicitor. If you discuss your claim with our advisors, and they determine from the information available that you have a strong case, they may connect you with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors.

One of them may offer to support your injury claim under what is known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). When you are in the process of claiming under this type of agreement, you won’t have to pay upfront or ongoing fees to your solicitor towards their services. Also, you won’t need to pay any fees usually to your solicitor for the work they have provided if your claim is unsuccessful.

If your claim succeeds, then the No Win No Fee solicitor can take a success fee. This is normally a legally capped percentage that is deducted from the compensation awarded to you.

For more advice on how No Win No Fee solicitors can support slip, trip or fall injury claims, you can make contact with our advisors for free. You can reach them by:

Wet floor sign and a bucket on the ground in a public area

Helpful links

NHS – Cuts and Grazes

After a slip and fall, you may experience a cut or graze. Why not take a look at the link above to discover how the NHS suggest you treat the injury.

Preventing Slips,trips and falls – HSE Guide

This link directs you to a guide that has been provided by the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive on avoiding trips and slips at work. You will find information on the law, as well as tips regarding what businesses can do in order to avoid trips and slips from occuring.

Government’s guide to road health and saferty – trips,slips and falls

This link directs you to a booklet about major road fall, slip and trip health and safety information. The booklet has been provided by the government in the UK as part of their ‘Raising the bar’ health and safety initiative, which is designed to improve supply chain management, raise standards, and identify the best working practices.

Complete Guide to Slip, Trip Fall compensation

For more information on how much money you could receive for your slip, fall or trip claim, check out our guide. This also provides information on how much you may receive for different types of trips, slips and falls, including those in retail stores, workplaces, and public places managed by the council.

Slips, trips and falls at work compensation guide

Check out our guide to slip, fall and tripping claims. We reveal everything you need to know, including what you can claim for, what to do if you have been involved in such an incident, and personal injury claim amounts for such accidents.

Arm Injury Guide

Take a look at our guide where we discuss how to make a compensation claim for an arm injury that wasn’t your fault.

Back Injury Compensation

This helpful guide will explore the process of claiming compensation following a back injury.

Other personal injury claims guides

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide. If you have any questions regarding a slip trip or fall solicitors, please speak to one of our advisers.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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