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Specialist Stress At Work Solicitors

Welcome to our guide to making a stress at work claim. Admitting that you are suffering from stress in the workplace can be difficult and telling your employer can be tricky. Whether you are senior management or a valued member of a team it is easy to be concerned about the negative impact that admitting you are not coping with work related stress issues might have on your career. Whilst it is a legal requirement that companies should make every reasonable adjustment necessary to accommodate any employee who is struggling with depression there are any employers who do not appear to have adequate support in place. Your employer is legally required to carry out risk assessments and make sure that the risk of stress related illness or injury is at a minimum.

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A Guide to using stress at work solicitor

Stress at work is more common than you might think, with 488,000 cases of depression or anxiety in the workplace recorded by the Labour Force Survey in 2015/16. Whether you have suffered a work-related stress illness or injury it is important that you are fully aware of your rights. If you have suffered from stress in the workplace or had a workplace accident as a result of stress then you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries.

Stress at work solicitor

Stress at work solicitor

It can seem daunting to make a claim against your employer, but regardless of your occupation and the industry that you work in, it is important to remember that not only will making a claim compensate you for any loss of income or any expenses incurred it could also help to put measures in place in your workplace to make sure that the same thing does not happen to someone else, and that your employer has a chance to put things right.

Unfortunately, knowing this does not make pursuing a claim any easier which is why it is a good idea to seek the help of an experienced stress at work solicitor who has a wide range of experience dealing with work related stress claims employment tribunal cases.

What is a stress at work solicitor?

A stress at work solicitor is a legally trained professional who has many years of experience dealing with stress in the workplace related compensation claims. Becoming a solicitor takes years of training; those individuals who are looking to become a solicitor much undertake training that lasts for three or more years if they have a law degree, if they have a non-law degree then their training will take over four years. Anyone who wants to be a solicitor who has not graduated from university will be required to train for at least six years. Finally, once all this training is complete a solicitor is expected to make an application to be listed on the Solicitors Regulation Authority Register (SRA).

Once a solicitor is qualified it is normally the case that most choose a particular area of the law to specialise in. The field of personal injury law is a complex one which provides an excellent career path for those who want to work to do good for others. Every case that a solicitor undertakes within their chosen area of the law will give them valuable experience and the more experienced stress at work solicitors will have worked on a wide variety of different types of cases in order to ensure that they have a broad base of knowledge to draw on for future cases.

Stress at work related claims fall under the spectrum of personal injury law, but have their own unique intricacies. This type of claim can be complex; employer’s liability and health and safety law as well as personal injury can all form part of a claim that can be made against an employer. For this reason, it is vital that you choose an experienced employment stress solicitor because this will give you the greatest chance at a positive outcome from your claim.

Can my stress at work injury solicitor file my compensation claim against my employer?

One of the most common questions we get asked is can I sue my employer for stress in the UK? And the simple answer is yes you can, your stress at work solicitors will be able to file a claim against your employer provided they feel that you have a legitimate claim for compensation. Before the claims process can begin, your solicitor will need to ask you a few questions about your stress at work and if you have suffered an injury as a result of this stress, details about that as well. This will be done as part of a No Win No Fee consultation. We do not want you to be out of pocket if your claim for compensation is not upheld which is why we are happy to work on a No Win No Fee basis.

After I start my claim with my accident at work solicitor what would I then need to do?

Once you have had a free no-obligation consultation with our team of solicitors for stress at work claims and signed a No Win No Fee agreement we will be able to start processing your compensation claim. We will ensure that all the hard work involved with processing your claim is taken care of, there should be very little work involved on your part. However, for many claims clients are requested to attend an independent medical, this is so that the medical evidence needed to support you claim can be collected together. If you are not able to travel very far for you medical then we will endeavour to help you find a medical centre that is local so that you are not put under any extra stress by having to travel too far to attend your appointment.

During your medical your injuries, if any, and symptoms will be written down in detail. You will also be asked questions about your medical history and also about how you are feeling at the time of the appointment. These details will then be put into a professional report that will be used to help your case.

If you have any more questions regarding this process or have any concerns about the location for your medical then please contact us and we can talk you through things, our team are always available to take your call and discuss your queries in complete confidentiality.

How long do you have to claim for stress at work?

There is usually a time limit of 3 years in the UK from the date of the incident in which you are able to submit your claim for compensation. However, there are exceptions, if after this time limit you discover that any injuries or symptoms you have are related to your stress at work incident then there is a possibility that you might still be able to take action.

The best advice is to act promptly if you believe that you might have a valid claim for compensation. WE would never pressure you into making a claim, however we would hate for your claim not to be heard and acted on if it wasn’t made within the relevant timeframe.

Can I get free advice from a stress at work solicitor?

We offer a no-obligation consultation to potential clients, to take advantage of this consultation simply contact a member of our team.

We will discuss the details of your case with you, and if you are not happy with our advice you will be under no obligation to take your claim any further with us. However, we would strongly urge you to consider our professional advice carefully, we have many years of experience of dealing with compensation claim cases just like yours. Our specialised solicitors have undergone many years of training in order to be able to offer you the best advice.

What are the benefits from using a specialist stress at work solicitor compared to a non-specialist solicitor?

When it comes to choosing a solicitor to assist with your claim it is important to take into consideration the training and level of experience they have for your type of claim. An experienced stress at work solicitor will be able to take your claim forward with years of valuable experience behind them. The law can be a very complex thing, no two cases will be exactly the same, but all of those experiences that come from having worked on many cases will provide valuable knowledge. This is knowledge that a solicitor who takes on relatively few stress at work claims, whilst working in other areas of the law, may not have.

Specialised stress at work lawyers will understand that you might be reluctant to put in a claim against your employer; this is something they will almost certainly have seen before during their career. Nobody wants to make their day to day work life harder and more stressful, however your solicitor will be able to talk you through the laws that are in place and should protect you from being treated differently in the workplace as a result of pursuing a claim. They will be able to explain fully where the money to pay the compensation for your claim will come from. Hopefully all of this will put your mind at rest whilst your claim is being processed and help to makes sure that the situation in your workplace is not affected.

If you would like more information on the level of training and experience that is required for a stress at work solicitor in order for them to be able to specialise in this field of the law, or if you would like free advice from one of our experienced solicitors then please contact a member of our team who will be happy to help you.

The most common types of claims that our stress at work solicitors regularly work on.

There are many reason that someone can become stressed at work, in some cases this could be a temporary stress for example the stress of working to a tight deadline that dissipates once the work is completed and the deadline has been reached. If however the stress is constant then it can really begin to affect the quality of your work, and your health. The most common types of stress in the workplace that we see are:

Too much work: If your workplace is understaffed or overworked then it is all too easy for the work to pile up which can result in an unachievable workload. No matter how hard you work it never seems to reduce, this can leave you feeling incredibly stressed and the longer it goes on for the worse the stress can become. If everyone else in the workplace has too much work to do it can be hard to say something, and alert management to the situation.

Unrealistic deadlines: Different workplace situations affect people in different ways and whilst unrealistic deadlines might not phase some employees there are others who will do whatever it takes to try and meet those deadlines, often to the detriment of their own health. The more a pattern presents itself the harder it can be to get away from it.

Working more hours than contracted: Overtime once in a while shouldn’t really present a problem to most people, it’s just something that you do in order to get a job done. But over time continually working more hours than your contact states can be stressful, it can affect your quality of life and make you tired, and this tiredness combined with the stress of the extra hours could potentially lead to an accident in the workplace.

Harassment in the workplace: Whether you are being harassed by the boss or another colleague, this unacceptable situation can soon begin to have a huge impact on your health, you might find it increasingly difficult to go to work in the morning, the quality of your work might suffer and you could feel incredibly alone and vulnerable which could easily turn to stress or even depression.

If the cause of your stress in the workplace is one of these listed above, or something different then contact us and we will be able to talk you through the details of your case and see if you have a possible claim for compensation for work related stress and depression.

How much compensation will I get for my stress at work compensation claim?

Compensation is awarded on a case by case basic so we are not able to accurately predict the amount of compensation that you might hope to receive as a result of your stress at work claim. There are of course work-related stress compensation calculators online that will be able to give you an indication of the approximate amount you might hope to receive. However, these calculators should be used as a guide only.

What we can do however is give you an indication of the average payout for stress at work claims; this however will be a rough guide only as the circumstances will vary from case to case. If you have any questions regarding this or any other part of your claim then we are happy to discuss it with you.

No Win No Fee stress at work solicitors

You might be aware of the term No Win No Fee stress at work personal injury solicitors, but perhaps you do not fully understand exactly what they mean. We firmly believe that when it comes to making a compensation claim for stress related issues in the workplace your financial circumstances should not hinder your ability to make a claim.

For this reason, we work under No Win No Fee agreements for all our clients. We will begin with a free no obligation consultation during which one of team of experienced experts will assess the details of your case, this will allow us to determine if we feel you have a good chance at a successful outcome for your claim, and we will explain our No Win No Fee agreement to you. If we do not believe your case would not have a successful outcome we would explain why.

Essentially a No Win No Fee service means that you will not need to find the money up front to fund the legal fees pertaining to your claim, if your claim is not successful you will not have any fees to pay. Some solicitors will charge you by the hour for their services, whether you claim is successful or not, not only this but you do not know how many hours you will need to pay them for, this could mean that if your claim is not successful you could be left out of pocket. If you choose a No Win No Fee service this will not happen.

If you want to know more about No Win No Fee stress at work solicitors or you have any further questions we might not have covered then please give us a call and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Why choose us as your claims service for a stress claim?

We have a clear and easy to understand No Win No Fee policy, this allows you to seek the compensation you deserve regardless of your current financial circumstances. We believe that in addition to this we also offer a number of other benefits to those clients who choose to use our claims service.

We believe in putting our clients first, we understand that making a claim against your employer may appear to put you in an uncomfortable position and that this can be awkward. We will make sure that you understand the reasons why you should in fact be making this claim and this will include explaining why your employer has insurance in place to cover situations like this, and also where the money to pay your compensation will come from.

We want you to still feel comfortable in the work place and will also take the time to explain why your rights to be treated the same at work as you were before you reported any incidents of started your compensation claim. It is part of our job to support you from the beginning to the end of the claims process. We will explain any part of the claim you are uncertain with and make sure that you are fully informed at all times of any developments. We will endeavour to make sure that the claims process if as stress-free as possible for you after all stress is the reason that you are making the claim in the first place.

Our other priority is of course getting you the maximum stress at work claim amount possible for your suffering. We know that stress in the work place can leave you feeling vulnerable and struggling, and this is why you should be compensated fully for your suffering and the impact that it has had on your day to day life.

Call for free advice from stress at work experts and to start a claim

If you have any further questions about the claims process, or would like to discuss how the process works when you make a claim against your employer then get in touch with us on 0800 073 8804. Our experienced advisors are always on hand to take your call and answer any questions that you might have. We are also happy to be able to offer a free, no-obligation assessment to those people who feel they might have a claim but are not certain. Whether your question is big or small, we will always try to answer to the best of our ability. When you feel that you are in a position to pursue a claim we will be with you every step of the way, helping you to achieve the stress at work compensation payouts you deserve.

Useful Links

HSE Stress guide

This Health and Safety Executive page is a valuable resource for employers about stress in the workplace, and how to help your employees avoid stress

A guide to claiming stress at work

If you are considering making a compensation claim for stress in the workplace then this handy guide is full of useful information that will help you with the details of how to make a stress related compensation claim.

NHS guide to stress

This page from the NHS website will give you helpful tips on how to help yourself when you are stressed together with how to recognise the symptoms and when to seek help.

GOV guide to compensation at work

Some useful information from HMRC on compensation payouts for work related claims.

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Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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