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Nothing to pay if you lose.

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  • Specialist solicitors with up to 20 years experiance
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Wrexham Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee

Welcome to our guide on working with Wrexham personal injury solicitors. Our team of expert solicitors offer a fantastic legal service in the Wrexham area and the rest of North Wales and UK. If you have an accident at work, a traffic collision or a tumble on public property, you could receive financial compensation. Our personal injury solicitors for Wrexham can help get it for you. But this guide can go a long way towards advising you on how to claim. And our personal injury lawyers will assist you every single step of the way.

Our transparent, no-nonsense approach to personal injury claims means you are likely to receive a prompt financial payout when you use the fine solicitors we have within our law firm. Personal injury WrexhamOf course, every compensation claim is different, and initially, there is often no telling how long a case will last. However, our team have the ability to reach a financial settlement with the defendant in a professional, amicable manner, giving you the best chance of claiming a high amount of compensation. Please get in touch to begin working with our personal injury solicitors covering Wrexham.

What Do Our Personal Injury Solicitors For Wrexham Charge?

When you use our Wrexham team of personal injury solicitors to handle your claim, it won’t cost you a thing. We operate on a No Win No Fee basis, taking a percentage of a successful pay-out but never charging for other legal services. Even if your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t have to pay for consultations or time spent with our lawyers.

There are no shocking fees or surprising charges. Thanks to the fact that you only pay a mutually agreed percentage of your winning settlement, it means that you can rest easy that our Wrexham legal team are working hard to get you the maximum compensation and justice that you need and deserve.

Wrexham Personal Injury Claims: The Types Of Accidents

There are many different types of accidents that you can claim for when using our personal injury solicitors. Our team have handled hundreds of different cases during our time, from small, simple claims for minor injuries to major injuries and catastrophic accidents, and no two have ever been identical.

Just some of the types of accidents we can help you claim compensation for include:

  • Accidents in the workplace
  • Road accidents – either as a driver, passenger or pedestrian
  • Injuries from an assault
  • Any injuries from animal attacks
  • Medical accidents (malpractice, mishandled medical procedures)
  • Slips and trips in Wrexham public places
  • Accidents on business premises
  • Incidents at large-scale events (such as a sports game or music festival)

You should always wish to make a claim when you’re in an accident that wasn’t your fault. Even minor accidents can have severe consequences and lead to extreme difficulties in later life. It is your right to be financially compensated no matter what type of accident you have been involved in. And our personal injury solicitors for Wrexham can advise you on how to claim.

Further information

Just some of the consequences accidents can have include:

  • Inability to work – leading to loss of current and potential earnings
  • Emotional trauma, stress, and anxiety
  • Medical costs for repeated treatment for nagging injuries
  • A decline in quality of later life

You don’t have to sit and suffer in silence. Speak to our Wrexham team of vastly experienced personal injury solicitors today to see if you have a valid claim for financial compensation. We’ll be able to help you get the money back that ensures you’re financially secure for the foreseeable future.

Personal Injury Claims: The Process

The personal injury claims process can be completed simply when you use our specialist solicitors. We take on the whole workload and help you with your claim in ways that few other legal firms do – assisting your search for evidence to support your case and being on hand to answer your questions any time.

To begin with, we’ll talk with you to discuss the nature of your accident. During this conversation, our legal team Wrexham will ask you a few questions about how you sustained your injuries and who you believe is possibly responsible. We’ll also ask you to supply any evidence that might help your case, if possible, such as eyewitness reports or police reports. Our lawyers can help you to track this information down.

Further information

After determining the validity of your personal injury claim, our injury lawyers will then compose a letter to the guilty party responsible for causing your accident. This party will have about 12 weeks to reply to our letter. If the defendant accepts liability for your accident and resultant injuries, we will organise a time and place to talk with them and discuss a fair financial settlement. These types of settlements are often conducted in a swift, amicable manner, and you will receive the full support of our talented legal team for Wrexham throughout.

If the defendant denies responsibility for your accident or refuses to pay the proposed compensation settlement fee, the case will be taken to court. Our injury solicitors will then proceed to argue your claim in the presence of a judge, using their legal expertise and knowledge to give you the best possible chance of receiving the financial payout we believe you deserve. Feel free to contact our personal injury solicitors for the Wrexham area today.

Potential Compensation Figures

It is important to be aware beforehand of what compensation that you could potentially receive. After all, you should have a target figure in mind for your case. Now, this will depend on several factors. So, the amount could relate to the nature of the injury itself. Additionally, the severity of the injury will be a major factor. And this will be crucial because a long-term injury is far more damaging than a short-term problem. On that note, if the injury could change your life permanently, that will also be a critical factor. And, of course, each injury has its own set range of compensation amounts using previous settlement amounts as a template.

On that note, then, we have in front of you a table that displays many different potential compensation amounts. So, these figures come to you courtesy of the Judicial College guidelines. And they are generally the levels that your case should be approaching. Note that there is no guarantee for you to receive any of the figures that you see below. After all, a judge may rule differently, or perhaps you reach an early settlement beneath these particular numbers. However, to have a general idea of what amounts are feasible for your claim, this table should help.

Injury Severity Notes Compensation
Brain Damage Very severe The person might be able to follow some basic commands. However, they will need full-time care and show little meaningful response to their environment. £282,010 to £403,990
Neck Injury Severe A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or results in permanent spastic quadriparesis. In the region of £148,330
Knee Injury Severe (ii) Constant pain and limited movement caused by a leg fracture that has extended into the knee joint. £52,120 to £69,730
Arm Injury Less severe The person will have suffered with significant disabilities. However a substantial recovery has taken place or is expected to. £19,200 to £39,170
Back Injury Moderate (ii) Frequently encountered back injuries, that disturb the ligaments and muscles and cause backache. £12,510 to £27,760
Shoulder Injury Serious A dislocated shoulder with damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £12,770 to £19,200
Elbow Injury Moderate or minor Elbow injuries such as lacerations, simple fractures or tennis elbow syndrome. The recovery rate will affect how much is awarded. Up to £12,590
Leg Injury Less serious (iii) Simple tibia or fibula fractures, or soft-tissue injuries, with minor ongoing symptoms. Up to £11,840
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,345
Whiplash Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,215

No Win No Fee

One of the best things about working with Legal Expert is our No Win No Fee policy. But what exactly does this mean, especially if you are unfamiliar with this particular term? So, No Win No Fee is a service that protects the financial interests of the claimant. How so? Well, let us assume that we can win your claim, as we believe we will. In that case, your personal injury solicitor takes a success fee from your compensation amount. And that success fee has a legal cap of 25% to avoid you losing too much of your settlement.

However, let us now imagine that, for some reason, you don’t win your case. In that scenario, you don’t have to pay your personal injury solicitor’s legal fees at all. That’s right; your solicitor doesn’t take a single penny from you. And this forces your personal injury lawyer to work even harder to win your case. Because if they don’t do their job properly, and you don’t receive compensation, then they won’t receive any payment. Hence the significance, not to mention the benefit, of a No Win No Fee policy for you. Please contact us if you require any further information about No Win No Fee.

Personal Injury Claims: Our Service For Wrexham Residents

We care about every single client who walks through our doors and promise to deliver the finest client care from the moment your case begins. The amount of legal expertise we have in house renders us the very best firm to turn to when you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault.

We guarantee complete and utter dedication to your case and will happily answer any questions you may have. This includes any clarification you may require when it comes to claims on a No Win No Fee basis. You deserve the best for personal injury claims, and our customer service is second to none.

If you live in Wrexham (or the surrounding region) and have been injured because of an accident or incident that wasn’t your fault, contact our personal injury solicitors today on 0800 073 8804. There’s no obligation and no sales talk, just a simple chat about whether you have a case or not. Let’s get the compensation and justice that you deserve.

Wrexham Personal Injury Solicitors FAQs

What evidence is necessary for a personal injury claim?

You require a medical report, insurance details and receipts for your expenses due to the injuries.

What percentage of personal injury claims end up leading to a trial in court?

Around 5% of cases lead to a court trial because most strong evidence cases result in an out-of-court settlement.

How long does a personal injury claim take to settle?

It will take somewhere between 18 months and 2 years to settle most of the time.

How do I get the most money from my personal injury claim?

You should decide your target, get a medical assessment, receive treatment, ignore social media and take your time.

Should I accept the first offer of compensation?

No, because in the vast majority of cases, you’re going to receive a second and larger offer later on.

What happens if I lose my personal injury claim?

If this happens, you don’t receive your compensation. But under a No Win No Fee policy, you don’t pay solicitor fees.

Can you claim for anxiety after a car accident?

You can do this, but the anxiety should be a significant part of your medical report.

How long does it take to receive the compensation?

You should get your settlement no more than 28 days after the agreement of the settlement.

Further Helpful Articles

Thank you for reading our guide about working with Wrexham personal injury solicitors.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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