Advice On Using A Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculator

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Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculator – How Much Compensation Could You Claim?

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 11th June 2024. Welcome to our sexual abuse compensation calculator page. If you have been the victim of sexual abuse, you must get the compensation you are entitled to.

Of course, it is unlikely that compensation is the first thing on your mind at the moment. However, a successful claim can make life a little bit easier, as it will reduce the financial burden, ensuring all costs associated with your recovery are covered. This includes everything from loss of earnings to medical expenses. With that in mind, read on to discover more about using our sexual abuse calculator to find out how much compensation you will receive.

A sexual abuse compensation solicitor sitting at a desk

Select a Section

  1. Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculator
  2. What Can I Claim For When Making A Sexual Abuse Claim?
  3. Could You Claim For Sexual Abuse?
  4. Time Limits For Sexual Abuse Claims
  5. How To Make A Claim For Sexual Abuse
  6. No Win No Fee Sexual Abuse Claims
  7. Helpful Links

Sexual Abuse Compensation Calculator

Sexual abuse claims can be made against the perpetrator directly (if they can be identified/found and they have the funds to pay you), or they can be made through the CICA. When claiming directly against the perpetrator, legal professionals use a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them arrive at a suitable figure for your pain and suffering. The figures in the table below are taken from the JCG, though they should not be taken as guaranteed for your claim, as every case is different.

InjurySeverityCompensation Amount
Multiple serious injuries and special damagesSeriousUp to £250,000+
Sexual and/or physical abuseSevere£109,830 to £183,050
Sexual and/or physical abuseModerately severe£54,920 to £109,830
Sexual and/or physical abuseModerate£25,100 to £54,920
Sexual and/or physical abuseLess severe£11,870 to £25,100
Psychological damageSevere£66,920 to £141,240
Psychological damageModerately severe£23,270 to £66,920
Psychological damageModerate£7,150 to £23,270
Psychological damageLess severe£1,880 to £7,150

The CICA has a set tariff. Unlike the JCG, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 assigns each injury a set figure in compensation. If you are claiming for more than one injury, it is generally only the most valuable one that is awarded in full. The 2nd and 3rd most valuable after that are reduced to 30% and 15% of their respective amounts. However, some payouts (such as contracting an STI as a result of the abuse) are not subject to these discounts.

In the table below, we’ve included some examples of CICA payouts as listed in the scheme.

InjuryTypical Compensation AmountComments
Multiple serious injuries plus special expensesUp to £500,000Serious
Non-consensual penile penetration£44,000Resulting in a severe mental illness and internal bodily injuries.
£27,000Resulting in a severe mental illness.
£22,000Resulting in serious internal bodily injuries.
£11,000By one attacker.
Sexual Assault£27,000Resulting in a severe mental illness.
£22,000Resulting in serious internal bodily injuries.
£8,200Repetitive frequent abuse over 3+ years.
£3,300Severe non-penetrative acts

What a sexual abuse compensation calculator may not take into account are additional payments that relate to the financial impact caused by your injuries. For instance, you may experience a loss of earnings if your injuries mean you are unable to work for a period of time. This could potentially be covered by special damages in a personal injury claim or special expenses in a CICA claim.

For more information on these additional figures, get in touch with our advisors today.

What Can I Claim For When Making A Sexual Abuse Claim?

In addition to the amounts specified in our sexual abuse compensation calculator, you could be owed other damages. When claiming sexual abuse, you will be able to secure compensation to cover any costs you have encountered as a direct consequence of your injuries, as well as compensation for the pain and suffering you have experienced. This includes the following:

  • General damages – ‘General damages’ is a term used to describe the compensation you will receive for the pain and suffering you have encountered.
  • Loss of earnings – If you cannot work because of the psychological impact of the abuse you have suffered, you will receive a payout to cover the income you have lost. You can also claim to lose anticipated earnings if you expect to be off work for a while.
  • Counselling costs – Your payout will cover the cost of private therapy or counselling.
  • Medical expenses
  • Travel costs
  • Care claim – If you have required help around a care home during your recovery, the person that has assisted you will be able to file a care claim.

Could You Claim For Sexual Abuse?

Claims for sexual abuse compensation can be made through an organisation called the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). The CICA can award compensation to those who have been injured in a crime of violence in England, Scotland or Wales.

To make a sexual abuse claim through the CICA, you will need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You were injured in a crime of violence (such as sexual abuse).
  • The incident you’re claiming for happened in England, Scotland, Wales

or another relevant place.

  • The incident has been reported to the police.
  • You are starting your claim within the permitted time limit. For CICA claims this is usually two years from the date of the incident. You can learn more about time limits for claiming further on in this guide.

In certain circumstances, you may be able to make a claim directly against the perpetrator, instead of making a CICA claim. This may be possible if the perpetrator can be identified, and they have the means to provide compensation to you if your claim succeeds.

You may also be able to make a compensation claim against a vicariously liable party. For example, if a school failed to perform a DSB check before hiring a teacher that would have flagged previous convictions for sexual abuse and this lead to you being abused, the school could be held liable.

To learn more about the steps to making a claim for sexual abuse, you can read on or choose to contact our team of advisors for free either online or by giving us a call.

Time Limits For Sexual Abuse Claims

When making any personal injury claim, you must claim within the allotted time frame. In most cases, you will have three years from the date of the accident, i.e. when the abuse occurred. However, sexual abuse cases are not always this straightforward and, therefore, there are many exceptions to this rule. For child abuse cases, if you have not received compensation as a child, you will be able to launch a claim as an adult. In which case, you will typically have three years from the date of your 18th birthday. Nevertheless, we know that many people keep such incidents bottled up for many years because they do not feel ready to talk about them. The best thing to do is give us a call, and we will provide further advice.

How To Make A Claim For Sexual Abuse

If you are ready to make a claim for sexual abuse, the best thing to do is get in touch with us today. All you need to do is give our friendly and professional team a call, and we will guide you through the entire process. We will explain how we will secure compensation for you, and we will happily answer any questions you have. We will also ask you a few questions. This is nothing to worry about. Everything discussed will be 100 per cent confidential, and the only reason we are enquiring is so that we can advise you in the best possible manner. We can also arrange a local medical for you, free of charge if needed.

Woman sitting on floor and leaning against a wall

There are several ways you can go about getting compensation for sexual abuse ahead of using our sexual abuse compensation calculator. For example, you can claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. You can also get a criminal compensation order if the abuser is successfully prosecuted. Or, you could sue the organisation or the abuser that failed in their duty of care to you. We will advise you on the best route to go down based on your case. If you are going to sue the abuser, less proof is required to successfully secure compensation instead of what would be required in a criminal case.

In most cases, we will advise you to take civil legal action. There are several reasons why this is the case. This includes the fact that the abuser will not be able to pay the compensation ordered by the court if they do not have any money at the time. However, civil action will ensure that they need to pay any money they get in the future. It is also worth noting that you will not get any legal aid to sue your abuser. Nonetheless, you do not need to worry about this when working with us, as we handle all cases on a No Win No Fee basis. You can find out more about this below.

No Win No Fee Sexual Abuse Claims

We handle all sexual abuse claims on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you only need to pay legal fees if your case is a success. If your case is unsuccessful, you won’t need to pay a penny. This means that anyone can make a compensation claim, irrespective of their financial situation. You don’t need to worry about making a large payment upfront, nor do you need to worry about having a large legal bill to fund and no compensation to fund it with.

There are many other knock-on benefits associated with making a No Win No Fee claim as well. The other option would be to go for a solicitor that charges per hour. If you were to do this, how would you know that the lawyer would work hard to win your case? After all, the outcome does not impact them. No matter whether the case is a success or not, they get paid the same amount. Instead, when you choose our service, you can have complete peace of mind that we will put in all of our efforts to secure compensation for you and that we will only take on your claim if we believe it has a genuine chance of being successful.

We’re now at the final section of our sexual abuse compensation calculator page.

If you are ready to make a sexual abuse compensation claim, all you need to do is give us a call on 0800 073 8804. You will be connected with a member of our team who will happily answer all of your queries regarding victims compensation payments and talk you through the claims process. You can rest assured that everything discussed is 100% confidential, and we will do all in our power to secure the maximum amount of compensation for you.

Helpful links

You may also be interested in some of our other guides on criminal injury compensation claims:

We also have some other guides on sexual abuse compensation claims that you may find useful:


This link takes you to the website for Childline, which is a service provided by NSPCC. Children who have been the victim of sexual abuse will find help and support on this website.

NSPCC On Child Abuse

This takes you to the NSPCC page on preventing abuse. You will find information on what sexual abuse is, how you define child sex abuse, and much more.

Government’s Criminal injuries compensation guide

This link takes you to the government’s “Criminal injuries compensation: a guide.” This is a digital guide, which provides advice for anyone thinking of applying for compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012.

Citizens Advice information on financial compensation for child abuse

This link takes you to the Citizens Advice website. You will find financial compensation for child abuse, including time limits and possible outcomes with court action.

How to report a rape or sexual assault

If you want to report a rape or sexual assault, head to this link for more information on doing so. You will find advice on reporting the assault to the police. And you will also find details on steps to take when you do not want to report the incident to the police.

Thank you for reading our sexual abuse compensation calculator page.

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      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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